I have no idea why I thought this idea up... but I think it is a pretty neat one. With all these rumors of Nintendo no longer building game consoles (maybe it's fact, I don't know), that leaves the two companies with noticable characters without their own systems to play on. Now... we have Mario, a character that has had success as an RPG character, Sonic, a character who I feel is deserving of some sort of RPG story, and Playstation 2. Playstation is the company that has proven itself in the RPG market. Now what if Squaresoft was nice enough to take the concept of Kingdom Hearts and do it with Nintendo and Sega characters. I can picture Mario, Luigi, Sonic, and Tails (or Knuckles) all lined up ready to fight an evil far greater then any of them have ever seen before. Their trek could take them through Mushroom Kingdom, Emerald Valley... shoot they could even throw Crash Bandicoot in as a character. I think they should create a character as the base, much like Sora in KH. Anyway, what do you guys think of this idea.