Hi! This is my very first trip report ever-- possibly because it was my very first trip! I've been doing a ton of Disney reminiscing recently and I wanted to blog about my first (and only) trip to Disneyworld. I figured I'd share with other Disney lovers who simply like to view others trips as inspiration for their own trips or just because they love Disney so much they could look at pictures all day! I like to do both, so I hope you all don't mind a bit of 2011 Disney magic! Almost two years later, I'm dying to go back, but Disney trips are hard to swing with a big family.
I'm going to try to get as much of this report written before I share the whole thing! There's lots to be said, with pictures and the works!

I'm going to try to get as much of this report written before I share the whole thing! There's lots to be said, with pictures and the works!