Internet Disney Radio Stations May Go Off-Air


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I know some of us listen to various independent Disney radio stations online. Well that little piece of heaven may go up in smoke. Read below:

Recently, the RIAA has decided to jack up broadcast rates for all internet radio station, thus putting them under some serious pressure. They may be forced off the air very soon! If the RIAA has it's way with new broadcast fees, all internet stations will be thrown under the bus, and there will be No More Disney Stations to listen to.

Make your voice heard by the lawmakers on Capital Hill! Call, write, email, and/or visit your Rep and Senators today and request that Congress create a level playing field by bringing the Internet radio per performance rates into parity with traditionaland satellite radio. Unlike internet radio, traditional radio does NOT pay royalties to record labels or artists for songs performed over the air.

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Well-Known Member
Thats nuts, the CRB increase the record company royalties to 125% of their previous amount, and then they retroed it to January 2006, so these radio stations have to pay back royalties for the past year. Meaning they will probably go broke and out of business simply because of the greediness of a few rich record execs. They don't realize how much this will hurt their sales, since the internet is the number one place to get new artist exposure. It will be alose lose situation all around if this happens.


New Member
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Tell me about it...I know it will affect all stations harshly...I listen to many Disney internet stations, mostly Sorcerer Radio and it would cost these stations thousands of dollars per year...Money they don't have...Please help out!!!


Active Member
Kinda OT, sorry, but I listen to MouseInfo radio quite a bit here at work (I'd love to listen to Sorcerer, but my work firewall prevents that. :fork: ) and I haven't been able to get the site within the last three-four days. Anyone else visit this site and maybe know what's going on?


Well-Known Member
Do any of the disney radio sites pay any kind of royalties? I was trying to find out about sorcerer radio, but I couldn't find anything that talked about the royalties they are paying, if any.

EDIT: It appears that there is some live365 thing going on that accounts for royalties..

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
Listening to Mouse World Radio in the evenings as I grade papers makes that task so much more bearable. This will KILL me if it's true.


Live 365 broadcasters won't be paying royalty fees directly. As I understand it, the new royalty fees will be forced upon Live 365 themselves, which will have to pass the cost on to the broadcasters by raising their monthly fees. This is what could wipe out many of the Disney stations on there.


New Member
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Live 365 broadcasters won't be paying royalty fees directly. As I understand it, the new royalty fees will be forced upon Live 365 themselves, which will have to pass the cost on to the broadcasters by raising their monthly fees. This is what could wipe out many of the Disney stations on there.

This is true... Live365 passes the cost down to its broadcasters...And for the person who said they could not access Sorcerer Radio, this is true during certain parts of the day due to a max out on the room they have in the room(10,000 users at a time)...It has been peaking out during the middle of the day for some time now...Your best chance is to log on early or if you have a VIP membership then you will have no problem...I know this first hand because I know the broadcaster of Sorcerer Radio here in Louisiana...It is Live365's most popular Disney Station...


The RIAA has tried to do this before by limiting the number of songs from an album per hour, number of songs from an artist, ect. The only people who will suffer from this are the commercial internet radio sites such as Live365 and Y! Music. Those companies that make monies from paying subscribers. However, the little mom and pop internet radio stations probably won't be a target unless they run out of options to go after in the internet broadcasting field this time around. Not a whole lot of money in a guy who runs a stream from his basement.


Grade "A" Funny...
How do they plan on collecting a royalty fee from a live recording of a ride or event? If you record something at the park and then put that in your internet broadcast you should be royalty free.


New Member
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The RIAA has tried to do this before by limiting the number of songs from an album per hour, number of songs from an artist, ect. The only people who will suffer from this are the commercial internet radio sites such as Live365 and Y! Music. Those companies that make monies from paying subscribers. However, the little mom and pop internet radio stations probably won't be a target unless they run out of options to go after in the internet broadcasting field this time around. Not a whole lot of money in a guy who runs a stream from his basement.

This is going to affect everyone, commercial and mom and pop...This is a sad thing if it doesn't get turned around...


disneynut_la, I agree with you that this could be blown totally out of proportion. It's just in my belief that they will go first after those companies with money. The less the can spend on lawsuits per payment, the better for them. I just hope they hit headlong with those that have money and are able to stand up to them so that a court will step in quickly and make a ruling on this situation. Hopefully a fair and legitimate ruling and get this situation where the RIAA doesn't want it, the mass media.


Well-Known Member
It's really ironic-- they're go after one of the few ways people can listen to music for free and legal online. These internet radio stations are such a great way to publicize new music (until now) relatively cheaply, thus promoting sales. Something like this is certainly not the way to encourage legal downloading. You would think they would want to continue encouraging legal means of music aquisition/listening, and yet, this could likely drive up illegal downloading as a result. They're shooting themselves in the foot here...

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