Hey all - figured this was as good a place to ask as any. Any of you know if there are any industry groups that meet up regularly to network and chat and/or just geek about theme park design (since it's not a topic most civilians seem to care about lol)? Specifically in LA, since that's where I'm at but I'd be curious about Orlando too since I'm there fairly often to visit home.
Like I know TEA exists but they only do a couple events a year, most of which cost a big chunk of change to get in.
As someone coming from the film industry post production world I'm used to there being user groups all over the place, and they're one of the big ways people network and make contacts. As someone who is seriously thinking about transitioning into the industry it'd be really great to have something like this - if only for advice and making friends that actually care about this stuff. But as far as I can tell there doesn't really seem to be any of this. Please let me know if I'm just blind.
Quite seriously contemplating just starting a group of my own if I can't find one - I mean it's LA. If any of you live here or are interested in this sort of thing or work in the field let me know - it'd be cool to get something together.
Like I know TEA exists but they only do a couple events a year, most of which cost a big chunk of change to get in.
As someone coming from the film industry post production world I'm used to there being user groups all over the place, and they're one of the big ways people network and make contacts. As someone who is seriously thinking about transitioning into the industry it'd be really great to have something like this - if only for advice and making friends that actually care about this stuff. But as far as I can tell there doesn't really seem to be any of this. Please let me know if I'm just blind.
Quite seriously contemplating just starting a group of my own if I can't find one - I mean it's LA. If any of you live here or are interested in this sort of thing or work in the field let me know - it'd be cool to get something together.