It is nice to see that Uni is adding, expanding and trying hard to improve. Uni had a little stale period in their time and looks like Comcast has infused some creativity and has inspired the parks to go back to wow again. Steve Burke was a WDW pioneer that would have been WDW's future if they would have let him. I am glad to Steve going after to become the premier park in Fla. This means to me creativity, imagination, well themed atractions with mind blowing experiences. This is the way to go. I also like the fact that they need to grow in resort space and rooms. All this going on now is what makes me want to go to Uni even more and stay. Uni needs to do one more thing, Make sure it's customer service is world class second to none. This is how you will get WDW customers to come and stay with their families at uni for years to come. Yes WDW is a great Magical experience with a lot of places to stay and eat and things to do. Uni to me is just starting to realize it's potential and all it can be. Uni is not Magical but is awesome with some innovative mind blowing rides. I am glad that Uni is going to grow, Imagine and innovate.