Hi my name is George,
Before asking my question, I feel that I should give a little background about myself. To start, I am currently a Mechanical Engineering Major finishing up my second out of five years in my undergraduate education. I have been wanting to become an Imagineer since I found out about Imagineering, my sophomore year in high school. Since then, I had planned on going into the Disney College Program, however a few weeks ago a recruiter for the program was on my campus, so I spoke to him for a few minutes. After I was done explaining all this to him, he told me that the Disney College Program would not be a good path to take if I want to go into engineering; he said there was another program in which it would be easier to get hired from. Unfortunately, he mumbled the name of the programming, and after asking a few times I still could not understand what he was saying. I think he said something like "Electric Light and Magic" but I'm not sure. So my first question is, does anyone know what the program he was talking about is, or is that actually the name of the program? I would also like to know if there are any other programs you may know of that could help me in getting into Imagineering. I would also like to point out that I do understand that Imagineering is a tough career to get into, and that inn order for me to have a chance at getting a position I need to give it 100%. So I feel like not asking these questions wouldn't be giving it my all. I would like to thank you in advance for any replies and help anyone can give me.
Before asking my question, I feel that I should give a little background about myself. To start, I am currently a Mechanical Engineering Major finishing up my second out of five years in my undergraduate education. I have been wanting to become an Imagineer since I found out about Imagineering, my sophomore year in high school. Since then, I had planned on going into the Disney College Program, however a few weeks ago a recruiter for the program was on my campus, so I spoke to him for a few minutes. After I was done explaining all this to him, he told me that the Disney College Program would not be a good path to take if I want to go into engineering; he said there was another program in which it would be easier to get hired from. Unfortunately, he mumbled the name of the programming, and after asking a few times I still could not understand what he was saying. I think he said something like "Electric Light and Magic" but I'm not sure. So my first question is, does anyone know what the program he was talking about is, or is that actually the name of the program? I would also like to know if there are any other programs you may know of that could help me in getting into Imagineering. I would also like to point out that I do understand that Imagineering is a tough career to get into, and that inn order for me to have a chance at getting a position I need to give it 100%. So I feel like not asking these questions wouldn't be giving it my all. I would like to thank you in advance for any replies and help anyone can give me.