i wish i was in disney....


New Member
Original Poster
hey guys its just me the human map getting alittle crazy over here wishing i didn't have to wait till august to see disney i miss it so much its killing me. espically now with all the american idol ________ i am going through oh i do anything to run away to disney and hide out. go to my real home and hide out espically because its off season.

anyways any one have so helpful hints or things to make me happy....:(


New Member
Original Poster
thanks but that doesn't work anymore even watching videos doing my show things like that i just cry now when i think of wdw i don't know what its all about.


New Member
You can think of me and feel better. My wife is due to give birth June 6th. Which we found out today it's a girl. My wife refuses to go back to disney with a child less then 4 years old. no matter how hard I've tried I just can't get her to budge. I'm hoping that "Baby" will have incredible persuasive powers and can convince mommy otherwise. Otherwise it's looking like a 4 year gap for us. :brick:


New Member
Ahhh welcome to the club. Here's what i do...do a marathon of all home movies if you have any, and if things get really bad...hopefully there's a blank wall in your room. Throw on some music from the parks, (Lately, I've been on a "wishes" fix) and look at the wall, slowly, let your eyes close, at let your imagination take you to where you want to be. Works for me everytime. Wow...I really am nuts.


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean I had a bad case of the Disney blues on Sunday. I just come here all the time and listen to Live365.com 's disney stations, it's not great but it's better than nothing.

BTW: What r u doing on American Idol or am I just reading the ppost wrong?

DOn't worry Disneyfreak your not alone I do that in class but I just space out


New Member
I wish I was there, too.

But fortunately for me, I'm going on Saturday to the Animal Kingdom Lodge. And then we're going back on Valentines Day. God, how I love living in Florida. I was born in Long Island... moved to New Hampshire, and then I moved to the Promised Land. I suggest you all do the same.:)

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