So in each land their is a proprietor that is sort of like the head manager of that specific land. I was walking alone and a CM started chatting with me and I expressed I was planning to work in the parks once I finish college.
She started to explain to me that Disney is really pressuring the managers to find new ways to make money. Even going to far as to threaten them if they don’t make new ideas.
It was the proprietor of Adventureland who thought of the idea of the Tiana riverboat cruise and got a nice bonus for thinking of it and got to keep her job.
What are your guys opinions of Disney pressuring employees to find new money making schemes?
She started to explain to me that Disney is really pressuring the managers to find new ways to make money. Even going to far as to threaten them if they don’t make new ideas.
It was the proprietor of Adventureland who thought of the idea of the Tiana riverboat cruise and got a nice bonus for thinking of it and got to keep her job.
What are your guys opinions of Disney pressuring employees to find new money making schemes?