Hello! My friend and I (with our significant others) are looking to stay at the Boardwalk in standard studios Dec 7-12, 2017. I believe this is 112 points (56 each room). Is anyone interested in renting/selling their points?
You would need to find an owner at Boardwalk to rent to you since it's more than 7 months out. May 7th all owners would be eligible. There are some members here who rent their points out. I think DIS Boards also has a rental section for owners looking to rent out points. You can also try a rental company like Davids which I think is around $15 or $16 a point.
Standard studios at BWV have been sold out for your dates for some time. Owners can begin booking at their home resorts 11 months before check in date, so on January 7th. Many members want standard view due to the low point cost so those are booked very quickly, usually within 5 minutes at the 11 month mark. Sorry.