Let's say you are given the chance to design and build several Disney attractions on your own secluded themepark property, now they can be any of the attractions from any Disney themepark they can be exact replica's or a version which you can Imagineer yourself. The attractions must however all tie into or share a common theme so you definitely couldn't put Spaceship Earth and the Haunted Mansion in one place. Basically it all boils down to your are the Imagineer and this small secluded thempark is for your own enjoyment everything you design, build, and replicate will be seen and enjoyed by friends and family so it's up to you the Imagineer to create your own personalized Disney themepark however take into consideration that your property is not as big as a themepark and all of the attractions must be existing Disney attractions, but can be modified or re-designed to your own specifications, so any ideas?