I would like to speak with a WDWCP Alum!


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Hey guys! I applied to the Walt Disney World College Program and was ACCEPTED as an attractions cast member! I am super excited and honored to be chosen for the program. I have always loved Disney and this is an incredible opportunity for me.

The problem is.... I am from a small town. So small, we don't even have a Wal Mart! People in my town are getting married and having children(I'm only 20 btw!) I have been with my boyfriend for 4&1/2 years and while he's accepted the fact that I might be going, he's not happy about it. My parents are excited, but sad that I'll be leaving. I'm not use to being away for so long, it's just so out of my comfort zone to move from a tiny town to huge Orlando, Florida!

So my question is...is it worth it to leave everything behind for a few months? Is it super hard to maintain relationships with friends/family/boyfriend at home while you're down there? I would just like to hear individual stories to see how their experience played out, and am especially interested in hearing from those of you who were in committed relationships before you decided to go to Disney, and how the trip affected that.
Hi. I did the program in the fall and I was dating a guy for only 3 months before I left. It was my first time away from home and I was beyond afraid. My boyfriend and I did everything we could to stay together. We spoke on the phone, video chats, little texts throughout the day, and he sent me flowers. I was an attractions cast members and there were times that the park hours were extended, which meant no phone call that night. It certainly got hard, but we did it.

The program is a lot of fun and you have so many opportunities to explore Florida and go to all the parks for free. At the same time, you learn so many life lessons. You learn what it is like to live on your own and how to deal with living with other people, especially someone else sleeping in the same room as you. You learn the importance of compromise and communication. You learn a lot about yourself and what you are capable of. I worked many long hours during the holiday season and then I would have to come home and make dinner and maintain the cleanliness of my apartment. Depending on the roommates you get will determine how much cleaning you will have to do. Three of my roommates never cleaned which put the burden on the rest of us and yes there was some girl drama.

My roommate has been with her boyfriend for three years and made time to talk. They were so happy with each other and he was so understanding of her crazy work schedule. They are still together and happier than ever. She comes from a small town like you.

My boyfriend and I broke up three months after I got home. I had changed. I became more independent and I wanted to see more of what I was capable of. The program didn't break us up. It matured me, while he stayed the same and we started argueing over little things because I started taking care of myself a lot more. We are friends.

You will meet so many people from around the world. I met people from Italy, Japan, China, Australia, France, Mexico, and so many other countries. One of my friends from Japan is coming to stay with my family. I learned so many words in other languages and tried food fropm their countries and I showed them hamburgers and pizza. It was so cool to learn about life in their countries, because it is so different than what you read about it a textbook. The little things we take from granted, were so interesting and exciting to them.

When I went to Disney, I was shy and afraid to leave home and didn't think I could be away from my family that long. Yes, I cried a lot my first month, but every one of my roommates did as well because it is an adjustment. The thing with DIsney is, is that everyone has a love for Disney in common and you know someone who loves Disney is a good person. You become a family and everyone is there for each other.

I don't regret going to Disney since me and my boyfriend broke up. Then again, we didn't have much of a relationship built before I left. I could never have had the experience I did where I live. Everyday I think of all the memories and friends I made.

I would highly recommend you do the program. It is the time of your life and the joy you feel when you create magical moments will stay will you. My first day of the program we were told that Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust will get you through and follow you when you leave.

PS: This was written by ConstanceIrene's daughter. I haven't been in college since the earth cooled!


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Wow thank you so much! That definately gives me insight into the program. I know it will be hard, but if I don't go I think that I will regret it for the rest of my life. This is something I've always dreamed of, but I know some things are going to be very hard to adjust to. I know that my boyfriend and I can make it, I just needed to hear that the hassel and stress that will be put on us will be worth it in the end. Thanks again for your response!


New Member
Regarding the relationship issue, both of my roommates on my internship were engaged and planning weddings during our time at Disney (one was also from a small town), and both are now happily married. I was not in a relationship at the time, but had family issues develop right before I left for Florida, and so we all made time to keep in touch with family/friends/significant others. I talked to my mother nearly every day of my internship, even if just for a few minutes.

I pretty much second what ConstanceIrene's daughter wrote! It may be hard at first, and it will be an adjustment, but it is definitely worth it, especially for a Disney lover! My roommates are two of my best friends today, and even though my internship was 5 years ago (yikes!), I still think about it nearly every day. It truly was one of the best experiences I've had.

Best of luck to you! If you do go, I hope you have a wonderful time! :)


New Member
Is it worth it? ...honestly, that depends. Some people have a great experience on the CP, others have an awful one. Combination of how homesick you get, what your roommates are like, what your trainer/co-workers are like, etc. I'm not from a small town but I had an extremely hard time being away from my boyfriend for so long. Surprising because I'm not the type to get homesick, and all of the sudden I found myself in tears on a daily basis over how much I missed him. I think it's easier if you're having a good time out there, but I had an unfortunate situation with my roommates and trainer, which I've discussed before on here so I won't go into details. But if you're having a bad experience and your boyfriend and family who would usually comfort you are 1200 miles away..yeah, it's rough.

Sorry to be the downer, but I know most people here will say oh it's worth it, don't worry, you'll be fine, etc. Just wanted to give you the other side. It can go either way/


Well-Known Member
DO IT! You are already off to a good start with such a fun role. It typically has a lot of other CPs for you to meet. Something I wish my roles had!

My story is a little bit smiliar....

Never lived away from home, had a girlfriend of over 2 years, and never did very much for myself. I left home for 8 months and it was a fantastic experinece.

You will mature and find out things about yourself that you never knew. It's hard to have a bad time. Not going to lie, a lot of unfortunate things happened to me, but it meant nothing compared to the fact I was doing something that glorified my youth. You gotta start to be your own person at some point in life and the CP somehow helps the process.

I did miss my girlfriend and we broke up on the program, but that's life. It was a lot more fun being single anyhow!

Some people don't enjoy their work location and Courtney always posts her story because she was on that end of the spectrum. However, MOST people have a great experience.

At what other point in life can you drop everything, live in a beautiful area, meet tons of people your own age (international too!), and watch fireworks and a parade everyday.

I don't necesarilly work in the greatest or most desired role right now, but I have fun. My role is better than any other job I've had back home.

Don't let an opportunity like this slip away.

Please PM if you want to know more.
I was in a committed relationship when I was accepted to the WDWCP in 2002. It was a great experience, though I missed my then boyfriend. However, he did come and visit (3 times) and we would talk on the phone at least once a day for a few minutes, so even though I was gone for 6 months, I did get to see and talk to him during that time. My best friend actually met his wife on the internship and they are happily married with the most adorable little girl... so you will see lots of relationships when you're there! Also, I kept in touch with family and friends online and on the phone while I was at WDW. Plus, you will make so many friends from all over the world that you will keep after the internship is over. My best friend from the CP's daughter is going to be the flower girl in my wedding next year and a few of my other CP friends are going to be in attendance. I have friends all over the US and around the world (including a very close friend who is from Italy). The things you will get to experience on the internship will make the time away worth it. It's an amazing experience, I thing you should take advantage of it! :wave:

(on a side note, I was with my then boyfriend for 7 years... 5 of which were after the internship, so it didn't effect our relationship negatively,)


Active Member
I was real nervous before my first College Program for a variety of reasons...then I got the best advice ever:

"Just show up and if you don't like it...you just leave. It's as simple as that, but you will forever regret it if you don't give it a chance!"

While saying that, I know once you get down there - it will consume you and be one of the best times of your life. There must be some motivator that caused you to apply in the first place and perform well enough in your interview.

In regards to the boyfriend, I knew what seems to be dozens of people with your story. You know what they all had in common? They all had a significant other back at home that was jealous and nervous as hell - that made it miserable for them with guilt before they left and during their program. If you two are going to be together for the long haul, he has to trust you and you have to trust him - while you two are apart. If so, you will make it.

My story: I went down on my first program dating a girlfriend of six months. She nagged me about being jealous on the phone so much during my first two weeks - that I broke it off and I dated a gorgeous girl from across the hall of vista way for the rest of the summer. We then did the long distance thing for a year...and then she didn't come back for the next Summer Program - so I then dated quite a few girls. During the final of my three college programs, I decided not to get into any serious relationship while down there and I dated plenty of girls.

I think some of us do a lot of soul searching/growing-up on our programs. At least 80% of my memories from the College Program are from outside of my technical jobs... they were with the wonderful people I met.


Well-Known Member
You never know what's going to happen. I enjoyed my program back in 2003 and it was worth it. I was dating a guy at the time (who was also 10 years older than me) and while I would of liked thing to work out they sadly did'nt. But most ppl I know who have been dating for a long time are still together and married.!! So don't worry on that im sure you guys will be fine.

Its honestly the best thig I did. I was living in Texas and just felt I needed a little change and break from school so thats what I did and it was amazing. it will be hard but I think it makes you a better and strong person. :) Good luck!!


Active Member
Seeing as how i'm a CP Alum, i figured i'd throw in my opinion as well. I will start by making this statement: THE WDW COLLEGE PROGRAM IS WHAT YOU MAKE OUT OF IT. Yes, it's true, some people hate their job or roommates. But if you are going to let that overwhelm your entire college program, then you are missing out on the bigger picture. As it was perfectly mentioned before, the college program teaches you more life lessons then any college class or experience i've ever had. I definitely did grow on the program, i realized that i was depressed with the way my life was and the decisions i was making back home. I took so many things for granted, and finally started to appreciate little things while i was at WDW. You meet so many different people from all over the globe, and you realize that america is just a fraction of a much larger puzzle we call earth. It's an amazing opportunity, and i highly recommend it. the thing i loved most was putting a smile on the face of complete strangers and sharing the happiness i was experiencing with the entire world. when a father walks up to shake my hand and tell me that i was the one who made their entire wdw trip worth while, that is a feeling of joy that you can never find anywhere else... "make the magic, believe in the magic, and live the magic"


New Member
One more comment to add....DO NOT call your boyfriend constantly. Seriously. Looking back, I think a lot of the reason I was so miserable was because whenever I wasn't working, I would be on the phone with my boyfriend, and we'd be going on about how much we missed eachother and how it was so terrible being away from eachother. I look back on that and think what the hell, I could of been at the parks doing rides!


I was in the CP when I was 21 and had dated a girl for a couple years off and on before heading down. Once down there, I recognized very quickly that there was no way I was going to be able to stay faithful. So, after a couple weeks, we broke up and I ended up having a great time.

Unless you're planning your engagement/wedding, you should go down with an open mind. The last thing you want to do is regret missing out of on life because of a GF/BF.

Oh and I ended up marrying that girl I broke up with years later, so you never know!

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