Kermit T Frog In progess Trip report

Hey everyone just thought that while we have internet I'd post a in progress trip report. Me and Em got into Orlando around 8pm and we checked into the local hampton. We had a very smooth drive and it flew by. When we got into town we headed over to the local Friday's to watch the Blackhawk's game, since we are both huge fans. The Friday's ended up being packed as the Orlando Magic game was on also, and the Fridays was having a bar war between the Universal Friday's and some Fridays closer to Disney. I dont know who won, but there were a lot of great moves done by the bartenders. Anywho, it was crazy in there and since we were already exuasted from the 16+ hours of driving in the last 36 hours, we came back to the hotel at the end of the second period. Right now its 4-2 hawks with 4 minutes to go, so hopefully they close it out, but as for us we are heading to bed as we are going to be at Universal at Rope Drop, after we spend the day there and then drive over to the Pop Century and check in and have a early night to bed. Alright Im heading off to bed, will check in whenever the internet allows us.

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