Impressions of WDW from my just-completed trip

Instead of a full trip report (I never read them, so I'll spare the community mine;)), I wanted to give my thoughts on WDW from my trip that ended two days ago. I stayed at the Swan (see my separate post on the Swan). With two small kids, we focused almost entirely on the little-kid stuff (my wife and I have ridden the big rides so often we were happy to forego them this time):

1) WDW as a whole seemed cleaner, with better upkeep, than my last visit two years ago (when I thought it had slipped some). A very nice development!

2) The CMs were, almost without exception, phenomenal. One example - when we stopped to look at a map for the nearest restroom on the way to Lion King show in AK, two CMs rushed to our side to help direct us, then helpfully suggested we save our seats for the show and exit to use the restroom. We had our best CM experience ever! (Maybe because we have two adorable little girls).

3) The other guests, too, were as friendly and kind as I've ever seen. I was pleasantly surprised at things such as holding doors for us with our big double-stroller, people patiently waiting to meet characters without pushing, giving up seats on a crowded bus so we (holding sleeping kids and a stroller) can sit, and just general overall decency.

4) Disney's attention to detail is still there. We rode "it's a small world" just before closing one night, and noticed that one doll's pom pom had fallen out of her hand. Not a big deal. Anyway, we rode again the next morning (my kids' FAVORITE ride), and the pom pom was back in the doll's hand. Very nice to see they still care about things as little as that.

5) Characters, characters everywhere! A few years ago, I wouldn't have cared. But my oldest daughter LOVES the characters, and it was a fantastic surprise to run into them all over the place.

1) The WDW transit system needs lots of work! Mind you, the CM's driving the buses were excellent. However, we spent more time waiting for buses and boats than for all attractions combined! We had one 40 minute wait for the boat to MGM, and we saw another boat arrive one minute after ours. We had one morning when we waited for 40 minutes, and saw two (empty) Downtown Disney buses come before a Magic Kingdom bus. Finally, worst of all, we waited for a bus at Magic Kingdom closing for over 30 minutes! We (barely) got on that bus, and there was still a huge line of people who were going to have to wait who knows how much longer. The bus line (which served the Epcot resorts) was still huge, when every other line had been emptied out.

2) The frigid weather. Not much Disney can do about that. (Lows in the 20s? Eek! Made for an interesting Magic Kingdom morning, to say the least. Sure kept the crowds down, though).

3) The crowds were very small. Yes, this was a positive for myself, and why we went in the offseason, but I worry for Disney's sake if ToT and RnR have no wait in the early afternoon.

Overall, a positive experience, except for the transit system. Honestly, the buses and boats were so bad as to be unacceptable, and I will probably end up driving to the parks if I stay on property again. Interestingly, it seemed to be more of a scheduling issue than a capacity issue. (Two boats come at once, two buses for one destination well before one for another, etc.) I don't know how they run, but it probably needs to be a bit more dynamically scheduled. (As in - "hmm, the last two buses to the Swan were for Downtown Disney and Animal Kingdom - let's switch the next one from DD to MK!")


Thanks for your report. I'm glad you had such a good time, in spite of the chilly weather. We are looking forward to low crowds and hopefully warmer temps when we leave in 2 days. I'm sorry to hear about your transportation problems, it makes me glad I'm renting a car this time since we plan to do some Non-Disney things. We had a great experience with Disney trasportation last spring but I know these things can change.
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New Member
Thanks for the info...good information.

I agree the transit is the biggest problem. We stayed at AKL in Sept and it was like it was out of control. The buses were not spaced correctly so you either waited none or a very long time. This time we are staying at the poly and I hope it will be better.
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Mr. Toad

Active Member
Interesting about the transportation issues. When we were at AKL last May we had no problems at all with the transportation. Buses came in a timely manner and well spaced for the different destinations.
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It seems like the less you pay for the property, the better the bus service is. When we stayed at Caribbean Beach, we had a tough time getting places and also getting back to the hotel. However, ever since we've been staying at the All Star resorts, it seems like there's more buses coming and going and that there's hardly any wait. We've had some, of course, when capacity was high, but I think because so many people stay there, they seem to have the best bus service.

Glad you had a good overall experience!:)
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Wckd Queen

New Member
Sounds like overall you had a great time! Glad your girls got to enjoy the characters, even if it was a bit brisk :)

Transportation was the problem we had as well in April of 2000. We stayed at the Boardwalk, and one morning, after the 4th bus to AK stopped at the hotel, with no one opting to get on, the dozen or so of us waiting for a MK bus begged and pleaded with the CM who finally agreed to change his sign and took us all to MK instead! Boats were a problem too. It was either feast or famine with them.

SANDKRUSER, I think you are on to something. We had annoying delays at the Boardwalk, but Thanksgiving of 2000, when we stayed at the All Star Music, we had hardly a wait! Buses came one right after the other!! :confused:
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Original Poster
Originally posted by SANDKRUSER
It seems like the less you pay for the property, the better the bus service is.
Well, we paid nothing (using hotel points), so Disney should have had private limos for us to travel in!:)

I wonder if it has more to do with time of year. It was off-peak for us - Even when we waited a very long time for buses, usually they weren't full (with the MK closing fiasco the one exception). I think there's less of an incentive to keep lots of buses running on a very regular schedule during non-peak times.

Or maybe it has to do with hotel capacity? The All Stars hold a TON of people - it makes sense to have more regular service there?

Since the bus service was our only downer, it was a great trip overall. Next time, we'll use our car (and eat at Chef Mickeys and park at the Contemporary when going to the MK).
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New Member
:cool: Hopefully the weather will be great in about a week or so. My husband and I are driving to Florida this time from Ohio. I can't wait to get out of the 20's degree temps. It's around 40 today but it's to drop by the end of the week. :(

Is it warm enough to wear shorts? We are leaving around the week of the Feb 9th then be gone for 2 weeks. I hope I can wear shorts. I'm a summer person. :lol: I would move to Florida any day.
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Diznee Mom

New Member
Oh terrific. This is the first time we're staying on site and not renting a car. I was all happy about that part, and now this "not so good" report on the transportation. And we're staying at CBR too. I hope we're not disappointed.:confused:
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We were there in October and January at POR, and the worst part of our trip was the buses. Picking up from the resorts was better than getting from the parks. In January we had close to a hour wait at MK to get back to POR. People were in line when we arrived at the gue and we waited about 25 minutes for the bus, which filled up before we could get on. So we then waited another 30 minutes before the next one showed up.
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Well-Known Member
Glad to hear you had fun. As I wrote in my trip report (now about 5 pages back), we had a simliar experience. The people were VERY friendly doing very many of the things you encountered and then some. The CM's were awesome and the weather, while cold, was great in the afternoon. (it sure beats 100+ in August!) Our only mishap was with the transportation system so I hope that gets ironed out soon. Just like you said, it was like several busses for the wrong place would stop and you would never see one where it was needed. Other than that , we noticed all of the same improvements during our stay the last week of December. Thanks for the report!
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Originally posted by Thunder5921
:cool: Hopefully the weather will be great in about a week or so. My husband and I are driving to Florida this time from Ohio. I can't wait to get out of the 20's degree temps. It's around 40 today but it's to drop by the end of the week. :(

Is it warm enough to wear shorts? We are leaving around the week of the Feb 9th then be gone for 2 weeks. I hope I can wear shorts. I'm a summer person. :lol: I would move to Florida any day.

I live in Southwest Fl but can tell you right this moment and all this week you'll be able to wear shorts during the day. It will get cooler at night but i think you're looking at mid 70's most of the week this next week..............temps will slowly rise from here on out.............maybe except for a few days or so.........winter is pretty much over for central florida and south. I have some weather related stuff on there if you just want to read it.........most applies to summer time though.
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New Member
FourFourSeven - the weather has been terrible here, I hate it, the coldest was a couple of Fridays ago, it was miserable, I went to the bus stop in 4 shirts and a sweatshirt, and I was still freezing, so I know exactly how you feel
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Well-Known Member
Well, for us in the Northeast, it felt GREAT! :)

We went from highs in the teens and lows in the single digits with -10 windchills to a wonderful 60-70 during the day to the 30's and 40's at night. I guess it's all where you come from but to us it felt hot. I would still be prepared though because we are being forcasted for another cold spell soon. This has been a very unpredicatable winter so far and I have a feeling that Florida will be impacted as well.
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Original Poster
Originally posted by wishiwere@wdw
Well, for us in the Northeast, it felt GREAT! :)
I used to live in the Northeast (cold), and now live in the Midwest (colder), but I have to say, the coldest day we had at WDW was brutal.

It was in the mid-20's and windy when we waited (30 minutes) for a bus. It really didn't get above freezing until about noon. And we didn't have our cold-weather gear. We put our kids and ourselves in t-shirts, sweatshirts, fleece coats, and windbreakers, but it was tough to be outside.

There was no wait for Splash Mountain, though! (No, we didn't go on it. Almost every log was empty.)
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Wckd Queen

New Member
We had a day like that in 2000, FourFourSeven.

The day before Thanksgiving we headed to Epcot from my uncles house in Ocala. I was rushing the kids out only to have to usher them back in to get heavier jackets! We had to scrape the frost off the windshield (we hadnt even had a frost up in NY yet!) and my uncle was covering his bushes so they wouldnt freeze. We kept saying "Oh, it will warm up later on". We huddled together for warmth while waiting to get on Test Track (and were amazed by the family of 4 that walked past us in shorts and tanktops!) We had our jackets on all day, and by around 5pm we had to get sweatshirts to put on under our jackets to keep warm! My mother was on a scooter and got a blanket in Mexico to wrap around herself! :lol:

All in all, though, we enjoyed it. It was a stark contrast to the heat we had faced in April of that same year :)
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