So, Eisner has 6 months to train his monkey.... errr.. I mean, successor. Great.... This was a sham of a "CEO search" from the beginning. I smelled a rat when Iger was paraded in front of every analyst, featured at every meeting, and was Eisner's "Chosen One". If anyone doubted that the Board of Directors were a bunch of trained monkeys, well, your doubts should be put to rest now. I bet they could churn out some Shakespeare-quality prose before the end of September, too. At least that would take some skill.
Before branding me as an Iger-hater: Iger could be good. He certainly could run the company differently than Eisner has over the past 10-11 years. However, my wager is that it's more of the same. Granted, he'll want to put on a good dog-and-pony show at first, to show he's "really got it". But how things go in the first 12 months will tell the tale.
I will be keeping an eye on over the coming days and weeks for what they will do. This certainly isn't good news for the company, not when a change at the top is needed to correct years of neglect and focus purely on "short-term shareholder value". BTW, I'm also a shareholder. I don't give a damn about my yearly dividend. I want the company to return to the prominence it once had - Innovative, family-oriented, unique. I don't see that in the company anymore.