Just got back, and here's how it went


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Some background first: I have been neither strongly in favor of or against MM+, so I feel like I went in with an open but appropriately skeptical mind. I work in IT, as does my husband, so I feel both sympathy for the huge task they've been undertaking (and God knows I've felt the pain of a rollout where not everything works as it should,) as well as exasperation over some of its poor planning/pitfalls (why oh why has the Disney World website always been so pathetic?). Also, as parents with two very small kids, we don't usually hit up the biggest/fastest rides on our trips lately so I cannot speak to the availability/waits for some stuff like Space, etc.

OK, with that said, here goes.

What Worked:
- FastPasses. I changed them frequently from both the kiosks and my iPad and they always worked. The app is still pathetically glitchy in that it would sometimes take a while to reflect the changes I'd made, but it does appear that they went through correctly as we were always able to get on what we wanted to during our time frame.
- charging purchases/using our PIN. Never had any issue with this (though honestly we didn't buy that much other than meals.) Also did not notice spending more with the bands on -- I think we probably spent less on merchandise and snacks on this trip than ever.
- room key. Never had an issue getting into our room or using our bands to get up to the club lounge.
- DME. Got right through the line without issue and they had our party and resort correctly listed.

What didn't work:
- getting in at the gates. On our first park day all three bands failed, and we had to go to guest relations. They fixed it relatively quickly, and basically told us they had no idea why they didn't work because from their end it looked like I set everything up correctly. Um, OK. This was aggravating largely because the CM helping us didn't seem particularly concerned that they were eating into our time by having to reset all of this. Also, my husband's finger scan never took and so his band failed many more times (with us basically telling them they needed to reset the finger scan every time) before they finally fixed that on like day 4.

All told, the gate issue didn't actually cost us that much time (a few mins each time) but it was annoying.

Crowds were pretty light the first few days of our trip, possibly due in part to the weather, so we found that we had no issue getting to see what we wanted to at first. Standby lines, in my experience, were not noticeably worse (and in some cases were faster,) than I recalled them being last year. A few times I ended up changing our Fastpasses because the rides I chose had 5 minute waits so we just went in the standby line. The last day of our trip the crowds had picked up and the lines grew accordingly, but it didn't seem like it was all that much different than my past experiences. If anything I was just surprised at how many people were there.

The only time we got stuck waiting more than a couple minutes in a FastPass line was at Enchanted Tales with Belle. I think they may have been having operating issues because there were CMs everywhere and we didn't see either the standby or FastPass lines move at all for well over half an hour/45mins. We were just about to bail out when it started moving again.

Wearing the bands was no big deal, and even my preschooler's band stayed on without issue. He liked "unlocking" the rides with his band, heh.

Oh, and we did participate in the beta test of FP Be Our Guest lunch. I pre-ordered but we ended up having to re-order it all when we got there because they were not equipped to handle the fact that we weren't paying cash or on the dining plan (we wanted to just do a room charge)? It was weird, but it was still way better than waiting in that horrible line, which I would not have bothered with otherwise.

Overall, a mixed but somewhat positive bag. I will say that the CMs in general seem under-informed about how a lot of this stuff works (even the people tasked with helping people at the FP kiosks. You should have seen the look on this guy's face when I said I wanted to switch my FPs to a different park because we changed plans last-minute.) The people at Be Our Guest seemed baffled by my request to pay by room charge and had no real idea about what to do with us.

So, my bottom line: I thought things like FP+ either were a neutral to my experience or a moderate positive (I really like not having to run to the stupid FastPass machine at 8am to get into TSMM or Peter Pan without waiting in a 45-minute-plus line, and I do like controlling the time I get to see stuff instead of just taking the next available FastPass window.) I'd be interested to see how much of that was due to the time of year we visited, though. The bands were fine, and I wouldn't mind using them again. They've definitely got some hiccups to manage, though, and I hope they're doing a heck of a lot of prep work with spring break coming right around the corner...

I hope this information is somewhat interesting to you guys! Let me know if you have any questions.

NC Del

Your experience sounds pretty similar to ours, we just got back too...!
MH's band didn't work on our hotel room door though and when he went to check on it they discovered that neither of our bands were linked to our park tickets so we got it fixed before leaving the hotel and basically got lucky on that one I guess (but both kids' bands were set up correctly)... we added a 3rd day pass day on on day 3 b/c we were up in the air about what we were doing on the 3rd day and the only thing that was weird was that I could not alter any of our FP's (for HS) from my app on my phone after MH set them up at the concierge desk when he added the third day...I am thinking it was treating us like a 1 day pass not staying on property or something, I have no idea but it kind of stunk b/c I really wanted to change the 3rd one and it wouldn't let me---- I had had no problem w/ changing FP's the previous 2 days at the MK on the app.
I did not see the BR guest beta email in time to get a spot it was all filled up when I tried it, so that was a bummer. That line was outrageous, at 1020 am it was wrapping around the corner.
Also I thought the wait times were shorter than posted for rides... I got in line at the Aladdin ride and it said 20 min wait and 16 minutes later I was walking off the ride... and MH got in line at Star Tours in HS and it said 20 min and he was off the ride within 20 min also.
And we also didnt' do dining plan & felt like we were messing everyone up by just doing a regular old room charge for meals & things... glad I wasn't misinterpreting that confusion since you also had this experience!


Well-Known Member
Great report and my recent experiences confirm your evaluation. Most glaringly - I did not spend more with the MB. I spent less because I was mindful that everytime I scanned by ban I was loosing money. I only spent on food and small gifts. Though, the convenience of the band was nice I still had to show my AP card; and I will never leave without my ID and backup CC. I was there during a low attendance time so FP+ was not really needed; however, I still say FP is better because I could predict my return times (or look online) and simply go get my ticket and enjoy the park. And I could get multiple FP for major attractions if I choose to do then leave and go to another park and do the same thing. FP+ limits everything which also changes how I will tour the parks in the future. I normally could spend a good amount of time in the parks because I was on my time. While FP+ is said to be on "my time" it is not because I can only choose 3 tiered attractions and the rest I am stuck in standby. I do think FP+ is good for rides like Peter Pan - the wait was 70 minutes at 8pm but I waited no more than 5 minutes. But to that point, with FP - if I was able to get an evening ticket - the wait was no more than a few minutes.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your post! We used MBs last Saturday at DHS and we tried to change a FP from Voyage of the Little Mermaid to Great Movie Ride and it kept telling us nothing else was available for the time we had VOTLM. I found that rather annoying and hope it was just a one time thing and doesn't happen every trip when we want to change something. Also, the line for the kiosk by Tower of Terror was about 15 people deep. Makes me glad I had my phone to check that stuff as opposed to wasting time standing in line to change it!


Resident Curmudgeon
Some background first: I have been neither strongly in favor of or against MM+, so I feel like I went in with an open but appropriately skeptical mind. I work in IT, as does my husband, so I feel both sympathy for the huge task they've been undertaking (and God knows I've felt the pain of a rollout where not everything works as it should,) as well as exasperation over some of its poor planning/pitfalls (why oh why has the Disney World website always been so pathetic?). Also, as parents with two very small kids, we don't usually hit up the biggest/fastest rides on our trips lately so I cannot speak to the availability/waits for some stuff like Space, etc.

OK, with that said, here goes.

What Worked:
- FastPasses. I changed them frequently from both the kiosks and my iPad and they always worked. The app is still pathetically glitchy in that it would sometimes take a while to reflect the changes I'd made, but it does appear that they went through correctly as we were always able to get on what we wanted to during our time frame.
- charging purchases/using our PIN. Never had any issue with this (though honestly we didn't buy that much other than meals.) Also did not notice spending more with the bands on -- I think we probably spent less on merchandise and snacks on this trip than ever.
- room key. Never had an issue getting into our room or using our bands to get up to the club lounge.
- DME. Got right through the line without issue and they had our party and resort correctly listed.

What didn't work:
- getting in at the gates. On our first park day all three bands failed, and we had to go to guest relations. They fixed it relatively quickly, and basically told us they had no idea why they didn't work because from their end it looked like I set everything up correctly. Um, OK. This was aggravating largely because the CM helping us didn't seem particularly concerned that they were eating into our time by having to reset all of this. Also, my husband's finger scan never took and so his band failed many more times (with us basically telling them they needed to reset the finger scan every time) before they finally fixed that on like day 4.

All told, the gate issue didn't actually cost us that much time (a few mins each time) but it was annoying.

Crowds were pretty light the first few days of our trip, possibly due in part to the weather, so we found that we had no issue getting to see what we wanted to at first. Standby lines, in my experience, were not noticeably worse (and in some cases were faster,) than I recalled them being last year. A few times I ended up changing our Fastpasses because the rides I chose had 5 minute waits so we just went in the standby line. The last day of our trip the crowds had picked up and the lines grew accordingly, but it didn't seem like it was all that much different than my past experiences. If anything I was just surprised at how many people were there.

The only time we got stuck waiting more than a couple minutes in a FastPass line was at Enchanted Tales with Belle. I think they may have been having operating issues because there were CMs everywhere and we didn't see either the standby or FastPass lines move at all for well over half an hour/45mins. We were just about to bail out when it started moving again.

Wearing the bands was no big deal, and even my preschooler's band stayed on without issue. He liked "unlocking" the rides with his band, heh.

Oh, and we did participate in the beta test of FP Be Our Guest lunch. I pre-ordered but we ended up having to re-order it all when we got there because they were not equipped to handle the fact that we weren't paying cash or on the dining plan (we wanted to just do a room charge)? It was weird, but it was still way better than waiting in that horrible line, which I would not have bothered with otherwise.

Overall, a mixed but somewhat positive bag. I will say that the CMs in general seem under-informed about how a lot of this stuff works (even the people tasked with helping people at the FP kiosks. You should have seen the look on this guy's face when I said I wanted to switch my FPs to a different park because we changed plans last-minute.) The people at Be Our Guest seemed baffled by my request to pay by room charge and had no real idea about what to do with us.

So, my bottom line: I thought things like FP+ either were a neutral to my experience or a moderate positive (I really like not having to run to the stupid FastPass machine at 8am to get into TSMM or Peter Pan without waiting in a 45-minute-plus line, and I do like controlling the time I get to see stuff instead of just taking the next available FastPass window.) I'd be interested to see how much of that was due to the time of year we visited, though. The bands were fine, and I wouldn't mind using them again. They've definitely got some hiccups to manage, though, and I hope they're doing a heck of a lot of prep work with spring break coming right around the corner...

I hope this information is somewhat interesting to you guys! Let me know if you have any questions.

Glad you had a great time!,

What kind of tickets did you use? I've been finding that people who use 'regular' tickets have perfectly fine experiences with MM+ AP's and Premier passes not so much.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Glad you had a great time!,

What kind of tickets did you use? I've been finding that people who use 'regular' tickets have perfectly fine experiences with MM+ AP's and Premier passes not so much.

Alas, ours were just regular 5-day park hoppers. Nothing fancy. We bought them at the Disney Store a couple months before we left home.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the review! I'm so curious to see some reports when the parks get busier in the months to come. I hope it will be either a benefit or at least a neutral experience with FP+.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I did not see the BR guest beta email in time to get a spot it was all filled up when I tried it, so that was a bummer. That line was outrageous, at 1020 am it was wrapping around the corner.
Also I thought the wait times were shorter than posted for rides... I got in line at the Aladdin ride and it said 20 min wait and 16 minutes later I was walking off the ride... and MH got in line at Star Tours in HS and it said 20 min and he was off the ride within 20 min also.
And we also didnt' do dining plan & felt like we were messing everyone up by just doing a regular old room charge for meals & things... glad I wasn't misinterpreting that confusion since you also had this experience!

That line for Be Our Guest's lunch is insanity. It was good enough for what it was (and miles better than the average MK quick service, ugh), but I would never, ever stand in a line that long for it. I would rather leave the park, take the monorail to a loop resort and eat lunch there instead if it came down to it. At least then I'd get to move and look at something interesting in the time it took me to sit down and eat instead of standing in one spot for hours. People started queuing up for it at least an hour before it opened. It's a quick service lunch in a theme park, not a three-Michelin-star experience, for crying out loud!

I agree with the wait times, too. They were always way shorter than the posted time, in our experience. If it said ten minutes we usually basically walked on.

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