I was at WDW a couple weeks ago and i realized that they don't have a jungle book ride! SO i thought since jungle cruise isn't that popular consider DAK, that it could become the Junglebook Cruise whe you wrode in boats that moved on a track so it would have more people per hour riding. It would start out going through a straight away when you start to here monkeys and then you see a huge temple. It has a few monkeys on the outside. You then enter the temple and start to go up. When you get up your boat stops and you see king louey, but you make him angry and you are sent down a 30 ft. drop.(so little ones can ride it) After that you go through the original temple and out to the otherside where you see sherkahn and your boat speeds up when he tries to attack you. After that you go back through the other side of the temple and see mogli and baloo singin the bare nacessitees. You then arive back at the station. Thats not the entire story but most of it. If anyone has any other ideas feel free to comment.