Rumor around here is that what's to come is a new coaster, utilizing the terrain on the land that they recently purchased behind the groves. They also purchased the old Ponderosa, Taco Bell, and the old K-Mart plaza (which they already demolished.) This all connects to a narrow swath of land that leads to the brownfield site behind the groves. This is all in the City of Duquesne, with the rest of the park and lots in West Mifflin.
Originally, the plans for the old K-Mart included an indoor water park and resort hotel. But, they are banking on PA Toll 43 to come through, which would have an exit ramp right to their door step. Now, it looks like this road will not be completed. PennDot used to have a field office in Duquesne in the old Pizza Hut, which is now closed, and my doc's office will be moving there. Rumor also had it, that once this indoor water park was built, that Sandcastle would close. Sandcastle has been flooded out by the Mon almost every year, and costs Kennywood more than it's worth. So who knows what they will build there now.
IMHO, I think Kennywood should extend over the blvd and into the lots. Additional parking could be added across Hoffman where Ponderosa and Taco Bell used to be. But what do I know.