Originally posted by General Grizz
Saying Eisner's an asshat is an understatement.
To quote Mikey Eisney
Found this poem at Jin Hill Media called "The Monkey Exec" by Peter Emslie:
There once was a time when its stories were magic,
But now there's a tale playing out that's quite tragic;
Catastrophe threatens the cinematheque,
As it's now in the hands of Monkey Exec.
"You artists all tell me Snow White is a classic,
But cel animation is downright Jurassic!
'Cause everyone knows that Snow is no Shrek;
And I HATE cartoons!" wails Monkey Exec.
The Monkey derides the artists as fools,
As his simian cronies collect up their tools;
"Your art is passé - we're going hi-tech!
Long live CG!" screams Monkey Exec.
From pencils to pixels the artists are forced;
Then once the film's finished, their jobs are outsourced.
"Don't come crying to me that your life's now a wreck;
Animate THIS!" gestures Monkey Exec.
From sequels to prequels to cheapquels and more,
The product beats NyQuil for making folks snore.
"I don't care what they feel after buying this dreck,
'Cause we've got their money!" gloats Monkey Exec.
The legacy's over, it's now become plain,
And the Monkey heads home with his ill-gotten gain;
Though the Studio's fortunes have all gone to heck,
"It's all about M.E." explains Monkey Exec.