"AnimationHQ last reported on Legacy Animation Studios on February 9th, 2004. This is an update to that report.
Legacy Animation Studio, recently founded to continue Walt Disney's vision, is in fact no more, according to directing manager Eddie Pittman.
As a reminder, Legacy was founded by laid-off Disney employees and animators back in January of this year. Their first in house project was to be a traditionally animated short film entitled Lucky.
Hi, Guys. To set the record straight, Legacy is in fact finished. I wish I could tell everyone more, but, for obvious reasons, I'm just not able to at this time.
It was a wild ride and I think Lucky is a fantastic project that would have been well worth the effort. We had a lot of amazing people who were ready to jump into the production with both feet but it wasn't to be. I wish the best of luck to Firefly. Perhaps they will have better success. "
It's really sad that they didn't get off the ground. I was looking forward to their stuff.
"AnimationHQ last reported on Legacy Animation Studios on February 9th, 2004. This is an update to that report.
Legacy Animation Studio, recently founded to continue Walt Disney's vision, is in fact no more, according to directing manager Eddie Pittman.
As a reminder, Legacy was founded by laid-off Disney employees and animators back in January of this year. Their first in house project was to be a traditionally animated short film entitled Lucky.
Hi, Guys. To set the record straight, Legacy is in fact finished. I wish I could tell everyone more, but, for obvious reasons, I'm just not able to at this time.
It was a wild ride and I think Lucky is a fantastic project that would have been well worth the effort. We had a lot of amazing people who were ready to jump into the production with both feet but it wasn't to be. I wish the best of luck to Firefly. Perhaps they will have better success. "
It's really sad that they didn't get off the ground. I was looking forward to their stuff.