Pre-Trip "I'm new at this" trip report

This is my first attempt at a trip report so please bear with me.... but I love Disney and after reading outstanding reports by so many (like prfctlyximprct, fractal, and others) I thought I would do my own. This is the pre trip portion. We will be going to Disney World Aug 20th - 28th 2014.

The Cast: Rob (me) and "the kids"- Kayla, Kyle, and Kim

Me - Rob (with Kayla and Kyle in '07)

And "the kids" - Kayla, Kyle, and Kim

I am still learning how to post pictures to this forum.. so I hope that worked.. and here we go...

My name is Rob. My kids are Kayla (20) and Kyle (14). We have not been to Disney World since 2007. Kim(19) was not with us at that time. Kim is my daughters best friend, and through a series of circumstances, she came to live with us last year. So, now I am a single father with 3 kids :). We are all lovers of Disney so this past Christmas I made a Disney World Trip part of my kids present. Who am I kidding, this is just as much a present to myself as it is a gift to the kids.... :) I love Disney World!!!!

We started out with a bit of a "blip" in the travel arrangements. I started planning this trip by searching airfare on line. I found the best price on a flight from Detroit (we are originally from Chicago but live in the Detroit area now) to Orlando leaving Aug 20th and returning Aug 28th on Spirit Airlines. So I booked it. I also had a PIN number from Disney that covered those dates so I followed up with a phone call to Disney to book 2 rooms at All Star Movies. I was going to do a Moderate resort but for nearly the same price I was able to get two rooms at a Value resort and thus give the girls a little space of their own.
So, I thought all was well, but then I started looking on line at You tube vlogs about Disney and I came across one with two girls from Canada who were leaving from Detroit Metro on Spirit.... they had an awful experience and their video began with the warning "whatever you do DO NOT BOOK on Spirit".. so I began to worry that I would have delays or a cancellation (like they did). So I went on yelp and it was complaint after complaint about Spirit. I mean I know every company has complaints, but this was like 95% disapproval... I got scared. I worried about that for several weeks and finally broke down and cancelled that reservation and booked (instead) on Delta. I hope I did the right thing. When I called Disney to change my DME reservation from Spirit to Delta the cast member I spoke to told me she has a friend that is a pilot for Spirit and she has heard nothing but good things about them... hmmm.. well, too late to change back now.... has anyone else had any experiences with Spirit? Or Delta? I have flown Delta before out of O'hare in Chicago.. and I flew Delta in '07 when we went to Orlando... so I feel better with them, although they were more expensive than Spirit.

Well, that is all done now... and my ADR's are done... so now I am just waiting to do my Fast Pass selections...only 116 days to go until we head to Orlando...I am looking forward to sharing my trip with everyone on this forum. Like I said, I have read so many excellent reports that I thought I would try one. By reading everyone else's reports it has really got me pumped up for this trip. I have not been to Disney in 7 years and so much has changed, I have really enjoyed reading all of the reports on this site. Thank you all so much for your input...I think I will enjoy counting down the days until my trip with you all and, of course, sharing my trip report when we get back...



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Well-Known Member
Hey there Rob and welcome to wdwmagic!
I am definitely not authorized as an "official" authority on the site here but I've found it to be a great place to call home for keeping up on the latest happenings, finding all of the good info for discounts, etc., and for enjoying the experiences of others through news, trip reports, etc. I hope you can find the place to be equally as helpful and friendly!

Anyhow, I am also in the Detroit area, so props to you for having a trip planned to somewhere WARM after this past Winter (which still doesn't quite seem to be over!).

Regarding the airline situation, I used to fly Spirit quite a bit without incident or complaint. However, back in '07 or so when they "upgraded the entire fleet" (aka, bought a BUNCH of brand new $40million airplanes) and told everyone their airline was going to get better... and changed their pricing strategy, everything seemed to go downhill. Previously, they were a very straightforward: you got a cheap, simple, no-frills flight. Then, the new policies set in and you had a base ticket price, then you had to pay extra if you wanted to choose a seat, then you had to pay if you wanted to bring a carry-on, had to pay if you wanted to print a boarding pass at the airport, etc., etc. A couple of crappy experiences was all it took for me to decide that Spirit was not for me.
I've travelled Delta for work a LOT and I've ended up using Delta exclusively for personal travel as well now too (might as well with the Sky Miles advantages). I've been thoroughly pleased (knock on wood) with Delta's service, timeliness, options, and for the most part, price, through all of my travel with them (probably 20+ trips in the past year).
At this point, I pretty much don't even check other airlines when planning a trip.

Well, it sounds like you're fixing to have a blast at WDW!
I can completely understand your position of being able to get two rooms at a good deal at All-Star Movies - there are definitely good price options available there. I know that everyone's situation and priorities are different but I always recommend the moderates to people if at all possible.
I remember going to WDW in High School with my parents when a friend had come along with me...we stayed at Port Orleans and the immersive experience of the Resort meant a lot to me at that age and gave me a thorough appreciation for what WDW is all about - about maintaining the theme and Magic wherever you are! Again, I realize everyone has a different outlook on what they are looking for and having two rooms may very well be the best thing with having a group with several kids (and the additional bathroom/prep area for the girls!). Just from my personal perspective though, the Moderate Resort added a lot to my experience and appreciation for what WDW was all about as a teen.

One thing to look into, since you're staying a fair amount of time, would be an Annual Pass...Not necessarily for everyone in your group, but if you price it out, you will usually find that an Annual Pass price makes sense once you get somewhere between 8-10 days. The key thing if you were to get one just for yourself is that you would be able to (a) get an Annual Pass room rate (those are usually released/available somewhere around 3 months out from the discount period), and (b) depending on if you plan on doing table service (restaurant) dining while you're there, you can purchase the "Tables in Wonderland" card which will give you 20% off on Food & Drinks at all table service restaurants during your trip. If you do plan on eating at sit-down restaurants, the Tables in Wonderland card can easily pay for itself within a couple of meals, especially with a group of four!

You are definitely within the window now where you can start making all of your dining plans, selecting your Magic Bands, etc., etc.
Happy planning and definitely don't hesitate to ask questions here! There are lots of helpful people.


Original Poster
Hey there Rob and welcome to wdwmagic!
I am definitely not authorized as an "official" authority on the site here but I've found it to be a great place to call home for keeping up on the latest happenings, finding all of the good info for discounts, etc., and for enjoying the experiences of others through news, trip reports, etc. I hope you can find the place to be equally as helpful and friendly!

Anyhow, I am also in the Detroit area, so props to you for having a trip planned to somewhere WARM after this past Winter (which still doesn't quite seem to be over!).

Regarding the airline situation, I used to fly Spirit quite a bit without incident or complaint. However, back in '07 or so when they "upgraded the entire fleet" (aka, bought a BUNCH of brand new $40million airplanes) and told everyone their airline was going to get better... and changed their pricing strategy, everything seemed to go downhill. Previously, they were a very straightforward: you got a cheap, simple, no-frills flight. Then, the new policies set in and you had a base ticket price, then you had to pay extra if you wanted to choose a seat, then you had to pay if you wanted to bring a carry-on, had to pay if you wanted to print a boarding pass at the airport, etc., etc. A couple of crappy experiences was all it took for me to decide that Spirit was not for me.
I've travelled Delta for work a LOT and I've ended up using Delta exclusively for personal travel as well now too (might as well with the Sky Miles advantages). I've been thoroughly pleased (knock on wood) with Delta's service, timeliness, options, and for the most part, price, through all of my travel with them (probably 20+ trips in the past year).
At this point, I pretty much don't even check other airlines when planning a trip.

Well, it sounds like you're fixing to have a blast at WDW!
I can completely understand your position of being able to get two rooms at a good deal at All-Star Movies - there are definitely good price options available there. I know that everyone's situation and priorities are different but I always recommend the moderates to people if at all possible.
I remember going to WDW in High School with my parents when a friend had come along with me...we stayed at Port Orleans and the immersive experience of the Resort meant a lot to me at that age and gave me a thorough appreciation for what WDW is all about - about maintaining the theme and Magic wherever you are! Again, I realize everyone has a different outlook on what they are looking for and having two rooms may very well be the best thing with having a group with several kids (and the additional bathroom/prep area for the girls!). Just from my personal perspective though, the Moderate Resort added a lot to my experience and appreciation for what WDW was all about as a teen.

One thing to look into, since you're staying a fair amount of time, would be an Annual Pass...Not necessarily for everyone in your group, but if you price it out, you will usually find that an Annual Pass price makes sense once you get somewhere between 8-10 days. The key thing if you were to get one just for yourself is that you would be able to (a) get an Annual Pass room rate (those are usually released/available somewhere around 3 months out from the discount period), and (b) depending on if you plan on doing table service (restaurant) dining while you're there, you can purchase the "Tables in Wonderland" card which will give you 20% off on Food & Drinks at all table service restaurants during your trip. If you do plan on eating at sit-down restaurants, the Tables in Wonderland card can easily pay for itself within a couple of meals, especially with a group of four!

You are definitely within the window now where you can start making all of your dining plans, selecting your Magic Bands, etc., etc.
Happy planning and definitely don't hesitate to ask questions here! There are lots of helpful people.

Thanks so much for the warm greetings.... yes, this winter in Detroit has been terrible.. I am ready to head south right now... As far as Spirit goes, I knew I was getting the "no frills" airline, but I don't want to chance a cancelled flight on an airline that does not seem to have any type of back up plan and seems to have poor communication with their customers... that was my concern. I would rather pay more and actually start my vacation on time... I know any airline can have delays and cancel flights, but I think the odds are more in my favor with Delta.

I had not thought of an annual pass. I may be going back again next year and taking my parents with me as well. I have never been to Disney with my parents and my kids at the same time so I am hoping to do that next year, maybe an annual pass is the way to go. I will look into it. Thanks for the suggestion.

WDW has changed so much since I was last there.. I cannot wait to get there and start exploring like it is my first time all over again. And going with (essentially) 3 teenagers, so I think I will be exploring some on my own.. at least early in the morning... but they say they will get out of bed early on a few days.. :)

I will certainly take you up on asking questions... I will take all of the help I can get. Thanks!!!


Original Poster
What ADRs do u guys have?

I only booked 4 of them.. all at places I have never eaten before. Since the kids are older now we only did one Character meal, I booked a breakfast at Chef Mickey's. I have never eaten there before and I am really looking forward to that one. I also booked a dinner at Be Our Guest. I have seen so many reports and pictures of BOG, I think we will enjoy that. I also reserved a dinner at The Plaza in Magic Kingdom and a breakfast at Boma at AKL. The rest of the days we will just "wing it".....I did not want to "overplan" and be stuck to a rigid schedule based around our meals. Plus we will be spending 2 of the days of our trip at Universal. I have been to Disney 5 times but I have never been to Universal so that will be new to us too.

If anyone has any other suggestions on places to eat please let me know and I will see if we can add them into our plans.

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Original Poster
Also.. does anyone have any suggestions on getting to Universal for a day or two?? I really don't want to rent a car... I guess calling a cab for the day(s)we go to Universal is the way to go?? I am such a Disney kid that I almost don't want to do Universal... but I have to see the Harry Potter sections... Let me know your thoughts!!



Well-Known Member
If anyone has any other suggestions on places to eat please let me know and I will see if we can add them into our plans.

Boma is an excellent choice, although it's a tough call between breakfast and dinner.
The breakfast is definitely good, but I've found the dinner there to be amazing. There are a lot of things that seem like they might be "on the edge" of your comfort zone, but then you try them and realize they are relatively straightforward ingredients that are much, much better than your expectation!

One of my favorites is Biergarten - I love the food, the beer, and the entertainment is always a blast.

Regardless, it sounds like you've got a great lineup. I completely agree with you on the "not overplanning" thing. I have gone crazy with 2 or more ADR's/PS's in the past and like you said, you end up catering your whole schedule to your reservations. Furthermore, in my experience over the past few years, the travel time has seemed to have gotten drawn out more and more to the point where you literally have to depart 2 hours ahead of time to ensure that you'll get somewhere if taking multiple forms of transportation, multiple buses, etc.

Also.. does anyone have any suggestions on getting to Universal for a day or two?? I really don't want to rent a car... I guess calling a cab for the day(s)we go to Universal is the way to go?? I am such a Disney kid that I almost don't want to do Universal... but I have to see the Harry Potter sections... Let me know your thoughts!!

You can get a rental car right on Disney property. Some of the hotels have the option on-site and then there is the travel center between MK and Epcot.
I have never rented a car there before but my parents have and it seems pretty straightforward.

I feel like a taxi would sap you for more than twice of what a rental car would run for a day or two and would probably be more hassle from the resorts than a rental car.

I hear you on the "Disney-loyal" upbringing with a reluctance to go to Universal, although I have found myself reconsidering recently with the Harry Potter area(s). I have heard good things and think it would be worth allowing myself to be exposed to some healthy theme park competition!


Original Poster
Boma is an excellent choice, although it's a tough call between breakfast and dinner.
The breakfast is definitely good, but I've found the dinner there to be amazing. There are a lot of things that seem like they might be "on the edge" of your comfort zone, but then you try them and realize they are relatively straightforward ingredients that are much, much better than your expectation!

One of my favorites is Biergarten - I love the food, the beer, and the entertainment is always a blast.

Regardless, it sounds like you've got a great lineup. I completely agree with you on the "not overplanning" thing. I have gone crazy with 2 or more ADR's/PS's in the past and like you said, you end up catering your whole schedule to your reservations. Furthermore, in my experience over the past few years, the travel time has seemed to have gotten drawn out more and more to the point where you literally have to depart 2 hours ahead of time to ensure that you'll get somewhere if taking multiple forms of transportation, multiple buses, etc.

You can get a rental car right on Disney property. Some of the hotels have the option on-site and then there is the travel center between MK and Epcot.
I have never rented a car there before but my parents have and it seems pretty straightforward.

I feel like a taxi would sap you for more than twice of what a rental car would run for a day or two and would probably be more hassle from the resorts than a rental car.

I hear you on the "Disney-loyal" upbringing with a reluctance to go to Universal, although I have found myself reconsidering recently with the Harry Potter area(s). I have heard good things and think it would be worth allowing myself to be exposed to some healthy theme park competition!

Yeah, I thought I would try Boma just as something different. Plus I have never been to AKL so I am dying to see it. As for the rest of our meals.... I know the kids will want to eat when they get hungry so I don't want to overschedule. And I really thought about the transportation issue that you mentioned. Going to various resorts for meals can really bite into park time. Each trip is different (as is each person or family that goes to Disney) and this one will be all about the parks... :)

I don't think I will rent a car. My favorite part about going to Disney (since I have been going as an adult) is the fact that I do not have to drive anywhere. The traffic in Detroit is not as bad as what I grew up with in Chicago, but if I can go a week without fighting any traffic, I am all for it..... so I will pay for the cabs I think....

And with universal.... although I have never done it, I am starting to look forward to that too... my sister went to Universal for the first time 2 years ago as part of her Disney trip and when she went back last year she flipped it, she stayed at Universal and only di 2 days at Disney.. I tell her she is a traitor....that will NOT happen to me.... :)


Original Poster
Welcome Rob! If you wouldn't have said that Kim and your daughter weren't actually related, I would have thought they were all yours - flesh and blood!!

I'm sure your going to have an awesome time, and so far your plans look great!

Thanks!! Yeah, I was not expecting to have another child.. let alone a full grown 19 year old... haha.. but she acts just like Kayla so it does not phase me.. two peas in a pod.... I am really looking forward to this trip. Thanks for your well wishes!!! :)


Well-Known Member
If you're going to stick with a cab, I would recommend looking into Quicksilver Transportation (not sure why it didn't cross my mind earlier).
They're a Town Car service I have used many times and their prices are very similar to a cab, but you get the service of a limo (you can reserve a limo as one if their options).
Typically, I've used them as transportation from the airport before DME existed and on a few other unique circumstances.


Original Poster
If you're going to stick with a cab, I would recommend looking into Quicksilver Transportation (not sure why it didn't cross my mind earlier).
They're a Town Car service I have used many times and their prices are very similar to a cab, but you get the service of a limo (you can reserve a limo as one if their options).
Typically, I've used them as transportation from the airport before DME existed and on a few other unique circumstances.
Thanks for the tip!! I will check them out.


Original Poster
Hej there ;) an European welcome ;) Enjoy the pre feelings ;) you are earlier in the World than we do ;) lol......
Hi There!! Thanks for the welcome!! I noticed you have an upcoming trip to the States and to WDW as well don't you?
Yes, I will be there in August...I am hoping that my report will help you (and others) hang on until they arrive for their trips.... I have really enjoyed all of these trip reports that others have written...... I just found this site about a month ago.. I am glad I did.. so many nice people on here... glad to meet you!!


Well-Known Member
Hi there yeah we are going in October! For me a return since 24 yrs ago and for Ria and Sacha it will be the first time ;)

The talking with people here and reading the TR's and PTR's is barely enough for the waiting time...... More than 162 days of waiting time ;)


Well-Known Member
My first and only so far, trip report was last december. It was so much fun. And Yes, reading all the others definately gets you excited.


Original Poster
My first and only so far, trip report was last december. It was so much fun. And Yes, reading all the others definately gets you excited.
I just went and read your trip report (I really shoudl be working :)) It was amazing!! Looks like you guys had such a great time. After reading your report I know what you mean about it seeming like your first time.. you gave me a bunch of ideas of things I need to try for the first I have never been to the opening show at MK. I don't know if I can get any of the kids out of bed for it, but I will be sure to see it at least once while I am there this time.... and I don't think I have ever seen that wishing well either... if I have I don't rmemeber it but I will be sure to see it in August......Great report!! Thanks for sharing!!


Original Poster
Well.... tomorrow is 60 days and I should be able to book fast passes.... but I just went on My Disney Experience and it has the amount of days until my trip wrong and (for now) I wont be able to sign up for fast passes tomorrow. So I called Disney and they still show me at 61 days as of today... they said they have had trouble lately with the site/app not working for fast passes and she said it should correct itself tomorrow... otherwise I can call back tomorrow morning. She said you cannot book fast passes until 6AM on your 60 day mark.... I have heard others say you can do it at midnight...?? Anyway.. I will check back after midnight I guess and if I can't book them, I will try again in the morning....anyone else having this kind of issue with booking fast passes???

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