June !!!!!

Jessie Johnson

New Member
Original Poster
We normally go to WDW in Sept or Nov this year due to children starting school we can't. So can anyone tell me what its at like in mid June how busy? how hot ? Grateful for any info poss Thanks


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Originally posted by Jessie Johnson
We normally go to WDW in Sept or Nov this year due to children starting school we can't. So can anyone tell me what its at like in mid June how busy? how hot ? Grateful for any info poss Thanks

The crowds will be average. Not that bad.

The heat will be incredible. Expect daily showers in the afternoon every day. Take sunscreen. Also take changes of clothes into the parks, the humidity is extreme and come afternoon you'll wish you had the extra underwear, tshirt and socks.


New Member
It's not too bad. I was there on Father's Day last year and it wasn't too bad. I mean, there will be a lot of humidity, but it can be done rather comfortably. Just make sure to keep drinking fluids!

Have a great time!



Well-Known Member
I thought it was going to be insanely hot last year when we went in late June, but it wasn't too much hotter than when we would go in May...then again, I usually love the hot weather when we're down there because I'm from a part of the country that sees sun like, oh, three days a year. :(

It did rain quite a bit while we were in Florida (in another part of the state) last June but miraculously it all stopped when we got to WDW, so maybe you would luck out similarly. Bring a poncho to be on the safe side (and to avoid having to buy them when you get there.)

Crowds weren't too bad at all, plus they were offering E-ride nights while we were there so anything we missed at the MK due to crowds earlier on we just went back and checked out at night.

Hope this helps!


New Member
I wouldn't go any other time. The crowds aren't that bad, the heat feels good without the real high humidity, like in September. Just takes air conditioning breaks, drink plenty of water, use lots of sunscreen, enjoy the afternoon sudden showers and take it
slow. The past 3 visits have been in June and July. Only one problem, watch the crowds at MK parades. My son got sick being crowded with so many people in the heat. :cool:


Active Member
June is a killer, especially for young children and old folks. Stay at the pool all day and go to the parks at night. The magic just seems better at night.


Active Member
The Park hosting the extra magic hour tends to be the most crowded. Steer clear of that particular park for the day, and you'll be fine. Definately count on daily showers (I've been there 4 June's in a row and it always rains). So be prepared. the good thing about that is a lot of folks head back to their hotels if it doesn't let up quickly and the parks can clear out sometimes. Drink a lot of water and invest in those spray fans. They look cheesy, but are a life saver... You'll make lots of new friends in line ; ) Buy them at walmart, they'll be a lot cheaper. Where lighter comfortable clothes and plenty of sunscreen.

Most important, have a great time! I'll be there June 21-28!


Beta Return
We've gone down in June the last 2 years, and are again this year. We always go the second week of June.

It rains every day, for a little while, but that drives all the wusses out of the parks! One day last year we had a mini-monsoon, haha!

It's warm, that's for sure. Vented ball-cap and sunglasses are a must. Drink water, from the fountains, not the $2.50 bottles! Stay in the A/C, and take your time.

Crowds really aren't bad. We were able to see everything, in all 4 parks, in 4 days. We use the Unofficial Guide to WDW and waited no more than 20 minutes for any ride or attraction.

So, anyway, go for it - go in June, and enjoy!


Being a Florida resident I can tell you that the Florida students get out of school in mid- June. If I were planning a trip I would make it for early June. First week or two into the month.

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