Kelly & Johnny D. "Pop" into Disney 9/2-9/12 Day 8

OK from this point on the days get all messed up in my mind and I may not be doing this right… I wish I wrote it down. So here’s my *disclaimer*… though every event that I post about did in fact take place at some point on our vacation, I may get some days and order of events mixed up so please forgive me (this is mostly for JD who no doubt will read these reports and correct me later) hehe

Day 8 Friday 9/9

We woke up around 9am and got ready to go to Animal Kingdom. We still hadn’t really ridden Dinosaur and there were a few more things we wanted to do. It was a pretty crappy day, not that it was constantly raining but it did rain on and off and it was consistently cloudy. It was the only day of consistent clouds on our whole trip. We made plans to go to the 12:55pm animal training session at Pocahontas and her Forest Friends. While we waited for that, we first went on a safari. This was the best safari of our entire trip!! The driver’s name was Chad and he drove perfectly, not too fast so kids were flying all over the place but fast enough to get a good thrill ride out of the adventure. I hate the constant slow drivers. There were so many animals out. We think it was because of the rain. But the zebras and giraffes were all clustered together on the left side of the car when they are typically on the right. They were close to the car. So were the Tommies. We saw a baby rhino and a baby elephant. Then we saw a great view of the Lion and warthogs. We were both really happy with this trip because in the past couple of trips the animals have kept their distance.

We then headed over to Dinosaur! and rode it two times in a row. I love that ride! I am torn to say that it’s either that or Rockin Rollercoaster as my favorite. I don’t know… tough call! Then we went to Dinoland and I made John ride the Triceratops Spin (?) I love that ride and dumbo and the magic carpets. Don’t know why. I think I was neglected as a child and that’s why I love Disney now. We only went once when I was 12…
After that we played some games. I won the Wack a Dino game and gave the stuffed animal to the little boy who played with me. And we played the rolling ball game and lost. John actually won earlier in the week, that’s his game, and we have the frog to prove it sitting at home!! LOL

We stopped at Pizzafari for lunch because JD loves the pizza in Disney and last year we really liked it there. It will be in my big dining review. I guess that had better be good since I’ve been plugging it so much!! LOL

Then we went to Camp Minnie Mickey. We got pictures with Safari Mickey, Safari Minnie, Safari Goofy, Pluto and Donald while we waited. Then it was time for the show! We sat down front. There were about 9 guests there to see it. A trainer came out and she called Pocahontas out. They were going to run through sequences of the show that some of the animals messed up on earlier just to be sure they get what they are supposed to do. She said some of them are “sniffers” and take too long to get across the stage due to the strange smells of the other animals. First up was a possum. Earlier he took too long to go across so they did it again. He did perfect. We all clapped. They play the music from the show and they keep Pocahontas up there so they feel what it would be like during a regular show. Next up was the porcupine. At this point I was psyched. I love the porcupine! They told us his name… it was Koosh. This made me laugh, like a Koosh ball, remember those?? He is the “sniffer” and takes too long to cross the stage. So they ran his scene and he did a great job! I got three great photos of him. Seriously I could eat him up he’s so cute. Then came the raccoon. She said he was the most disobedient of all the raccoons backstage. He would get scared and run to his cage instead of doing his sequence which is to stop halfway through and hold up a pinecone or a sunflower. Or he would just stare out into the crowd and freeze. He was scared of large crowds. A raccoon with stage fright hehehe So they ran both the sunflower and pinecone sequence. He runs across and grabs the item, holds it up to Pocahontas, waits for a clicking noise backstage that you can’t hear during the show and once he hears it he knows he can drop the item and run back for a treat. That’s just what he did! It was a really cool show and I highly recommend it. Especially if you or your children love animals.

After the show we went on Kali River Rapids. Um… ok. So we get on and we’re completely dry. And as usual, we go down the dip and JD and I are the ones who go first and get completely drenched from head to toe. So we figure what the hey let’s go again. There was no one in line so our entire boat just stayed in our seats and went again. This time it wasn’t us who got it the worst and when we got off the ride there was a lot of “Oh my god, look at her, am I going to get that wet?” and by this point it was raining so there was no chance of drying off. We then left AK and headed back to our resort to change, shower and get ready for dinner.

Tonight we were going to dine at BOMA. I was excited about this because they had such different menu. When we got there we were seated right away and a good sized table for 4 so we weren’t sitting right next to anyone! There was a lot of singing going on at the podium and it was just a very festive room. I really had fun at this buffet and John liked a lot of things. He’s a picky eater, like I said, so for those of you with picky eaters this is a safe buffet.

After dinner we headed out to Fantasmic! I forgot to mention I did get a glow necklace. Like a child, I wore it to all the end shows for the rest of the trip. I’m a sad sack but it was a lot of fun. Funny thing is, the other night before bed, John put it on and lit up the room. I was going to do that very same thing but he beat me to it! lol

Fantasmic is my favorite show. It’s just so happy and feel good and it really makes me feel like I’m there on vacation and having a great time. Not sure if that makes sense but to me it does.

After the show we headed off to Pleasure Island. I haven’t been her for a long time so I said we HAVE to go this time since we had 5 “extras” on our MYW tickets. We got there and I immediately wanted to see the inside of motions since last I was there it was something else and before that it was the Wildhorse Saloon. I liked the Wildhorse Saloon much better than Motions personally. Line dancing was fun and hokey and great while intoxicated.

Then we walked down to the Adventurer’s Club. I told JD that I really wanted to go there and check it out. We get there and I get a Kungaloosh right off the bat. YUM that drink is fabulous! JD just got a beer. He was pretty dried out, I think he was getting sick from going into A/C and into hot so much. We were sitting in the main parlor for awhile before anything started and then JD got chosen to do something. He refused to get up. So I called him a loser in front of the crowd (just joking of course) and she said who is that? And he said “I don’t know” and I said fiancé and she laughed and she goes “well that should be in interesting marriage” hahahaha The leader of the club was a lady with a peacock type thing around her, really made up to be dorky looking. And she got up at one point and said to the ladies to hold on to their men because when they start drinking everyone inevitably looks at her and says “I want a piece of that”. LOL we were DYING at this. Then we went into the side room and they did a skit and we followed them into the mask room and JD was again picked to be the person picked on. The guy just kept saying everyone else can do this but not this guy “NO. not you” in his face. It was so funny. Then the last show of the night and the girl is asking around the audience how long people have been couples. Well everyone answered but us. There were mostly couples in the room, 1 family and 1 older family. So she comes around to us and grabs John to get onstage. She’s asking him questions about our relationship and it comes out that we met on the college program, where we worked, and how he proposed (in MGM during the Osborne spectacle of lights) and she made him reenact his proposal. Then she made him dance for the crowd and he did a mock stripper dance. I was on the floor, tears in my eyes laughing. I couldn’t believe he was doing that! And I was so mad at myself for leaving the camera in the car!!! We both ended up absolutely loving the Adventurer’s Club. After that we went outside to watch the midnight countdown then over to the Comedy Club. I wish we stayed at the Adventurer’s but we wanted to try everything since we hadn’t been in so long. Once into the club we were seated next to a bunch of annoying grungy looking smoking scary types all dressed in goth and black. Which would have been cool with me, but they were also really obnoxious. When the comedians asked for words they would shout out ridiculous things I can’t even post on this message board. One of them was crack cocaine. I’m like what losers. Why do people feel the incessant need to be obnoxious? I was annoyed. Because it could have been a much better show but that ended up being picked and the comedians didn’t do a very good job with it.

After that show we decided to call it a night. We walked through 8 Trax which was a really popular hangout during the CP and out to the car. Off to our hotel and to bed.

Next up: AK again and Jelly Rolls

On to day 9!


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kellydisney said:
OK from this point on the days get all messed up in my mind and I may not be doing this right… I wish I wrote it down. So here’s my *disclaimer*… though every event that I post about did in fact take place at some point on our vacation, I may get some days and order of events mixed up so please forgive me (this is mostly for JD who no doubt will read these reports and correct me later) hehe
Yep - but there's only you and JD who know that you've mixed up - don't worry about it.

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