Ummmm I definatley stand behind Tommorowland as being the best place.
20,000 leagues under the sea is a science-fiction novel written by Jules Verne notabley one of the greatest Science-fiction writers of all time
Tommorowland has the sole theme of Sceince-Fiction
Can you see the connection Wannabe Walt? I am not sure how you did not see it before?!?
Yes we do have Submarines but not the Nautluis
Yes there are giant squids, but to my knowledge none as big in the book have ever battled with a submarine crew
There is some Science in it which is more redabley executaeble to day but there is also alot of Fiction, hence Science-Fiction, Space Mountain is the same way we really do travel into space just not the way it is Fictionally represented on the ride. Tommorland is an 18th-early 19th century envisonment of the future some of it will have come true other parts never(well probaby never) will.
The space is not there curently but it would be with the modifications I proposed for it, there is alot of room between CoP, Glaxy Theater and the Old Sky Way station. This plan of removal is an acutal one made up by WDI the thought though was to put in a high speed inverting rollercoaster in this space, so I belive that 20,000 leagues under the sea could fit.
The Studios would be a a suitabel location, but it would probably not work that well, becuase you would be limiting yourself to only being abole to use the movie version and a movie basis which is rahter old and not the popular, so it seems not the best choice to limit your content posiblites for a ride when bassing it off the orginal story wich would be limitless as there are no redefined resitrictions is also available.(ie, you could not do your own look to any sceneary it would all have to look like it does in the movie, and so on, everythign would have to emulate the movie rather than having a simple story which you could re-tell in any way you please)
Notice Star Tours is based off the whole mythology of the orignal trilogy, Muppets is based of the whole mytholgoy and not a specific movie, ToT is relaly losley based off the whole Twilight Zone serries, they even made theri own episode not to be trapped
For all of these reasons Tommorwland at MK would be the prime location for any revival of 20,000 Leauges Under the Sea.
If you disagree, I would be glad to hear any logical, rational or factualy founded arguments against it
(BTW Galaxy Theater is a rather dormaint theater inbetween CoP and the old skyways station)