Well-Known Member
To be completely fair to Bob, he is wearing a microphone in the same area where his name tag should be. I'm guessing he, or his handlers, moved it so the mic wouldn't rub up against the name tag.
I don't think the microphone clipped lower on the lapel had anything to do with it. The nametag should have been there all day higher on the lapel long before the mic was clipped on to do the interview, remember.
The problem is this isn't the first time he's done the Dorky Nametag Placement thing, and he's certainly not the first Burbank exec to put on a nametag sloppily after he gets out of the car for a media event down in Anaheim.
If a CM is wearing a suit jacket or sport coat, the nametag should be placed under the notch of the left lapel, so that it's prominently in the right location and not being covered by the lapel or competing with the chest placket. See Josh in the photo above. Too often, Bob gets handed his prop nametag just before he goes onstage or does the media event, and he slaps it on like the clueless dork he apparently is. A man with no knowledge of the unique theme park culture he is allegedly leading. It's a bonehead mistake for a leader to make, and it looks sloppy.

If Josh D'Amaro can figure this out, and Bob's predecessor Tom Staggs can figure this out, a guy who was described by the Wall Street Journal as "an oddly waifish man of anemic personality" (Ouch! And you guys thought I was snarky! I've got nothing on the pros at the Wall Street Journal!)

If Dockers clad lower-middle managers in the theme park can figure this out...

Then Bob Chapek should be able to figure it out. Or at least recognize he doesn't know much about Disney theme park culture and should have his assistant ask someone if he looks okay. What's telling is that no one in Chapek's inner circle can either recognize this tiny but noticeable error, or they are too afraid to say something to him about it. It's probably both of those combined, and that's a problem. As Walt often said "The magic is in the details!"
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