Imagineer Boy's Re-Imagineering: IMAGINATION!!!!

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yup that's the name of my thread series of Redoing some rides in desperate need of rehab. You were chilled with inspiration with the land, thrilled with the living seas, so what's tonight's show folks? Imagination Pavillion Improvements! Yaaay! :sohappy: Starting with HISTA:

Considering how popular HISTA currently is, I say keep it mostly the same, but give it a good rehab. I'd really love to see "True Colors" instead of that painfully obviouse kodak commercial. Clean up the film so it doesn't look old, improve the sound ( maybe turn it down a little ) update some of the special effects, maybe redo the CG snake so it looks more real, and I guess that would be it.

Leap Frog Fountains: Keep them the same. Maybe add a bit to the lane scaping around the pavillion to make it look a bit "Futureistic Imagination."

And now folks, the moment you've all been waiting for, that's right, the total revamp of the Journey Into Imagination ride!!!! :sohappy: Now mind you, I kinda like the new version, but they could do so much more with it. The ride might use a few elements of the current version, but alot more from the old one including expanding into all that empty space building which will get rehabbed so its more stable to hold the ride, so here it is:

The premise will pretty much be the same: you're at the imagination institue open house with your host Nigel Channing who thinks imagination should be controlled. The qeue line will be the same, but maybe with a few more details and things to look at. You board your viecles which move like a train at first, but they are actually trackless cars moving together in a line ( yes yes, I know, too costly, but hey, its my dream! ). You'll move and turn to the TV screens just like in the current version and Nigel Channing (played by Eric Idle of Corse ) Introduces himself. He then turns on the brain scanners to see what's going on upstairs ( just like the horrid JIYI ) and of corse nothing is going on upstairs imagination wise but that's just perfect for the demonstrations until Figment shows up.

Figment: Oh! Can I please go too?

Nigle: Absolutly not! This is our latest dicovery, the Figment of imagination and-

Figment: Yeah! Oh boy, and do I know alot about the Imagination! And how fun it can be when you set it free!

Nigel: Figment, this is not the purpose of this open house. We are demonstrating on how it should be controlled, now please don't interfear with the tour please!

Figent: Don't worry, I'm just going on for the ride. I'll be you *poofs into a professor suit with glasses and note pad* creative consultant if you will.

Nigel: Fine then, so, okay everyone, here we go!

The train goes through a few lame experements with lame special effects like a fish going in and out of its fish tank with handle attatched to the fish easily exposed, a room full of spinning spirals, colors appearing on a screen syncronized with sound. Figment is spotted periodicly taking notes. You come around the corner to see an AA Nigel Channing speaking into a microphone announcing the final part of the tour where on display is a chair with a helmet above. He describes it a mechanism the extracts images of ones imagination and moves it into a 3-D inviroment for all to enjoy, but not ready for testing yet when Figment Pops up in a puff of smoke and tells Channing that his experements were really lame and he's gonna invite everyone to his open house with the help of the chair. Figment pops on the helmet and there's some zapping noises and sparks and the viecles pass by computers beeping the "One little spark" melody and the trains move past a vaulted door and into Figment's Imagination. There is a ton of color in this room with projected color lighting like a rain bow. An AA channing and Figment are seen.

Channing: why figment, what an imagination you have!

Figment: Yup! This is what the imagination is like when its set free! When you use your imagination, you can write stories, create a piece of art, even discover scientific break throughs!

Channing: But I thought it was just pure genius that came up with these things...

Figment: Of course! If you let your imagination free, anyone can be a geniouse! In fact, I know someone who can tell you more about it...


Anythoughts/ comments so far? Grizz? :wave:


Well-Known Member
Sounds good so far... the things that Figment says when going into his imagination may sound a bit too cheesy though...

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The trains move into a dark tunnel, at the end is a pojected backdrop of clouds and the sillouette of the dream blimp, with a familliar voice singing "One little spark."

The viecles turn the corner into a turn table similar to the old versions one. Dream Finder is on the Blimp with Channing and Figment.

Channing: My goodness! Dr. Dean Finder, founder of the Imagination Institute!

Dream Finder: Oh my dear boy, the name I go by nowadays it Dream Finder.

Channing: So where have you been all this time?

Dream Finder: Oh, I've been soaring through the realms of imagination with Figment, teaching others how to set their minds free!

Channing: Its really a pleasure to meet you sir! So what should we do now? We have a whole tour group here.

Dream Finder: Well then, we shall take a journey... Into Imaination! *sings one little spark* Off to the dream port!

The trains then go through the dream port with some similarities, but mostly alot of new things and scenes. They then go through the art section, stories with animatronics of Channing, Dream Finder, and Figment throughout the way. Then on to, drama and movies, then to music, then the science and technology room. Ending with a finale in the space room with lots of stars and then the cars return to the institute. And turn to face some screens again.

Channing: Wow! That was fun! And now its time to measure your imaginations now... *mind scanners turn on* Whoa! Your imaginations are way off the chart! Now that's it for today's tour. Thank you all, and thank you Figment.

Figment: You're welcome! Imagination is a blast! *BANG!*

All the cars in the train break apart to dance at their own accord in a scene with a ton of dancing Figments and Channing passing under Dream Finder singing the song in his dream mobile into a colorful fiber optics filled room, where lights light up to reveal that its the exit! And then you disembark to the Dream Labs which will be in the upstairs again! yay!

All the original games including the color tunnel will be back and then exiting throught the gift shop. The current "What if?" labs will be turned into "The Think Cafe" which is a counter service resturaunt with a Figment theme.

Well that's it! Please tell me what you think. :sohappy:

Comming up next in my Re-Imagineering projects, Test Track Mission: Space, WoL, UoE, Chester and Hester's Dinorama, and more!


Well-Known Member
Awesomeness! You retained the Institute theme and brought back Dreamfinder and the Dreamport! Good job! Insert more praise here!

General Grizz

New Member
Considering how popular HISTA currently is, I say keep it mostly the same, but give it a good rehab. I'd really love to see "True Colors" instead of that painfully obviouse kodak commercial. Clean up the film so it doesn't look old, improve the sound ( maybe turn it down a little ) update some of the special effects, maybe redo the CG snake so it looks more real, and I guess that would be it.

Leap Frog Fountains: Keep them the same. Maybe add a bit to the lane scaping around the pavillion to make it look a bit "Futureistic Imagination."

Nice, consistent, improving job. But I have a challenge for you, imagineerboy: I want YOU, over the next few weeks/months, design and complete your OWN Magic Eye Theatre show. It could be about ANYTHING. . . but I wanna see what you can do.

You board your viecles which move like a train at first, but they are actually trackless cars moving together in a line ( yes yes, I know, too costly, but hey, its my dream! ).

Costly, but beneficial. Look at Pooh’s Hunny Hunt at TDL. . . nothing is impossible!

The train goes through a few lame experements with lame special effects like a fish going in and out of its fish tank with handle attatched to the fish easily exposed, a room full of spinning spirals, colors appearing on a screen syncronized with sound. Figment is spotted periodicly taking notes. You come around the corner to see an AA Nigel Channing speaking into a microphone announcing the final part of the tour where on display is a chair with a helmet above..

HA! I love how you are using JIYI in the ride just to mock it. Hee.

Figment: Yup! This is what the imagination is like when its set free! When you use your imagination, you can write stories, create a piece of art, even discover scientific break throughs!

Channing: But I thought it was just pure genius that came up with these things...

Figment: Of course!

I like this. You are putting an amazing scene with the inspiring words and essence of the pavilion. That adds so much to the ride.

Channing: My goodness! Dr. Dean Finder, founder of the Imagination Institute!

Dream Finder: Oh my dear boy, the name I go by nowadays it Dream Finder.

Channing: So where have you been all this time?

I like the return of Dreamfinder (BOY do I love it), but I would set this up in the preshow. It could be awkward in the ride and perhaps a little confusing.

And I enjoy the “trip back” to Imagination.

Here are some things to consider:

1. Dreamfinder and Figment have essences: Figment is young, enthusiastic, and INNOCENT (in the original), whereas Dreamfinder is the more moderating teacher. Will you reuse the original character personalities? This may put Dreamfinder in the teacher role and Figment in the “learner” role. But I see that you are using the newer Figment, whichever you prefer. But I would put careful attention to loveable character analysis.

2. What will you do to make this pavilion popular? You make it sound like entering the pavilion will be exactly like it is now; but today the guest counts are low. Would you redesign the pavilion? Although I don’t mean to totally influence you with my viewpoints, I would lessen the focus on the Imagination Institute in order to achieve the “new look.”

I am not a fan of Channing in this attraction, but I appreciate your devotion to the legacy of Dreamfinder, the focus on what Imagination IS, how it helps us, and a blending of all three rides. Your version is MUCH better (at least how I imagine it) to the last two, but I personally think – and this is just my two cents – Figment should be a bit more adorable and be put more in a father/son relationship with Dreamfinder. Channing makes this a bit awkward. . . and unfortunately Eric Idle isn’t looking any younger. . . :lookaroun

But there’s something you’ve got here – imagination! Keep up the great work!


New Member
One smiley will do the talking: :sohappy: Some of you may remember I had a similar idea of a Channing/DreamFinder crossover in my Project Gemini. Well, imagineer boy, my mouse ears are off to you. Brilliant. (BTW, nice idea for the Think Cafe. It would be cool if it was a make-your-own-style thing, so we can let our imaginations free!!!!!)

Once again: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I have an idea to set up Dreamfinder as the founder of the Imagination Institute in the preshow by building up a mystery of what happened to him. "Dean" Finder was a creative and wise person that disapeared one day and Channing the current chairman has tried to figure out the secret to his success. All that was left from "Dean"s legacy was Figment, who since then has become pestering yet helpful dragon around the place and has been trying to help in Channing's attempts to crack the code of Dreamfinder's awesome creativity, yet still teasing him a little for keeping it so confined. He thought Channing would figure out that you need to unleash imagination and not keep it confined in order to find the path of a incredible creative min, but he knew he needed help that day.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thank you all for the comments! :sohappy:

Grizz, I'll try to find some time to put my own 3-D show in the Magic Eye Thater. I'm up to the challenge. :wave:

This version of Figment will sort of be a cross of the old and new versions. He will be young and innocent, but with a hint of goofy Enthusiastic energy, but not obnoxiouse. There will be that Dream Finder and Figment relationship, but I'm too lazy to put all the dialog in. :lol: :animwink: Dream Finder is the wise but lovable teacher, Figment is the enthusiastic assistant teacher of the attraction while Channing and the audience are the learners going along for the ride. I don't think it will be too confusing about Dean Finder, but perhaps I could put somthing like Channing saying "how's your retirment going?" That would probably clear things up.

Anyway, keep the comments comming! :sohappy: I'm thinking about doing Dino-Rama for my next Re-Imagineering project.


Well-Known Member
Frankly, with the way the attraction is laid out (especially in bringing Channing to the Dreamport), I think it would be better if Figment assumed more of a teacher role while Channing plays student. Dreamfinder (of course) would maintain his fatherly role, however I think because of a lack of memories of him for new guest, I think it would be best to limit his influence of Channing and the riders. Make this FIGMENT'S ride. Bring back Dreamfinder, yes: but allow Figment to "grow". Let him run the attraction, let him be the guide. Figment is the very essence of Imagination, let it shine through.

Great job though, I want to play with some concept art for this...


Dreamfinder, Dr. Channing, AND the Imagination Institute? I LOVE the idea! :sohappy:

I look forward to the Dino-Rama project. :wave:

However, I think Eric Idle will get tired of doing the same attraction for a third time.... :lol:


Well-Known Member
NemoRocks78 said:
However, I think Eric Idle will get tired of doing the same attraction for a third time.... :lol:
Then don't use Eric Idle.

Here's an interesting idea... use a cast member like in the Great Movie Ride.

Put a cast member at the front of your train, who introduces himself as, "An engineer at the Institute, representing our Chairman Dr. Nigel Channing." They can play the stodgy student, and interact with Figment themselves. This would break the fourth wall, so to speak, and make the attraction much more personal.

Just a thought...

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Tahu said:
Does the DinoRama reimagineering involve completely redoing it?

As much as I'd like to do that, it would be a rather big waste of money$$$. I have some plans to make it more of a Disney quality place. I'm also maybe planning doing all of Dinoland for my next project. I'm probably gonna post it in a couple of days because I don't want my Improvement threads too close together and too constant.

BTW, Grizz, I'm getting to work on the 3-D show. My mind is really woking to see what it can come up with. :wave:


What about setting up the premise as you are there to see a very special lecture/presentation by Dean Finder the retired founder of the Imagination Institute and Dr. Channing is nervous about the new chairman and reluctantly agrees to take you the institutes VIP's on a tour of the facility before the presentation. This could help you bring in the childness factor of Figment that Grizz was talking about and establish the paternal relationship. I think with that as the intro to the ride as you designed it could really tie the stories together. I would even humbly suggest that Dreamfinder at some point tells Dr. Channing that you do not need a laboratory for imgaination, you can find it everywhere.
WOW!!!! I am truely in awe of this! I really really would love to see this version of JII!! I was young when the first one was around so barely remeber it but I like the new version. This sounds freaking amazing!!!

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