Just got back; and people are rude...

Let me just start off by saying, I did have an absolutely incredible trip with my girlfriend, just fantastic. Marie (Wannabebelle) was amazing, she booked everything for me, gave me fantastic dining recommendations (I thought I knew all the best places to eat, and she proved me wrong), and she was incredibly helpful!!! I hope everyone goes through her for their vacations because she just did such an amazing job and my girlfriend and I can't thank her enough!!!

Now, as for a slight trip report/trip finding:

I couldn't believe it. I spent most of my trip furious at how inconsiderate and selfish some people are. I mean, you always always ALWAYS get families with young children and the father is a happy guy making jokes about his kids and being friendly... it's great. You always get older people being nice and making jokes about themselves and starting up conversation with you. I usually wear 3-4 Red Sox shirts per trip (not exactly the best time this year considering at the end of my vacation they were getting swept in 5 vs. of course... the yankees) but I always get fellow sox fans starting up convo or asking me my thoughts. You also always get Yankee fans who happily joke with ya which by all means is fine, I love that... I hate it when I'm at school and a yankee fan makes an actual mean/jerk statement... they aren't joking, they literally just don't like me or other sox fans because we are sox fans...

But anyways... you always get this and its fantastic, and then you always get these people who just think Disney was made for them and them only... well, this trip, I feel I encountered 1-2 nice people a day and honestly... 15-20 of these jerks a day... and it somewhat ruined/put a damper on my trip. On top of things, when you have people blatantly cut you in lines 15 times a day, other things start to annoy you more than they would normally... such as people who think they know everything but then say something ridiculuous that just doesn't make any sense... or people who do genuinely know a lot, but brag about it... ughhhh i can't stand that. Example: I'm in line for Everest and they have a single riders line which is in view and has a good 40-50 people waiting in line... this guy is talking about all this stuff Everest related, but I can't hear him; trying to be a hero. Well, some kid directly ahead of me asks (this kid wasn't with this guy) "what's that?" pointing to the single riders line, and this guy replies "That's Fast Track" and the kid says "I thought that reduces your wait? There's like 50 people over there?" and the guy replies "Well, I'm pretty sure they just randomly pick people to ride first, and maybe disney screwed up and picked too many" then laughed like a jerk...

Also, you get people who interupt others in line to tell them like the history of a ride... yeah I know a lot about Disney, a ton, but I don't go bragging about it, I hate that... I mean, a few times I said things to other people about a ride because like 1) they were asking each other the same question and couldn't figure it out, so I just answered their question without trying to be a hero, 2) they have a child and none of them have been on the ride and the kid is scared... so I told the kid he'll have too much fun on the ride to even realize he's scared and things of that nature, and I just try to be helpful... not a hero. They were A LOT of these people out there this past week... too many.

Then you get parents who SCREAM at their children in public, the kid isn't even causing a scene but the parent goes nuts, sometimes as far as to hit them... I mean come on... then you get obnoxious kids and the parents refuse to do anything, I saw one child who would go up to other kids and hit them, and the mother just laughed... I don't get it...

And then there's the teenagers... why are they always there on their own in packs? It's not six flags... I don't get it... They think it is six flags though, they swear, they make obnoxious jokes, they makeout with their bf/gf in line for rides, touch each other all over... I mean, they've probably been dating like 4 months, gone on 6 dates to the mall and yet they act like they're in love and in some kind of o... its disgusting... its because of this type of people that whenever i see teenagers in a group... immediately I don't like them. Ya know how sometimes you see someone and you just don't like them? I get that EVERYTIME I see a pack of teenagers... if i see a teenager with his family, good kid. He could go home and do this stuff that bothers me, dont matter, good kid. Another example; I'm in line, like 11:00 at night for a milk shake at my resort (AS Sports) and there's like 3 high schoolers in front of me, probably 16 years old, and then like 4 kids out of line just talking to them, and they're all acting like they're the greatest thing since sliced bread... well there was one kid who just had this awful demeanor about him, probably the "leader" of this little group... wicked annoying, thought he was absolutely the man... starts talking to another random group of teens who he didn't actually know... and was joking with them like they were best buds, and these kids thought nothing of him and walked away, so the kid was like "wow... someone thinks they're too cool" and I was livid... just staring him down now... and he turned to me and was like "so where you from" and I just glared at him and finally said "don't ever talk to me" and he just turned around and shut up... I'm not tough, not at all, but I was livid with this horrible human being, and he shut up fast... so it was nice...

Final complaint... as said above, getting cut. I got cut a total of like... 25 times, and it was ridiculuous, people pushing others out of the way, sprinting, literally sprinting on rides like ToT and RnRC to get out of the screening room first... unreal... people cutting for buses so they could sit... it was just so rude...

HOWEVER... final verdict: after I accepted this and just tried to enjoy myself... it was a GREAT trip... FANTASTIC... got on Everest probably 6-7 times, and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!! Had an absolute blast. Only got to do RnRC twice, ToT twice, Test Track and Soarin' once, Space, Thunder, and Splash Mt all only twice each... it was just so crowded... but it was okay... I think I need to only go in Septemeber from now on... where it will be less crowded, and have less local teens who make is less "magical" All in all... amazing trip... very depressed to be home... and I cannot believe I'm at work right now (even though I'm hardly working...)

Sorry if this was too much of a negative post... just had to vent some thoughts because all in all... it was a great trip, just had a lot, and I mean a lot more encounters with rude people... a lot more than normal... I wish they could do a considerateness (if thats a word) test or screening... so only nice people could get in...

And thanks again to Marie (Wannabebelle again incase anyone forgot). You were so unbelievably helpful!!! Everyone really should use her, or any of the Kingdom Konsultants!!!


New Member
I just returned last week from a wonderful trip to the parks, but I also noticed how rude some people were. You meet the nicest people, but you also come across really rude people who don't teach their children right from wrong. I got in a small argument with a woman who's 10 year old son went under the rope and stood in front of my dad before the parade. She told me I had no right to speak to her son like that and he was only a child (the kid was nearly my height!) yet she said nothing to him about cutting under the rope and standing in front of my dad who had been there first! It really upset me and did put a small damper on vacation. I'm not the kind of person who does that, but it really bothered me and I had just had it!

Why is it that people can be so rude at the Happiest Place on Earth. Glad you had a good trip despite the stupid, rude people!!!!



Active Member
its because of this type of people that whenever i see teenagers in a group... immediately I don't like them. Ya know how sometimes you see someone and you just don't like them? I get that EVERYTIME I see a pack of teenagers
and then:
starts talking to another random group of teens who he didn't actually know... and was joking with them like they were best buds, and these kids thought nothing of him and walked away, so the kid was like "wow... someone thinks they're too cool" and I was livid... just staring him down now... and he turned to me and was like "so where you from" and I just glared at him and finally said "don't ever talk to me" and he just turned around and shut up... I'm not tough, not at all, but I was livid with this horrible human being, and he shut up fast... so it was nice...
Was he really that horrible? All he did was ask where you were from. I'm a pretty extroverted person, and will start joking with anyone around me whether i know them or not. I think you were in a bad mood and the actions of the other teenagers colored your view of this kid.


New Member
Original Poster
and then:

Was he really that horrible? All he did was ask where you were from. I'm a pretty extroverted person, and will start joking with anyone around me whether i know them or not. I think you were in a bad mood and the actions of the other teenagers colored your view of this kid.

I by no means am always the nicest person, I'll be first to admit it... and it was a rude reply... The kid wasn't being nice when asking me where I was from, he said it like he was better than me... and while talking with his buddies, he was swearing loudly, making stupid inappropriate jokes for WDW again loudly... grabbing his gf's rear end and treating her like she was his... and she was just accepting it... then he checked out my girlfriend as she was looking at the deserts and was in his view... i was about to make the classic "hey buddy take a picture it'll last longer comment" but he went back to being obnoxious to his friends...

trust me, if some kid, even if he was in a group and just being annoying had asked me that, I would have answered him... this kid was being a clown though... and again, he had some kind of "i'm better than you" attitude when he asked where I was from


New Member
and then:

Was he really that horrible? All he did was ask where you were from. I'm a pretty extroverted person, and will start joking with anyone around me whether i know them or not. I think you were in a bad mood and the actions of the other teenagers colored your view of this kid.

New here and not trying to argue or make any enemies but I have to agree with you. I couldn't understand what the kid did that was so bad either. Maybe Duke had just had a rough day...........

As I am someone who grew up in Florida, I went on MANY trips to WDW with my friends, I had no idea anyone would hate me and my friends because some other teens had been jerks. My friends and I were always very well behaved. We never cut in line or made out in line or anything like that. Not saying others don't, cause I know they do and it just seems like teens in general get worse and worse, but it stinks that people would lump all teens into one group and categorically hate them all simply because they are teens. I try to look at them as the future of WDW as hopefully they will return in a few years with their own children.

I'm sorry you had so many negative moments Duke, but I am glad that most of your trip was so awesome! I really appreciate you sharing it with us! I am going in 8 days and it gets me so excited!


New Member
I by no means am always the nicest person, I'll be first to admit it... and it was a rude reply... The kid wasn't being nice when asking me where I was from, he said it like he was better than me... and while talking with his buddies, he was swearing loudly, making stupid inappropriate jokes for WDW again loudly... grabbing his gf's rear end and treating her like she was his... and she was just accepting it... then he checked out my girlfriend as she was looking at the deserts and was in his view... i was about to make the classic "hey buddy take a picture it'll last longer comment" but he went back to being obnoxious to his friends...

trust me, if some kid, even if he was in a group and just being annoying had asked me that, I would have answered him... this kid was being a clown though... and again, he had some kind of "i'm better than you" attitude when he asked where I was from

Ahhhhhhhhhh ok that makes more sense.


New Member
Original Poster
New here and not trying to argue or make any enemies but I have to agree with you. I couldn't understand what the kid did that was so bad either. Maybe Duke had just had a rough day...........

As I am someone who grew up in Florida, I went on MANY trips to WDW with my friends, I had no idea anyone would hate me and my friends because some other teens had been jerks. My friends and I were always very well behaved. We never cut in line or made out in line or anything like that. Not saying others don't, cause I know they do and it just seems like teens in general get worse and worse, but it stinks that people would lump all teens into one group and categorically hate them all simply because they are teens. I try to look at them as the future of WDW as hopefully they will return in a few years with their own children.

I'm sorry you had so many negative moments Duke, but I am glad that most of your trip was so awesome! I really appreciate you sharing it with us! I am going in 8 days and it gets me so excited!

Again, just kind of talking without thinking...

saying I immediately hate all groups of teens is very far-fetched... and exagerated. Put it this way, if I saw you and your friends, my immediate thoughts would have just been "for the love of god don't be loud and annoying" as loud and annoying/think they're better than everyone teens are my biggest pet peeves... if I see a group who is well-behaved, I'll immediately feel bad and immediately think highly of them... I know not all groups are bad... you can usually tell the group right out... usually baggy clothed guys with backward hats, tatoos or earings, girls barely wearing clothing, and they have their hands all over each other... IMMEDIATE red flag...

I was in Disney for my senior class trip, as a teen, in a group of teens... i know we weren't loud or annoying... and I know they are PLENTY of these kids... I just don't like it when I see the annoying ones, they do somewhat ruin it for everyone else...

Sorry, I poorly thought out my original post...


New Member
It's great to see someone poitining out the real problems and not blaming Disney!!! I used to work in Tomorrowland and would always focus my attention on the teenager groups. I used to love giving them a hard time!

When I was teen, I would often go off on my own...literally my own. i was all by myself with my walkman and money. I never bothered anyone, never cut anyone...heck, the worst I ever did was ask if I could stay on Haunted Mansion, the CM was really nice, she said something along the lines of, "I saw you on here three times already, anyone who likes this ride that much should have a seat dedicated to them." I was never a troublesome teen.

I too am a Sox fan, horrible weekend for us, I'll bet you heard it down there. But like you, I wear my share of Sox clothing in the parks and love to talk to fellow Nation members and yes, even Yankees fans. The way I see it, we're all in Disney World to have fun...heck, I ever bought beer for Yankees fans in the ESPN Club one night, talk about the Magic of Disney huh?

My gf and I will be going to WDW in October, I hope the crowds aren't too bad. It's good to hear that Disney was able to give you a great vacation. So many times you read on these boards people blaming Disney for a horrible time when it was actually the other guests!!!

Don't be depressed for too long, you'll be back before you know. Glad you had a great trip. GO SOX!!!


New Member
Again, just kind of talking without thinking...

saying I immediately hate all groups of teens is very far-fetched... and exagerated. Put it this way, if I saw you and your friends, my immediate thoughts would have just been "for the love of god don't be loud and annoying" as loud and annoying/think they're better than everyone teens are my biggest pet peeves... if I see a group who is well-behaved, I'll immediately feel bad and immediately think highly of them... I know not all groups are bad... you can usually tell the group right out... usually baggy clothed guys with backward hats, tatoos or earings, girls barely wearing clothing, and they have their hands all over each other... IMMEDIATE red flag...

I was in Disney for my senior class trip, as a teen, in a group of teens... i know we weren't loud or annoying... and I know they are PLENTY of these kids... I just don't like it when I see the annoying ones, they do somewhat ruin it for everyone else...

Sorry, I poorly thought out my original post...

LOL! It's all good! I think we all do that with certain packs of kids. The wannabe thugs are the worst. No offense taken at all. I'm glad that the majority of your tip was great!!


Active Member

That six flags comment was uncalled for.

By saying that comment you are being just as rude as the people you are complaining about.

The chain is trying. Now you know the problem of what Six Flags is trying to fix. Since Disney is starting to have the same problem.


New Member
I have to admit I see what you are talking about more and more in the parks and it really is hard to just let it roll off your back. You can only smile and douse yourself with pixie dust so many times before other people start to ruin part of your day. Glad you had a great time (overall), though.:animwink:


New Member
Hi Dukeblue1016 (GO DUKE! I work there)

Anyway- I had more problems with RnRc than anything...people were pushing like crazy and I was like JEEZ.. we will ALL get on the ride!

I am going in september, and I cannot wait.. hopefully all the kids will be in school......


New Member
That six flags comment was uncalled for.

By saying that comment you are being just as rude as the people you are complaining about.

The chain is trying. Now you know the problem of what Six Flags is trying to fix. Since Disney is starting to have the same problem.

hehe I actually thought that line was funny because that is exactly how I feel about Six Flags.....well pretty much any parks that aren't WDW.

We went to Paramount's Carowinds as well as Universal last year and everywhere we went we just kept saying, "It sure isn't Disney"


New Member
It's frustating to see tired and/or hungry kids being fussy for just those reasons and parents yelling away. I think parents sometimes forget that kids can't go 10 hours everyday at the parks. They need a little down time.


New Member
Hi Dukeblue1016 (GO DUKE! I work there)

Anyway- I had more problems with RnRc than anything...people were pushing like crazy and I was like JEEZ.. we will ALL get on the ride!

I am going in september, and I cannot wait.. hopefully all the kids will be in school......

That's what I'm hoping for too!


Active Member
I got in a small argument with a woman who's 10 year old son went under the rope and stood in front of my dad before the parade. She told me I had no right to speak to her son like that and he was only a child (the kid was nearly my height!) yet she said nothing to him about cutting under the rope and standing in front of my dad who had been there first!

My response to someone like that is: If you had taught you son proper manners I wouldn't have to speak to him or you for that matter. And, last time I checked we are still in the USA and I have the right to speak to anyone I want.


New Member
That six flags comment was uncalled for.

By saying that comment you are being just as rude as the people you are complaining about.

The chain is trying. Now you know the problem of what Six Flags is trying to fix. Since Disney is starting to have the same problem.

Sadly, you can't fix rude people.


New Member
The only thing I really noticed was people not obeying the no flash photography rule. That ticks me off. The first time, I might understand. They could've forgotten about the flash being on, or they might not have heard the spiel. So I yell out " no flash phototography." And if they do it again I start to get ticked.

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