I'd say the Dream did it as good if not slightly better. We did Dream May2011 and Wonder May2010. Both Pirate Parties were pretty good. Fireworks were pretty awesome seeing them lauch from the ship. I'd compare them pretty equal with quality, Dream maybe slightly higher since ship is new and all looks ALL-NEW, and showmanship.
BUT the sailing-away party for us on the DREAM was not as good as previous year on Wonder. BUT also this past MAY while on the DREAM the love'bugs were out way too much while the ship was in port. SO the ship/crew may have adjusted for that. You could not even walk around on the outside of the ship's decks without having them swarm all around you and get all stuck on your clothes. It was nasty. Nice thing was though once we left port they were gone AND the Dream Crew worked super hard the first day pressure washing all the bugs off the ship. It was very bad in port but it was cleaned up to 110% once we got underway. We missed the pulling away from port and the show was just average in our opinions. Very strange, we've never seen that MANY love'bugs ever before when in Florida. Yea you do see them but this was unreal...
The sailing-away party had to have been cut short and modified due to the bug issue.
Past that we enjoyed both cruises a lot! And we very much look forward to this May's Dream Cruise as well. Ship life is awesome! And nobody does it like DISNEY!