I have a GREAT idea for the Disney Company!


New Member
Original Poster
I just joined here and a few other boards and posted this suggestion.I think it is original and with Disney donating the profits to charity,it would be a HUGE success.

The idea I have is maybe both parks could auction the dream to have ones face sculpted(it would be easy and cheap for Disney,to just make a mold of someone's face like they do for lifecasts with latex with a gelatin mold,like the kits you can buy to dip your hand in and make a mold of your hand).For the body,Disney can use one of their exisiting animatronic bodies already created(so no real cost there)and then make an animatronic figure of the winner to be "IN" the attraction,be it Haunted Mansion,Pirates,Jungle Crusie,etc.
Now this is my idea and the FIRST time it has been suggested anywhere,so I get credit(lol).I don't want to hear someone else acting like they came up with the idea,AFTER me.Give me credit for at least one great idea,lol.


New Member
I just joined here and a few other boards and posted this suggestion.I think it is original and with Disney donating the profits to charity,it would be a HUGE success.

The idea I have is maybe both parks could auction the dream to have ones face sculpted(it would be easy and cheap for Disney,to just make a mold of someone's face like they do for lifecasts with latex with a gelatin mold,like the kits you can buy to dip your hand in and make a mold of your hand).For the body,Disney can use one of their exisiting animatronic bodies already created(so no real cost there)and then make an animatronic figure of the winner to be "IN" the attraction,be it Haunted Mansion,Pirates,Jungle Crusie,etc.
Now this is my idea and the FIRST time it has been suggested anywhere,so I get credit(lol).I don't want to hear someone else acting like they came up with the idea,AFTER me.Give me credit for at least one great idea,lol.

Hmmmmm....I don't think you're gonna have to worry about anyone stealing that idea and claiming it as their own. :lol: :lol:


New Member
So did I miss something, but exactly what profits that your idea would make would Disney be able to donate to charity? Since when would Disney "auction" off a dream like that. Oh and even if a Disney exec was reading this thread while on drugs, theres no way they would have to give you any credit if they stupidly would decide to implement such a thing.


New Member
Isn't there already something out there like this? I thought I read or saw something about a Disney Dream prize (or a prize in some other Disney contest) where they would pick one person to be sculpted into an AA for Pirates of the Caribbean. I could be wrong about this, but I'm almost positive I read it or saw it somewhere recently. Or were you referring to a contest/auction where you would actually get to keep the AA?
edit: After re-reading your post, you are describing exactly what I mentioned above. Now if I could only remember where I saw that contest...


I think back when they were giving Pirates it's face lift someone had mentioned that it would be neat to do something like that.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Even if TWDC were to read your suggestion on a board, you would not get 'credit' for it. Disney does not accept outside suggestions at all. There is a reason for this, if you come up with an idea for something [like this] that would result in something permanently placed in an attraction and Disney gave you 'credit', you could legitimately sue for royalties years later for a proportional share of all Disney profits that might have accrued as a result. Granted a single AA in PotC would hardly be a major draw to the parks, but anything not developed by TWDC for TWDC would present a possible risk of future litigation. So to be certain of no lawsuits, they simply don't accept suggestions.

If you mail/e-mail a suggested change/improvement to TWDC, you'll receive a form response as soon as they get to anything that sounds like a suggestion that says they have not read your message because they do not accept suggestions.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Disney did auction off the chance to be the 1000th ghost in Haunted Mansion in Disneyland.... Didn't the person get a tombstone?


Active Member
Besides they'd find someway to not give you credit for it just a note or email form their legal department saying they can't accept ideas from outside sources. At least when I emailed them with some suggestions for Merchandise that is what I got back.

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