So I have this idea for an EPCOT based resort. I only really have the Future World part down so far, but the basic idea is that the resort would have three parks, two of which would be Future World and World Showcase. The other one would be Disney's American Adventure, a modified DCA/DHS/TDS park.
But as i said, i only really have the FW Park idea written out as of now, but i'll try and put up the other park ideas down soon.
As the guest enters the park, they find themselves in the FutureWorld entrance plaza, with fountains and foliage surrounding reflecting pools. The slanted walls of the communicore buildings lead the eye up to...
The park's icon. A new 25-Story spaceship earth, based off of the SpaceStation Earth concept from WestCOT, including a reflecting lake around the building, but SpaceStation Earth will be in the center of the park as opposed to the front of it, with the two CommuniCore Buildings surrounding it.
SpaceStation Earth will be a much more grandiose attraction than its predecessor, using advanced AAs and set designs, but still retaining the basic idea of the original. The ride system will still spiral upward, but the track will be suspended from above (Like PPF), and have an ending based off of the Futurama attraction at the 1939 and 1964 Worlds Fair (more on that topic later!) where the rider floats down into a futuristic world. The Guest will then walk into a larger, more advanced FuturePort, where the Guest can connect their smartphone to the new WorldKey Kiosks, and get exclusive in-park apps and features that improve the experience at the park.
Within FuturePort will also be the loading station for the new WED PeopleMover, a transportation ride with dark ride elements as it takes you through a replica of the Dinosaur Diorama from the 1964 WF, with a sample of Walt Disney's narration of the Ford Magic Skyride and an explanation of this being part of Walt Disney's idea for the Transportation of the future. The cars will be full scale, 4-6 seated enclosed vehicles with screens and speakers for the narration. The ride would also go through the 2 ComuniCore Buildings and the top of the ProgressLand Pavilion, featuring a fully restored/re created version of the EPCOT Model. After this the cars would go under the other CommuniCore building, showing a portion of the Utilidor system (a dressed up one, of course as to not ruin the show). The loop would end at the FuturePort and would lead you to the exit out to CommuniCore.
The entrances to CommuniCore are around you, large, room-brightening windows show off various exhibits sponsored by Apple, Google, HP, Coca-Cola, WM, Nintendo, and others. The communicore will be like a permenant technology expo with continuous changes to the exhibits inside. There will also be an area where current Imagineering ideas and whatnot are presented, along with areas that show off the most incredible feats technology and internet can perform.
The Pavilions surround the outside of CommuniCore much like the ones in the Orlando park. The first pavilion in Future World East will be the Energy Pavilion. The ride will remain the same, in terms of ride systems. The power in the building will be provided by as many sources as possible, wind, solar, and other forms of energy. The real major changes to the ride are going to be the ride story, now containing original characters led by Bill Nye through the history of energy and how it works with us today, and a more toned down Dinosaur part, with additional dioramas on solar power, wind power, and other forms .The post show will have exhibits on all of the energy forms in the building, with games and presentations that are both fun and informative.
The next pavilion will be a new one, well in terms of EPCOT, that is. ProgressLand will be a pavilion themed around man's progress up to this point. The pavilion will be based off of the same pavilion from the 1964 WF, and it will transport you back to that wonderful time in Disney history, with announcements and recordings all done in the technology from the time. The main attraction will be, of course, Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress. This will be the fully restored original show from The Magic Kingdom, with the original ending from when the attraction was first shown in the WF. The post show will be a self-guided tour taking you through the history of Walt Disney Imagineering from it's beginnings in Disneyland as WED Enterprises, to Walt Disney's most ambitious project, the Experemental Prototype Community of Tomorrow where you can get an up close and personal look at the fully functioning, 115 Ft EPCOT model, with new interactive elements and layers underneath to show the tunnels and various other transportation systems that would have gone through EPCOT. The pavilion will be surrounded by an area called Worlds Fair Plaza, a garden and reflecting pool will be present, with small, counter-service restaurants and benches & tables where people can relax in the atmosphere of the Worlds Fair-grounds, or take a ride in Walt Disney's Autopia, which will be a sort of transition into...
The next pavilion, Motion. This new ride will be a combination of Test Track and World Of Motion, showing the history of the automobile from the Model-T to the current cars of today. With each progression in automotive technology, the ride gets continually more intense until the finale, where the rider ends up on a raceway of the future. A stoplight counts them down, and when the light turns green, the car launches out into the fastest part of the ride, where riders can reach speeds of up to 65 MPH as they race next to another car, like Radiator Springs Racers. The ride will load out into a showroom with current cars for the guest to sit in and get a close look at. There will also be cars of the future on display.
The final pavilion in Future World East is the Computer pavilion. This pavilion will have two attractions,
Data Wars - Based off the same ride system as Star Tours and Body Wars, you get taken into a digital world where you are sent on a mission to destroy a virus threatening to overtake the internet. The EPCOT Computer Revue - A humorous show on how the computers powering EPCOT work. Along with those, there will also be a Flynn's Arcade section of the pavilion, with a mix of classic games and current gaming technology in an arcade of the 80's. This will feature some of the things available in DisneyQuest.
You notice one pavilion in Future World South, but we'll get to that one later...
Now on to Future World West, where we explore the wonders of earths offerings, Sea, Land, Air, Space, and the amazingness of the human imagination.
The first pavilion in FWW is the Imagination Pavilion, with three stylish pyramids each containing an attraction. The first pyramid contains a new version of Journey Into Imagination, with a return of the Dreamfinder and a Figment with a voice that isn't like nails on a chalkboard. The new ride will utilize the whole pyramid, because the new Imageworks will be in it's own pyramid, with an open, well-lit exhibit space to brighten up the new playground of the future. The third and final Pyramid is the new home for a re-imagined version of Cranium Command. This experience will be similar to the WoL show, but with a new cast of SNL Alums and a new story. Instead of the boot-camp/training idea, it will be done as a presentation by the ditzy-but-smart Professor Buzzy Q. Cortex.
The next pavilion is The Seas Pavilion. The Seas pavilion in this EPCOT will be nemo-free(!), first of all. There will also be a return of the Hydrolators(!) which will take you "down" to Sea-Base Gamma, a high tech sea-lab (underneath the water...) where you take a humorous, but informative tour through the laboratory. the tour will culminate with a visit in the Sea-Pod, an under-water dome where you can get a close look at the ocean life around you. After that you are free to explore the aquarium at your leisure. There's also gonna be an area where you can play games and take quizzes on marine life.
Following that pavilion will be The Land Pavilion. There will be one table service restaurant watching over Living With the Land and 2 counter service restaurants. The main ride of the pavilion will be Living With The Land. This will be a ride showing the scientific progress made on producing plant life and food for the resort. Also in the building is a new version of Symbiosis with updated information. Also, i want to use ALL the fruits and vegetables from LWTL in the restaurants if we can, and even better will be if we can use the F&V's almost exclusively, thus saving money and proving this is a self-sustaining idea.
Next is the Air Pavilion. This pavilion will be themed around man's achievements in flight and will be designed to look like an Airplane Hangar. The main attraction in this pavilion will be Soarin' over The World, a new, high capacity version of Soarin' featuring landmarks from around the world (including views of the Disney parks in other countries), using scents, sounds, and even more to immerse you into the feeling of taking a glider tour of the world. The other attraction will be using the Sum of All Thrills ride system, the ride will be a Game/Ride called Test Pilot, where you are a pilot in training who has to traverse dangerous storms and tall mountains, just missing disaster by a hair each time. There will also be a table service restaurant, The Landing Strip, which is themed around a 1940s-50s era Air-Force diner with CMs dressed as pilots for streetmosphere. Other exhibits include a build-your-own-plane game, an instructor teaching how to make a perfect paper airplane, and a short film on the history of Airplanes and flight, hosted by the Wright Brothers.
The last pavilion in FWW is the Space Pavilion. No more Mission: Space(!) This one will be a serious attraction with a planetarium show on the vastness and amazingness of space. When the first half of the show is done, you are guided up to the second floor where the dome that you just watched a planetarium show on is now a model of Earth. The ending of the show will have the windows around the audience opening up and showing them that the planet they see in front of them is the same world they are in right now.
And now on to that lone pavilion in the distance of Future World South...
As you approach the building, you walk up a tree-filled hill (using forced perspective to make it seem that much taller) the pathway will have references to all the other pavilions in the park, saying,
Community provides the people
Communication provides the questions
Imagination provides the answers
And Space
All provide the resources
& Progress, the result of those resources
provides the continuous inspiration
For us,
the Community of Tomorrow
To reach...
Then you look around you, seeing that the once vision-imparing trees have shrunk down to shrubs that only barely come up to your knees, and then you look up to see a massive building, the building that most people have been dying to see again, one that draws your eyes to the top, with a bright light behind it to simulate the sun setting at any time of day. You see a planter in it that just has one sign, with two words on it:
"New Horizons".
The ride will be similar to the original, going over all of the topics in EPCOT that you have just seen. This one will have a more direct connection with the Carousel of Progress, using characters from the original and a strong orchestral version of "There's A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow". With new technology and filming abilities, this will be made the most immersive attraction in the park. The ride itself won't end after the tour through your chosen destination of the future, which will also include major cities, a once snowy wasteland now with a bustling population, and a Mars Colony. The ride will end with a simulated exit out of the building into a view of the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow as Walt Disney saw it, with the Cosmopolitan Hotel in the middle and everything. The rider should leave feeling inspired to help progress their world to the ideals of this great place, to create the new Community Of Tomorrow.
Also, I have been reading these ideas for a while on this forum, so there is a chance some of the ideas may be similar to other ideas on this forum, and if they are, then my bad. Just message me and I'll give you credit!
Thanks for reading!
But as i said, i only really have the FW Park idea written out as of now, but i'll try and put up the other park ideas down soon.
As the guest enters the park, they find themselves in the FutureWorld entrance plaza, with fountains and foliage surrounding reflecting pools. The slanted walls of the communicore buildings lead the eye up to...
The park's icon. A new 25-Story spaceship earth, based off of the SpaceStation Earth concept from WestCOT, including a reflecting lake around the building, but SpaceStation Earth will be in the center of the park as opposed to the front of it, with the two CommuniCore Buildings surrounding it.
SpaceStation Earth will be a much more grandiose attraction than its predecessor, using advanced AAs and set designs, but still retaining the basic idea of the original. The ride system will still spiral upward, but the track will be suspended from above (Like PPF), and have an ending based off of the Futurama attraction at the 1939 and 1964 Worlds Fair (more on that topic later!) where the rider floats down into a futuristic world. The Guest will then walk into a larger, more advanced FuturePort, where the Guest can connect their smartphone to the new WorldKey Kiosks, and get exclusive in-park apps and features that improve the experience at the park.
Within FuturePort will also be the loading station for the new WED PeopleMover, a transportation ride with dark ride elements as it takes you through a replica of the Dinosaur Diorama from the 1964 WF, with a sample of Walt Disney's narration of the Ford Magic Skyride and an explanation of this being part of Walt Disney's idea for the Transportation of the future. The cars will be full scale, 4-6 seated enclosed vehicles with screens and speakers for the narration. The ride would also go through the 2 ComuniCore Buildings and the top of the ProgressLand Pavilion, featuring a fully restored/re created version of the EPCOT Model. After this the cars would go under the other CommuniCore building, showing a portion of the Utilidor system (a dressed up one, of course as to not ruin the show). The loop would end at the FuturePort and would lead you to the exit out to CommuniCore.
The entrances to CommuniCore are around you, large, room-brightening windows show off various exhibits sponsored by Apple, Google, HP, Coca-Cola, WM, Nintendo, and others. The communicore will be like a permenant technology expo with continuous changes to the exhibits inside. There will also be an area where current Imagineering ideas and whatnot are presented, along with areas that show off the most incredible feats technology and internet can perform.
The Pavilions surround the outside of CommuniCore much like the ones in the Orlando park. The first pavilion in Future World East will be the Energy Pavilion. The ride will remain the same, in terms of ride systems. The power in the building will be provided by as many sources as possible, wind, solar, and other forms of energy. The real major changes to the ride are going to be the ride story, now containing original characters led by Bill Nye through the history of energy and how it works with us today, and a more toned down Dinosaur part, with additional dioramas on solar power, wind power, and other forms .The post show will have exhibits on all of the energy forms in the building, with games and presentations that are both fun and informative.
The next pavilion will be a new one, well in terms of EPCOT, that is. ProgressLand will be a pavilion themed around man's progress up to this point. The pavilion will be based off of the same pavilion from the 1964 WF, and it will transport you back to that wonderful time in Disney history, with announcements and recordings all done in the technology from the time. The main attraction will be, of course, Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress. This will be the fully restored original show from The Magic Kingdom, with the original ending from when the attraction was first shown in the WF. The post show will be a self-guided tour taking you through the history of Walt Disney Imagineering from it's beginnings in Disneyland as WED Enterprises, to Walt Disney's most ambitious project, the Experemental Prototype Community of Tomorrow where you can get an up close and personal look at the fully functioning, 115 Ft EPCOT model, with new interactive elements and layers underneath to show the tunnels and various other transportation systems that would have gone through EPCOT. The pavilion will be surrounded by an area called Worlds Fair Plaza, a garden and reflecting pool will be present, with small, counter-service restaurants and benches & tables where people can relax in the atmosphere of the Worlds Fair-grounds, or take a ride in Walt Disney's Autopia, which will be a sort of transition into...
The next pavilion, Motion. This new ride will be a combination of Test Track and World Of Motion, showing the history of the automobile from the Model-T to the current cars of today. With each progression in automotive technology, the ride gets continually more intense until the finale, where the rider ends up on a raceway of the future. A stoplight counts them down, and when the light turns green, the car launches out into the fastest part of the ride, where riders can reach speeds of up to 65 MPH as they race next to another car, like Radiator Springs Racers. The ride will load out into a showroom with current cars for the guest to sit in and get a close look at. There will also be cars of the future on display.
The final pavilion in Future World East is the Computer pavilion. This pavilion will have two attractions,
Data Wars - Based off the same ride system as Star Tours and Body Wars, you get taken into a digital world where you are sent on a mission to destroy a virus threatening to overtake the internet. The EPCOT Computer Revue - A humorous show on how the computers powering EPCOT work. Along with those, there will also be a Flynn's Arcade section of the pavilion, with a mix of classic games and current gaming technology in an arcade of the 80's. This will feature some of the things available in DisneyQuest.
You notice one pavilion in Future World South, but we'll get to that one later...
Now on to Future World West, where we explore the wonders of earths offerings, Sea, Land, Air, Space, and the amazingness of the human imagination.
The first pavilion in FWW is the Imagination Pavilion, with three stylish pyramids each containing an attraction. The first pyramid contains a new version of Journey Into Imagination, with a return of the Dreamfinder and a Figment with a voice that isn't like nails on a chalkboard. The new ride will utilize the whole pyramid, because the new Imageworks will be in it's own pyramid, with an open, well-lit exhibit space to brighten up the new playground of the future. The third and final Pyramid is the new home for a re-imagined version of Cranium Command. This experience will be similar to the WoL show, but with a new cast of SNL Alums and a new story. Instead of the boot-camp/training idea, it will be done as a presentation by the ditzy-but-smart Professor Buzzy Q. Cortex.
The next pavilion is The Seas Pavilion. The Seas pavilion in this EPCOT will be nemo-free(!), first of all. There will also be a return of the Hydrolators(!) which will take you "down" to Sea-Base Gamma, a high tech sea-lab (underneath the water...) where you take a humorous, but informative tour through the laboratory. the tour will culminate with a visit in the Sea-Pod, an under-water dome where you can get a close look at the ocean life around you. After that you are free to explore the aquarium at your leisure. There's also gonna be an area where you can play games and take quizzes on marine life.
Following that pavilion will be The Land Pavilion. There will be one table service restaurant watching over Living With the Land and 2 counter service restaurants. The main ride of the pavilion will be Living With The Land. This will be a ride showing the scientific progress made on producing plant life and food for the resort. Also in the building is a new version of Symbiosis with updated information. Also, i want to use ALL the fruits and vegetables from LWTL in the restaurants if we can, and even better will be if we can use the F&V's almost exclusively, thus saving money and proving this is a self-sustaining idea.
Next is the Air Pavilion. This pavilion will be themed around man's achievements in flight and will be designed to look like an Airplane Hangar. The main attraction in this pavilion will be Soarin' over The World, a new, high capacity version of Soarin' featuring landmarks from around the world (including views of the Disney parks in other countries), using scents, sounds, and even more to immerse you into the feeling of taking a glider tour of the world. The other attraction will be using the Sum of All Thrills ride system, the ride will be a Game/Ride called Test Pilot, where you are a pilot in training who has to traverse dangerous storms and tall mountains, just missing disaster by a hair each time. There will also be a table service restaurant, The Landing Strip, which is themed around a 1940s-50s era Air-Force diner with CMs dressed as pilots for streetmosphere. Other exhibits include a build-your-own-plane game, an instructor teaching how to make a perfect paper airplane, and a short film on the history of Airplanes and flight, hosted by the Wright Brothers.
The last pavilion in FWW is the Space Pavilion. No more Mission: Space(!) This one will be a serious attraction with a planetarium show on the vastness and amazingness of space. When the first half of the show is done, you are guided up to the second floor where the dome that you just watched a planetarium show on is now a model of Earth. The ending of the show will have the windows around the audience opening up and showing them that the planet they see in front of them is the same world they are in right now.
And now on to that lone pavilion in the distance of Future World South...
As you approach the building, you walk up a tree-filled hill (using forced perspective to make it seem that much taller) the pathway will have references to all the other pavilions in the park, saying,
Community provides the people
Communication provides the questions
Imagination provides the answers
And Space
All provide the resources
& Progress, the result of those resources
provides the continuous inspiration
For us,
the Community of Tomorrow
To reach...
Then you look around you, seeing that the once vision-imparing trees have shrunk down to shrubs that only barely come up to your knees, and then you look up to see a massive building, the building that most people have been dying to see again, one that draws your eyes to the top, with a bright light behind it to simulate the sun setting at any time of day. You see a planter in it that just has one sign, with two words on it:
"New Horizons".
The ride will be similar to the original, going over all of the topics in EPCOT that you have just seen. This one will have a more direct connection with the Carousel of Progress, using characters from the original and a strong orchestral version of "There's A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow". With new technology and filming abilities, this will be made the most immersive attraction in the park. The ride itself won't end after the tour through your chosen destination of the future, which will also include major cities, a once snowy wasteland now with a bustling population, and a Mars Colony. The ride will end with a simulated exit out of the building into a view of the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow as Walt Disney saw it, with the Cosmopolitan Hotel in the middle and everything. The rider should leave feeling inspired to help progress their world to the ideals of this great place, to create the new Community Of Tomorrow.
Also, I have been reading these ideas for a while on this forum, so there is a chance some of the ideas may be similar to other ideas on this forum, and if they are, then my bad. Just message me and I'll give you credit!
Thanks for reading!