Is the heat and humidity all that bad?


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I've heard that the parks can be unbearable in July with all the heat and humidity. I live in Arkansas, and it's gets hot as blazes here with humidity like 10-thousand percent. I was just wondering how you all cope with the heat while at the parks. I can't wait until this weekend....:D


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as a SOUTH Florida resident who deals with even more extreme humidity and heat than even Orlando. I will say this.

It is nearly unbearable this time of year. You will have a soaked shirt halfway through the day (not even halfway).

Here are my recommendations:

1) take a bag with extra clothes. Change halfway through the day. It makes you feel refreshed and you will be dry again.

2) keep drinking water. I know you always hear it but it's true, so true. I failed to do this once as I was not thirsty and I began feeling tired and sick halfway through the day. That is the first sign of heat stroke. Keep drinking WATER ONLY.

3). You will not avoid the heat when outside, just accept it. However plan your day accordingly. In the morning, do most of your outdoor activities. As you get closer to mid day and early afternoon, plan longer indoor attractions such as Hall of the Presidents, Country Bear Jamboree, Splash Mountain, COP, and on and on. Luckily many MK attractions are inside. However, whatever park you're in, take that advice accordingly.

Just plan on going to a cool airconditioned attraction often. Don't just sit around out in the heat. Move from one place to the next and stay in the airconditioning. LIke I said, you will feel the heat and get soaked but, luckily many Disney attractions are air conditioned.


Well, since I live here, I have the choice of going to the parks in the evening when it is cooler or after it has rained. But if I was visiting on vacation, the heat and humidy wouldn't be THAT bad. Hat, water, light sunscreen and a stop in a gift shop or ride to get a little a/c once in awhile is enough for me. I sometimes carry and use a small umbrella to block out the sun. It might look a little stupid but I rather be stupid and comfortable without skincancer than sweaty and red.
Animal Kingdom is very warm. Lots of concrete and only 2 indoor rides, a few shops that are a/c'd and some food places that are cooled. Several of the shops leave their doors open all the time. I can only think of Dinosaur and Tough to be a bug as inside attractions.
But don't let any of this stop you. I always have a great time when I go. Have fun!


And remember summer is our rainy season. Do the rides and attractions that are affected by rain first and be prepared for a down pour in the afternoon.


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Don't forget the spray/fan/bottles they sell. Actually you can get them at Walgreens for half the price. You think they are junk until you have one. Those things are SWEET! YOu get a small fan, and water bottle to spray your face all in one. It's worth it.


New Member
When I was a CM last year, I can remember some days being truly hot and humid to the point where it was painful. However, I think I have found a competitor here in NYC. There's only a breeze (sometimes) between certain buildings and the heat just seems to settle between the buildings and radiate from the blacktop. Let's not even get into the smog and dirt! At least in Orlando, there's a breeze. And the daily thunderstorms cool things down a bit. Oh yes, and it's CLEAN. I always loved the heat in Orlando, and my favorite time to visit there is late August. I know I am an oddball, but to me the heat and humidity just doesn't get to me. Besides, in my experience every inside location at WDW is practically cooled to the temperature of a meat locker.


New Member
I worked under that heat, in costume with hosiery. It´s not something you can´t stand... specially if you live in a hot place. :animwink:

I fully agree with civileng in all said. The most important thing is to stay hydrated.

Don´t take the chance to "get a nice tan" while you do the parks! I´ve seen people being silly and wearing tanktops around the park, only to feel like cr@p later in the day! :hammer:
Apply sunblock, wear cotton clothes in soft colors and wear a hat.

Have a great vacation! :wave:


New Member
I remember being in the parks when the humity and the temp was high. It wasn't too bad since we rode rides and were inside cool buildings a lot. I felt bad for those poor characters that had to walk around out there. :)


Well-Known Member
The heat is overated, its not that terrible, especially since you seem to have to deal with it bad enough in your hometown.

I have no problem sweating while on a vacation, you are having fun so you don't notice or care as much. You're not expected to look like a Million Bucks when you arrive to dinner, no one else is.

And all of the rides are A/C'd to a meat locker temp, that it is such a nice relief. Sometimes you even enjoy the heat for a minute or two after exiting an attraction it gets so cold :-)


Well-Known Member
As someone who didn't take the heat and sun seriously as a high school kid and then spent the night vomiting (and listening to the family's concern for me growing: "You shut the door!" "I'm not going near her if she's that sick--you shut the door!" "You're closer!" This, from my parents, no less!), I can say:

Follow the advice you've been given. WEAR A HAT!!! And if you are staying on-site, give serious consideration to the be-there-an-hour-before-official-opening, spend the afternoon at the hotel taking a nap or going in the swimming pool, and returning to the parks in the late afternoon and staying until closing. :)

And for crying out loud, drink water even if you don't *feel* thirsty, or you'll ruin your vacation. Trust me!


New Member
As a fellow Arkie, I think Arkansas temps + humidity is worse than Florida. I was at WDW at the end of June and it wasn't as bad as it is here (SE AR).

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