This is my first attempt at a trip report so please bear with me.... but I love Disney and after reading outstanding reports by so many (like prfctlyximprct, fractal, and others) I thought I would do my own. This is the pre trip portion. We will be going to Disney World Aug 20th - 28th 2014.
The Cast: Rob (me) and "the kids"- Kayla, Kyle, and Kim
Me - Rob (with Kayla and Kyle in '07)
And "the kids" - Kayla, Kyle, and Kim
I am still learning how to post pictures to this forum.. so I hope that worked.. and here we go...
My name is Rob. My kids are Kayla (20) and Kyle (14). We have not been to Disney World since 2007. Kim(19) was not with us at that time. Kim is my daughters best friend, and through a series of circumstances, she came to live with us last year. So, now I am a single father with 3 kids
. We are all lovers of Disney so this past Christmas I made a Disney World Trip part of my kids present. Who am I kidding, this is just as much a present to myself as it is a gift to the kids....
I love Disney World!!!!
We started out with a bit of a "blip" in the travel arrangements. I started planning this trip by searching airfare on line. I found the best price on a flight from Detroit (we are originally from Chicago but live in the Detroit area now) to Orlando leaving Aug 20th and returning Aug 28th on Spirit Airlines. So I booked it. I also had a PIN number from Disney that covered those dates so I followed up with a phone call to Disney to book 2 rooms at All Star Movies. I was going to do a Moderate resort but for nearly the same price I was able to get two rooms at a Value resort and thus give the girls a little space of their own.
So, I thought all was well, but then I started looking on line at You tube vlogs about Disney and I came across one with two girls from Canada who were leaving from Detroit Metro on Spirit.... they had an awful experience and their video began with the warning "whatever you do DO NOT BOOK on Spirit".. so I began to worry that I would have delays or a cancellation (like they did). So I went on yelp and it was complaint after complaint about Spirit. I mean I know every company has complaints, but this was like 95% disapproval... I got scared. I worried about that for several weeks and finally broke down and cancelled that reservation and booked (instead) on Delta. I hope I did the right thing. When I called Disney to change my DME reservation from Spirit to Delta the cast member I spoke to told me she has a friend that is a pilot for Spirit and she has heard nothing but good things about them... hmmm.. well, too late to change back now.... has anyone else had any experiences with Spirit? Or Delta? I have flown Delta before out of O'hare in Chicago.. and I flew Delta in '07 when we went to Orlando... so I feel better with them, although they were more expensive than Spirit.
Well, that is all done now... and my ADR's are done... so now I am just waiting to do my Fast Pass selections...only 116 days to go until we head to Orlando...I am looking forward to sharing my trip with everyone on this forum. Like I said, I have read so many excellent reports that I thought I would try one. By reading everyone else's reports it has really got me pumped up for this trip. I have not been to Disney in 7 years and so much has changed, I have really enjoyed reading all of the reports on this site. Thank you all so much for your input...I think I will enjoy counting down the days until my trip with you all and, of course, sharing my trip report when we get back...
The Cast: Rob (me) and "the kids"- Kayla, Kyle, and Kim
Me - Rob (with Kayla and Kyle in '07)

And "the kids" - Kayla, Kyle, and Kim

I am still learning how to post pictures to this forum.. so I hope that worked.. and here we go...
My name is Rob. My kids are Kayla (20) and Kyle (14). We have not been to Disney World since 2007. Kim(19) was not with us at that time. Kim is my daughters best friend, and through a series of circumstances, she came to live with us last year. So, now I am a single father with 3 kids

We started out with a bit of a "blip" in the travel arrangements. I started planning this trip by searching airfare on line. I found the best price on a flight from Detroit (we are originally from Chicago but live in the Detroit area now) to Orlando leaving Aug 20th and returning Aug 28th on Spirit Airlines. So I booked it. I also had a PIN number from Disney that covered those dates so I followed up with a phone call to Disney to book 2 rooms at All Star Movies. I was going to do a Moderate resort but for nearly the same price I was able to get two rooms at a Value resort and thus give the girls a little space of their own.
So, I thought all was well, but then I started looking on line at You tube vlogs about Disney and I came across one with two girls from Canada who were leaving from Detroit Metro on Spirit.... they had an awful experience and their video began with the warning "whatever you do DO NOT BOOK on Spirit".. so I began to worry that I would have delays or a cancellation (like they did). So I went on yelp and it was complaint after complaint about Spirit. I mean I know every company has complaints, but this was like 95% disapproval... I got scared. I worried about that for several weeks and finally broke down and cancelled that reservation and booked (instead) on Delta. I hope I did the right thing. When I called Disney to change my DME reservation from Spirit to Delta the cast member I spoke to told me she has a friend that is a pilot for Spirit and she has heard nothing but good things about them... hmmm.. well, too late to change back now.... has anyone else had any experiences with Spirit? Or Delta? I have flown Delta before out of O'hare in Chicago.. and I flew Delta in '07 when we went to Orlando... so I feel better with them, although they were more expensive than Spirit.
Well, that is all done now... and my ADR's are done... so now I am just waiting to do my Fast Pass selections...only 116 days to go until we head to Orlando...I am looking forward to sharing my trip with everyone on this forum. Like I said, I have read so many excellent reports that I thought I would try one. By reading everyone else's reports it has really got me pumped up for this trip. I have not been to Disney in 7 years and so much has changed, I have really enjoyed reading all of the reports on this site. Thank you all so much for your input...I think I will enjoy counting down the days until my trip with you all and, of course, sharing my trip report when we get back...