Here is the Finale...
Room 7
(Second screen room/Finale)
We see an animatronic Figment off to the side, with Nigel on the now colorful screen and wall. Nigel asks if Figment can imagine Dreamfinder now. Figment says he thinks so and closes his eyes and strains to imagine. In the background we slowly see Dreamfinder’s face appear behind a scrim. Figment shouts ‘That’s it!’ and there is that huge flash of light. The wall drops and when the lights come back on we see Dreamfinder in all of his glory, riding along on the Dreamcatcher. The background is bright, glowing mural of the Dreamport. A Figment is flying and saying, ‘Dreamfinder, you’re back!’ Dreamfinder says, ‘Only thanks to you and your imagination my dear Figment.’ Nigel says something along the lines of, ‘See Figment, with the imagination… your memories can become a reality,’ as we go into the star field.
That stupid moon is gone; instead, it’s a picture of the outside world through Figment’s eyes. Off to the left side stands a life-size Dreamfinder, holding Figment. Figment thanks us for the help in finding Dreamdfinder, and then thanks Nigel. Nigel says he enjoyed it. Figment says, ’I missed you Dreamfinder.’ Dreamfinder says, ‘I missed you too, but you can do anything with your imagination.’
That last line reverberates as the star field and Dreamfinder animatronic disappear, so we find ourselves at the exit.
I might have missed something... but just tell me what you think.