HRH Club & Universal/IOA Trip Report


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Sunday, August 6th

Our journey begins as soon as our youngest DD, K, is finished performing as Gadshill in King Henry IV. We went and watched her 4pm show, understood very little because, well, we really don't understand Shakespeare. We jumped in our SUV and took off from Indiana to Midway - our flight wasn't until Monday morning, but we thought we'd try spending the night somewhere on Cicero Avenue and not have to fight workday traffic on I-80 or 294.

We stopped at the Best Western for 79 a night - and the only room they had available was smoking. I quit for good 10 months ago but I swear I've NEVER smelled a room so smokey in my life. We jumped in the car, had Applebee's for dinner then popped over to Jewel and grabbed a big spray bottle of mega strength Febreez. Boy, that stuff can work some miracles ... my smokey headache was gone. We fell asleep at around 11pm and ....

Monday, August 7

Woke up to our daughter's fighting while sleeping in the same bed at 3am. Ugh. Now we're all awake ... this is going to be a LONG day.

At 6am we grabbed some breakfast from the lobby, picked up our suitcases and we're off to Midway.

Now, our girls are used to flying ... so we really try and use carry ons only if we're doing theme park vacations. So that's exactly what we did this time ... and knowing that our flight wouldn't arrive home after our vacation until 11pm, I was so happy we weren't going to have to deal with baggage claim and sleepy kids at the same time. (People, this last paragraph is called foreshadowing. LOL)

We're at the gate, I pop a Valium (I'm a horrible flyer) and we're on the plane pretty quick. We're in line for take off almost immediately (gotta love Midway) and ... we're off. Flight is pretty uneventful and we're down in Orlando before you know it. Down at baggage claim we spot our driver from Tiffany Towncar, we pop in the car and are at the HRH in about 20 minutes.

The girls go to check out the lobby while DH and I check in - and lo and behold, we've got a room ready! And it's a Queen Deluxe ... whoooo-hooooo!!! (Apparently, calling to beg does the trick!) We're handed our documents and park tickets since I requested hotel delivery, we get our room keys with cool little Club 7 stickers on them and off to 7 we go. (And we're all giggly in the elevator because we need to use our hotel keys to access 7 ... we're such VIPs! LOL)

We pop our heads into the concierge room and see pop, water, lemonade, cookies, bags of Doritos and trail mix. But we're really interested in seeing the deluxe room ... we open the door and OMG ... I'm thrilled! When we do Disney we stay at the Contemporary - with a big reason being the size of the rooms in the Tower. But the deluxe room is bigger and more spacious. If only it had a balcony ... but oh well.

The bellboy is up within minutes with our luggage and explains the timeline for snacks and stuff ... but basically, we're starving and out the door.

We head on down to the Kitchen (formally known as Sunset Grill) - DH gets a burger, oldest DD gets a burger too, younger DD gets her free (as in Kids Eat Free) chicken nuggets and I get a Philly Steak sandwich ... which unfortunately, was very dry. But who the heck cares ... we're on vacation! And off to the parks we go!!

Everyone's favorite (well, everyone except me because I get motion sickness REALLY easily!) ride from our last visit was Spiderman ... so our first stop is IOA.

Before I continue, I have to say a couple of things ... first, they closed the shortcut. (You'd go through the Beach Club restaurant and stay to the right, go through the gate, go through a bit of parking lot and voila! you were right at the Universal gates.) Huge HUGE bummer. And second, I've read on some internet boards (maybe this one too ... I'm not quite positive) that some people think using the FOTL pass that comes with your hotel key can be abused. Like there's a long regular line, you use FOTL, get off the ride then do FOTL again. Some have said that's abusing the system. If that's how you feel, then you'll probably hate this trip report. Because we use FOTL over and over again ... we paid a truckload of money to stay on property and buy this perk, and we're not ashamed to use it. Okay, disclaimer over.

Our first stop is Spiderman. And then our second stop is Spiderman. And I end up taking off the 3D glasses during the trip down the building. Ugh that makes me nauseous.

Next up is the Flying Unicorn that our youngest DD loves ... all four of us go on, and then DH and little DD go once again for good measure.

Now ... it's time to kill dad. 3 years ago when we were here, oldest DD was a wee bit too short to do Hulk and Dueling Dragons ... and she had talked DH into going on them with her. And somehow, talked me into doing FRONT ROW Dueling Dragons. But her death wish for her dad is first. Little DD and I wait for them to come off the ride and watch all the people with perplexed expressions leaving the ride. Those looks didn't make much sense to me until I rode Fire myself two days later.

Oh, did I mention the heat? Holy crap was it hot. We've been to Florida in August before but there wasn't ANY rain the entire time we were there ... not a drop to take the edge off.

Now we're on our way back to the hotel ... and we're all exhausted. After all, it's now 6pm and we've been up since 3am. (I'm tired again just thinking about it.) We head up to our beautiful room to change into bathing suits, but we first grab some snacks (meatballs, cheese, crackers, etc.) to munch on. We take the plates back to our room, eat, change into suits and DH promptly passes out on the bed. I figure I'll take the girls down to the pool and DH will wake up soon and be down.

We end up hanging around the pool for two hours and no DH is to be seen. I finally gather up the girls and we head back ... only to find DH in exactly the same position. He was so completely and utterly exhausted. Hard week at work, we had a client for our side business all day Saturday, and now the poor guy is just beat.

So we're in for the night ... cookies and milk and we called it a night.

Up next ...

We take Universal Studios by storm, discover a love for deep fried mac n cheese and thrill readers by posting a ton of pictures.


(There's a pic of a train cookie jar on the concierge desk - inside are a secret stash of oreos!)


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Tuesday, August 8

After a night of restless sleep (the beds are hard at the HRH!) we wake up, get dressed and skip merrilly down the hallway to the concierge lounge. I'm a bit worried because I've been reading some not so great reviews of the food in the Club 7 lounge - but we get there and we're all pretty happy with the offerings. We can choose from:

Chocolate, glazed, jelly filled and chocolate sprinkled donuts
Fruits - melons & the like
Different kinds of bagels + butter, cream cheese, preserves
Chocolate chip muffins
Dry cereal including Raisin Bran Crunch, Special K, Corn Flakes, Frosted Flakes, Rice Crispies, Fruit Loops
Coffee, Whole Milk, Skim Milk, Orange Juice, Apple Juice
And fridge filled with water, coke, sprite & diet coke

The tables are all taken but we find a spot in the t.v. room and eat our fill.

And then we're off - it's a Universal day!

We try our darndest to break through the DO NOT ENTER sign on the shortcut gate but to no avail. Crapola. So we make our way (our LONG way) to the pathway on the other side and almost step on 1,453,559 Geico lizards in the process.

We do the mandantory bag check (which is new since our '03 visit) at the end of the pathway right before the Universal gates and we're in. No fingerprinting for us though ... I guess we're special.

First stop to make me sick: Jimmy Neutron.

Alright, this thing made me woozy 3 years ago and it did it again this year. But the kids and DH loved it.

Shrek was the same but still great.

On our last visit the kids were advised by the gate attendants NOT to do Twister. We did it this time and couldn't figure out why that was... I can see it being a little intense I guess, but the girls thought it wasn't a big deal at all. Just an average midwestern storm to them. LOL

Now on to Mummy. The one ride I was looking forward to ... and let me tell you it didn't disappoint at ALL. So great we did it twice. And then did it a bazillion more times throughout the week.

Thought Blues Bros. was neat though I was positively roasting in the sun.

Earthquake was eh, okay. Never my cup of tea but the kids like it.

Loved Jaws of course.

And I think I'll insert our views on FOTL here - we would never EVER come to Universal without staying on property to have this perk. It completely spoils us and I can't imagine waiting in line.

DH did great at MIB, I did okay as the girls did but this is my favorite ride at Universal ... the air conditioning in the MIB is AWESOME. We give whoever controls the temp there an A+++++!

Lunch was Mel's Diner ... our little one got the fried mac n cheese and OMG that was pretty darned good. Though I'm of the opinion if you deep fry anything it's tasty so maybe I'm not a good judge.

After lunch, we did ET, gave them fake names and still can't figure out when ET says our names. Dunno when that is but I just think we don't pay attention well enough.

Up next was the Woody Woodpecker coaster - and both girls rolled their eyes as they got off because, well they're just so grown up now.

Then it's off to try and kill their father on Back to the Future. And I'm no dummy - Jimmy Neutron makes me queasy, Body Wars did me in - there's no way in heck I'm going on that thing.

Afterwards while DH got his footing back, the girls got tattoos and saw Terminator 2 3D.

Then it's back to HRH - we don't wanna miss early evening snacks!! Pigs in a blanket, chicken skewers, spinach stuffed mushrooms ... yummy!!!

We do some pool time, mommy gets a pricey bannana daquiri and then we're back to Universal for Mummy two more times, Jaws at night (AWESOME IN THE DARK!!) and 360.

My opinion of 360 ... eh it's okay. DH loved it - but loves anything like that. It was like one long big super commercial with a couple of fireworks thrown in. (But my opinion did get better when we saw it a few nights later from the other side of the park - tonight we watched it from New York.)

Then back to HRH for 7th floor snacks - it's ice cream night! As an added bonus we got smiley bracelets on our pillows!


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Wednesday, August 9

The night before DH set our alarm clock for "soothing" wake up sounds ... and at 7am we were blasted with what sounded like a forrest full of screaming insects. Soothing? I think not. Creepy? I think so.

We completely planned on getting to IOA at 8am for an early entry thing, but jeez, this vacation was s__________g the life out of us - the heat had a lot to do with it - and we smooshed the insect alarm and slept in a bit. When we finally got ourselves together, our little family trekked down to the lounge and scarfed ( I haven't said "scarfed" since 1986!) down some breakfast.

Our plan was to get to IOA early and do the Pteranodon Flyers before a huge line formed, but alas today was not the day. (And can someone give me a phonetic breakdown of "pterandon" ... no habla Shakespeare and no habla pterandon ...).

First stop was the ever popular Spiderman. I'm actually fine with the glasses on through most of it - it's just when the car (or whatever you're supposed to be in) rides down the side of the building that I need to take them off.

Once again, it's time to play "Let's Kill Daddy". In this corner standing 6'0, an Illinois native and father of two .... Bob! And over here standing 457 stories tall and able to take out 40'ish fathers in one fell swoop is Dr. Doom's Fearfall! Seriously though, my 10 year old is a serious thrill ride junkie - I was completely the same at her age but now my own sense of mortality has unfortunately snuck in ... so DH gets to be her theme park buddy until her little sister grows a bit.

While the two go up and get on the ride of death, my little one wants to jump in the photo booth and take pics. We make some goofy photos and have a great time that doesn't involved being hurled through the air or suspended upside down. After we're done, we sit on a bench and the gentleman next to us goes, "Hey, isn't that your husband?" I look up and sure enough DH is calmly waving at me. I'm thinking he's taking the ride very well ... must be a piece of cake. Until he came down and told me he wasn't calm, he was in shock ... it was the first time he ever went on a ride and thought he was literally going to have a heart attack. What a baby. But then again you don't see me going to stuff like that ... no sir.

And surprise surprise, oldest DD is ready for part 2 of Let's Kill Daddy and gets him in line for Hulk. He lives this time too. (He's a pretty hearty breed - I'm not too worried.) I think he actually ended up enjoying Hulk more than Dueling Dragons - said it was a much smoother ride.

Now we're off to Suess Landing. It's such a cool looking place, and even though I know the colors are meant to be that way, I always think they've faded in the hot Floridian sun. We do Cat In The Hat, and of course I get a little dizzy (I'm such a loser) and decide to sit it out the second time and the 3 of them go back on.

One of my fave's is next: One Fish, Two Fish. Even though I'm, ummmm, in my 30s (yeah, 30s) I love this ride. DH takes one girl, I take the other and it's a race to see who can get their parent the most wet. And we don't care who wins .... after all, it's 11am and it's already 156 degrees outside ... a little water will help us all.

And now ... Suess Trolley. Yeah!!!!! Love love LOVE it. Couldn't love it anymore. (Well, I guess I could. I mean if they brought the tracks over to the HRH and started it there, I could love it more. But I love it so much now!)

Next is Poisondon's Fury. (And I know I'm probably making a ton of grammatical errors ... so please accept my apologies. I just want to finish the report before things start slipping out of my old brain.) Hate the standing around. Love the final battle.

And lunch: Mythos. I asked concierge the day before to make lunch reservations - I didn't know if I'd need them since I knew that this was a very popular restaurant. She didn't make them, but I had another girl follow up ... turns out I didn't need them at all.

I was actually looking forward to this ... I had read so many rave reviews. Loved the cave. The chairs were ... um, holy cow, you can't move the chairs unless you have some serious brut strength. Service was excellent.

DH had the salmon. I had 1/2 of his and really enjoyed it. Him not so much.

I had the BBQ chicken wrap thing. I gave 1/2 to DH and our thoughts were pretty much the same ... ehh. First couple of bites were good and different, after that, eh. So that kinda disappointed me but that's just a personal opinion. I'm sure others would scratch out eyeballs to get one of those wraps.

Dessert in shot glasses. Okie dokie. The last time I had anything remotely resembling food in a shot glass was in a bar with jello shots in a test tube.

What a concept though ... and for me, I loved it. I always want something sweet after a meal but a regular dessert would've made me sick once I walked out in that hot FL sun. The shooters were just right! for Mythos on that one.

And you woulda thought that they put vodka in my Mythos dessert shooter because directly afterwards my oldest got me on Dueling Dragons Fire (you know, the *faster* one) in the stinkin' front row. I kept telling her in the que line that if I died on the ride she was seriously going to be grounded. Somehow I get strapped in and we're up up up the first hill.

At the top of the first hill I think, "Um, I'm hanging, not sitting, how in the heck is this upside down thing going to work?" And then I'm just a screaming idiot for the rest of the ride. We get back to base to undo ourselves and this is seriously the conversation:

DD "Mommy, are you okay?"

ME "I can't talk now."

DD "Mommy, are you sure you're okay?"

ME "Can't talk."

DD "Mommy, am I grounded?"

ME: silence

Now I know why people who come off this ride have these weird looks on their faces. They don't know if they liked it, if they were scared of it, or if it's really even over or just a figment of their imagination. It honestly took me 20 minutes to snap out of it. (She's not grounded btw, I'm not a horrible mom ... just one with a horrible sense of humor.)

While my DD was trying the newest game of Let's Kill Mommy, our littler DD (who's only 19 mo. younger than the oldest) road the Flying Unicorn twice with her Dad.

And then the four of us headed to River Adventure. And got soaked.

And Ripsaw Falls. And completely forgot people could spend their quarters to shoot water cannons at us. Oh, and shoot at us they did. Soaked again.

And then on to the mother load of wet rides: Popeye. Soaking soaking wet.

Now we're ready to slush and squish over to the hotel pool till 6pm. After getting more wet at the HRH pool, we dry off and head off to Margaritaville. We put our name down, use our magical hotel keys as "hurry up and seat us" passes and are told it's about a 15 minute wait.

Oh geez. I have to back up the story.

We're walking over to Jimmy Buffet's and there's this guy playing name that tune with t.v. show snippets. Bob get's a couple, I get a couple, and for each one you get right you get a bead necklace. I try giving one of my necklaces to the oldest. She won't have any of it, she wants to earn it herself. So I tell her I'll help her and whisper the answer in her ear ... she refuses and wants to do it herself. So finally we hear what's not even music yet, just sort of a hum and her arm flings up in the air - the only one up I might add. "The Simpsons!" she screams ... and yep, she's right and earns her own bead necklace.

You're now being returned to your dinner story already in progress.

So we sit outside and chat and wait for our vibrating LED thing to do something. We see people come up and go right in. And then more people. I'm thinking maybe we've got cooties. So Bob goes to check - it turns out that they didn't put us in the system - though we have the vibrating/LED thing, we're not on the list and probably should've been seated 20 minutes ago. So whatever, I'm laid back. Things happen. Whatcha gonna do. "You've got the next table," they say, "we're very sorry this happened." Okie dokie. And then more people sit. And then more. Finally Bob says, "Um, can you get us a table now?" And they look at him like they've never seen him before ...but we do get a table. Upstairs. Right next to the bar. Can't see the volcano. Bob is now in a very bad mood. Listen, not everyone can have a great seat, we completely know that ... it's the luck of the draw and I can deal. So the server comes, and says he'll be right back to take drink orders. And, um, 10 minutes later ... no server yet. So we're outta there.

And then we cross over to Hard Rock Cafe, get seated right away and get to look at cool stuff in the process. And buy things in the Hard Rock store AFTER the process. After our late dinner we walk back to the hotel to find the last part of Dive In Movie - Shrek 2 ... the girls change and DH takes 'em back down to the pool.

Nothing to do with this trip report, but I've been with my DH for 16 years, we've been married for 13, and he is simply the best HUMAN BEING I've ever met. I know I said he got ticked off at Margaritaville ... and that's such a rare thing ... when something like that happens, you take it quite seriously because it never does. DH is the guy who stops on the side of the road to help, plows our elderly neighbors driveways without asking and without ever accepting payment, if you need anything or everything, he's there for you. He's usually the one pulling me from the ledge - the voice of reason. So I think it was a mishmash of errors at Margaritaville and his own tiredness that snapped the back of my beloved camel.

They come back up to the room and I realize our vacation is 1/2 over. Where the heck is this time going!!!

Next up: DH is the HRH Hula Hoop Champ and more pics!


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Thursday, August 10

Awoke at 6:50am to insect sounds, got dressed, grabbed some grub from the lounge and turned on CNN to discover that a severe travel alert has been issued and liquids in carryons are a no go.

It figures.

We were in Hawaii in 2003 and they upped the terror alert level while we were in the airport waiting for our return flight. (That was really REALLY weird.) And then while in Disney last December, our flight was delayed a day because another Southwest plane blew through the wall at Midway and ended up in the street.

So it would figure that the HollyHolly family would have some kind of travel issues. There goes my whole "we'll-only-do-carry-ons-and-it'll-be-so-much-easier-when-we-land-Saturday-at-11pm-at-Midway-with-sleepy-children" theory.

I wonder what all the UK guests thought when this whole thing was going down? It really seemed that there was a large percentage of our friends from across the pond ... we'd hear accents everywhere.

Anyhow, this was to be a Universal day so while the girls and DH did Jimmy Neutron, I walked through the Lucy exhibit. I think our kids ("our" meaning not only mine, but all kids today) have really lost an appreciation for older sitcoms and movies because of the ease and availability of cable. I grew up in Chicago and we had 2, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 32. That was it. We watched old westerns, Doris Day movies, Green Acres, Petticoat Junction and Lucy not because we wanted to (well, maybe we did) but because there was nothing else stinkin' on! Okay, I'm getting off on a tangent again .... let's get back on track.

After Jimmy Neutron, we re-did Twister, did Mummy twice, MIB twice (ah, air conditioning), had sundae's and root beer floats and then we did Fear Factor.

A few days before we asked the (I always want to call them Cast Members ... what the heck do I call them anyway?) workers at the entrance if they cast kids in FF. Nope - but they told me to grab the producer on the way in and sweetly ask for a role for the kids. We didn't have time to do FF that day though ... so on this day I asked the same question before we went in - actually, I said that the previous day they said to ask the producer. These workers said nope they won't pick you if you ask but the best position to get picked is rows 5 and up. So we walk in, sit in the middle about row 8 or so ... and then watch a kid go up to the producer, talk to her and eventually end up getting picked to be in the show. Rats.

In the end, the girls tried their hardest to get noticed but it wasn't in the cards. Oh well ... the show was pretty darned good anyway. There's no way I'd let anyone put scorpions all over me but to each his own.

After FF we road ET again. (When the heck does he say your name? I think I'm just deaf I guess.)

Then on to the Horror & Makeup Show. DH loved this. He laughed harder and louder than I've seen in a long long time. We didn't do this 3 years ago and I'm glad we didn't ... our little DD would've been 6 and I think she might've been a bit freaked out. Still, this was a little more adult humor, but hey, it's Universal and not Disney. (Or as the guy says "This isn't Disney, I don't have to be nice to you." )

Next up we do Terminator 2 3D again and then we're back up to the HRH for a quick siesta for DH and I check emails.

Then down to the pool ... apparently, we just make it for the hula hoop contest! Whoo-hooo!!! Okay, I'm not really excited but our girls are ... and I don't know why because they can't hula hoop to save their lives, but they get in on it and try their hardest anyway.

And then all of a sudden, Scooter the DJ (hopefully, that was just his stage name and his mother didn't really name him Scooter) has a men only hula hoop contest and before I can say "shake it like a Poloroid picture" my DH is across the pool and grabbing a hoop. And holy crap ... he won. I am now the envy of every woman at the pool. Whooo-hoooo!

After getting some hi fives from other dads we head back up to the room and get ready to go to Nascar for dinner. Dinner was good and quick and we're back to HRH just in time for desserts of brownies, blondies and canolli's.

Coming soon: shooting people with water cannons - what a stress buster!


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Friday, August 11

Our last full day at Universal.

And how do I commemorate the event? By posting a "Live at the Hard Rock Hotel" post on Disboards!

Anyhow, today will be the day for the Pteredon Flyers. We munch some food from the lounge and we're off to IOA. We reach the que line in record time ... well, maybe not record time, but pretty fast for two adults who have been exhausted by a vacation. The guy at the gate turns to my little one and says, "so, do you want to let these people in with you?"

Little DD: "Hmmm, I'm thinking, I'm thinking."

(And I wonder where she gets her humor from. Ugh.)

Gate guy: "Well, it's up to you. It's your call."

Little DD: "Well, just this once they can come with."

So we march up into the line that is supposedly 30 minutes long. Not bad. But since we've been spoiled by FOTL, we're so antsy at this point. And the girls are having a loud conversation with each other about where a FOTL could be built and maybe they should talk to someone about it because this waiting is unacceptable.

Not too much longer and we're in the chair swings and off. I know it says no pics, but I pulled out the camera and got a couple of shots of Toon Lagoon ... and then the chair swung out, and I turned into a chicken and held on the rest of the ride.

We head on over to Camp Jurassic and Bob and I find the water cannons on the top level. We don't tell the girls but decide to send them down below to check out the "really cool stones down there". Okay, yeah, we set up our own kids.

The get down there and we nail 'em with the water guns. So fun. And then some little boys join in and shoot back ...

NOTE: The water cannons on the ground are MUCH more powerful than the ones on top. Just so you know.

Since we're a little wet, we decide to do the River Adventure again because, "we won't get really wet - we didn't last time". Yeah right.

We get on the boat that gets drenched. At least we're not roasting as we walk around in the 98 degree heat - that's a plus.

The girls want to do their $7 each rock climb so Daddy Warbucks lets 'em.

And then we head over to the Dudley Doright bridge and get a TON of quarters to release our stress. And release stress it does.

I don't know what this says about us, and actually I really don't care, but I love LOVE shooting unsuspecting people with water cannons. The best ones are the ones who scream. Even better are the ones who realize where it's coming from and look up and shake their fist. (And then you see 'em right next to you 10 minutes later shooting the crap outta people too.)

After running out of quarters, we head over to do Spiderman. And then DH and big DD do Dr. Doom followed by the three of them doing Storm Force Acceleration. Little DD and I prop ourselves up by the bridge and wait while the oldest and DH do Hulk again ... while we're waiting we see someone's hat fall to the bridge.

Who the heck would keep their hat on while doing an upside down roller coaster? People are weird sometimes. Or just don't think.

After Hulk we pop on over to Suess Landing again and do Cat in the Hat and decide to wave at every security camera through the entire ride. 1 Fish 2 Fish is next and then the 3 of them get on the Caro-Suess-El. The trolley is having some mechanical difficulties so little DD decides we should go see Sinbad which is just starting.

You know, I forget sometimes how much I really like the shows until I sit down and watch them. It's a nice break, a nice breeze and a nice way to be entertained and rest your feet for a while.

After Sinbad, little DD and I hit Flying Unicorn twice in a row.

Which reminds me of something. I hate it when they don't have a gate worker at the end of the FOTL line right before you get on the ride. Because the people in the regular line don't want to let you in .. it's like no one has your back. It only happened a couple of times during our entire trip but when it did, it sucked.

Anyhow, while we were doing the Unicorn, DH & big DD were doing Dueling Dragons. The timing was perfect - we met at the lockers at the exact same time.

Oh! I'm also psychic. Seriously. I'm so psychic I know you're thinking "yeah right" right now. (See ... I'm for real!) Anyhow, we're at the lockers and I say to DH, the locker will be #808. DH does the finger scan and voila! our assigned locker was 808. He was really nice to me for the rest of the day so I didn't put a hex on him or anything.

The trolley is now working so we're off to do that once again. And then we take a break in Circus McGurkus and eat some ice cream.

Time to head back to the HRH for snacks but I must stop in the Christmas store to get an ornament. (We add one ornament per year to our tree.) So as I'm talking to the lady I look on her name tag and discover she's from the next town over from us. Um, bizarre. So we have a nice conversation about "back home" and we leave IOA for the final time for this trip. Bye bye!

We eat some snacks from the Club 7 lounge and instead of heading down to the pool, the girls get their suits on and we head to Fivel's Playland at Universal. They have the best memories of this place from 3 years ago so they were really looking forward to it.

But I swear, some grown ups are just pigs. I'm sitting on the curb watching all the kids play and I look over and someone left a dirty diaper just sitting under a bush. C'mon people, there's garbage cans all over the place. Geez.

And then (I wrote a bit about this somewhere else but I'll do it here again) I'm watching this lady stand near the middle of the playland (where you shouldn't get wet) smoking a cigarrette. This really makes me wanna bop her one. Listen, I smoked for 20 years and quit 11 months ago. (Pause for applause) When I did smoke and we'd go ANYWHERE I'd always look for an approved smoking area or I wouldn't light up. So, she's got her cig and she heads INTO the water area (a smart person could tell it was the water area by the amount of puddles on the ground but apparently this lady was an idiot). So anyhow, the kids on the seccond landing go to nail her with the water cannons. And DH & I are like "yeahhhh!!!!". And idiot smokey lady starts screaming "Stop it!" at the kids. She's lucky she wasn't yelling at one of my kids ... I woulda taken her out. But what a complete jerk. First, smoking. Second, smoking in a KIDS area. Third, expecting that kids are going to respect your dryness in a WATER play area. DH wanted to give the kids with the cannons $10 if they scored a direct shot but it never worked out.

Okay, I'm over smokey the idiot.


The girls dry off a bit and we head on over to MIB and then grab some concerete at the fence/water right outside of BTTF for the 360 show. I didn't much care for the show a few nights ago but it was much better from this position. Though the ball in front of us wasn't lined up perfectly ... we did get great sights on the lasers and the projection on the MIB building.

After the show, we head on over to the Universal Store ... because I always wait until the last second to get my photo album. 2,454 people in the store and I decide I need the photo album now. Figures.

Anyhow, I get the album and we're gone. Bye bye Universal!!

We pop on up to concierge at 9:50pm to grab my boarding passes ... I had asked them earlier to print out my passes as close to 9:15pm as possible because (we were flying Southwest) I wanted Group A. It's 9:50pm and there's no one in the lounge. We wait. And wait. And wait.

And finally, the concierge kid comes out - I ask about my boarding passes and say the other guy said he'd be on duty till 11pm ... where is he?

"Oh, he went home."

Okie dokie, do you know anything about my boarding passes?


Alright, without going into an exact play by play, he found the other guys notes and printed out my passes and we got Group A. But it's a great example of why HRH concierge is not the kiss your rear end concierge service ... if that's what you want and expect, you will NOT be happy here. If all you desire is some munchy, crunchy snacks, free pop & water then you'll be okay.

Next up: All day in Cabana #9


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Saturday, August 12

Where did the week go? This vacation literally flew by ... I have no idea where the time went.

As usual I'm the first one awake because the beds at HRH just aren't comfortable to me. In fact, we (me & DH, the girls were fine of course) didn't get a good night sleep the entire time we were there.

At 7:25a I mosey on down to the Club 7 Lounge and ... it's locked. Geez, when they say 7:30am for breakfast they really mean 7:30am and not a minute sooner. As I'm waiting a mini crowd starts to form ... and it's about to get ugly. People start banging on the locked door, saying stuff like "C'mon let me in!" "I just want a bagel!" And ... "I need coffee and I need it NOW!"

Okay, not really, but that would've been kinda funny.

So they let us in and for the first time all week I get a jelly filled donut. And it figures ... it's the best dang jelly filled donut I've ever had and I get one shot at it. Ugh.

I think the three of them are still sleeping when I walk into our room - and they are ... until they smell my food and then they're all immediately awake.
So they're off to get some goodies and I'm watching CNN and the "banned liquids" debacle. They're saying how backed up airport security is so we decided to call Tiffany Towncar and instead of being picked up at 7:15pm for a 9:15pm flight, we request 6pm ... and apparently the dispatcher was just about to call us to bump up our pick up time as well. So we're thinking that we did the best thing and we're definitely not looking forward to security.

The girls and I decide to head on down to the workout room to pick up the t.v. remote and sign in for the cabana. It's about 830am by now and there's absolutely no one in the pool area ... completely peaceful. I leave the kids in the cabana watching cartoons and head back up to the room to drag DH downstairs.

We decide that because we have a late check out (1pm) we're going to hang out by the pool until noon and then come back up and pack and keep all of our luggage with us in the cabana.

We swam, the girls did a cannonball contest and a raft contest, our little DD had her hair braided, they built sandcastles, had lunch at the Beach Club and just acted really really lazy for the remainder of the day. I actually even fell asleep in a lounge chair which was a first for me.

At about 5pm we took turns changing in the workout room and then we left our luggage at the front desk and discovered our room keys still work for Club 7 access. And for the first time the whole week we cannot find a single seat in Club 7 ... so we sit in the alcove on the other side of the elevators and eat our last concierge snacks for a while.

We say goodbye to our Club 7 lounge, head down to pick up our luggage and await our driver. She's on time and we're at the airport doing curbside check in no later than 6:30pm. And we're literally through security in 20 minutes.

Where were the huge lines? I fully expected they would go through my huge purse item by item - after all, I had 4 different kinds of prescription drugs in my bag (one of the things that was highlighted in all the coverage on t.v.). It was easier going through Orlando security AFTER the Britain/Liquid/Elevated Terror Levels happened than it was COMING to Orlando through Midway Chicago security. (And did you know that removing your shoes was "suggested"? I've been taking off my shoes for the last 4 years because I thought it was mandantory! Weird!)

Honestly, I thought the whole thing was a joke. We weren't shaken down. We weren't questioned any more. Nothing.

So we get to the gate WAY ahead of time and YEAH! I've got internet access. So while the 3 of them play Uno, I do some surfing.

About 45 minutes before departure they make an announcement to the effect of, if you have to go to the bathroom, you'd better go now because it's going to be a bumpy ride and the captain expects to have the seat belt sign on a long time.


That's not the thing you say in the presence of a fearful flyer.

I flew a lot as a kid. I was never scared. Never. Until I flew to Mexico on our honeymoon ... we had to be de-iced twice, did a steep bank turn out of O'Hare and my DH was freaking FREAKING out because he never flew before.

Now, he flies for work and to him, it's a piece of cake. He's never nervous ... at all. I'm the one who's a bundle of nerves with a prescription for Valium or Ativan in her purse.

So now, I'm shaking. I actually ask Bob if we can leave and drive home. He looks at me like I'm nuts and tells me to take another pill.

We get on board and we actually leave a couple minutes early - what a first! And it is bumpy ... but not horribly bad. I could let you guys in on what I'm doing in my head to keep calm, but it would really make me sound like a crazy lady ... so I'm going to just say I made it through the flight.

We land at Midway and instead of the right to the car with our carry on bags I've imagined, we're now waiting with 3 other flights for our bags to come out.

Alright people, I've come to the conclusion that you don't need to hear how long of a walk it is to the car, or how Chicago traffic is so awful we have expressways backed up at midnight on Saturday ... but if you've read this far, thanks for putting up with the HollyHolly report!

If you have any questions, just let me know. I'd be more than happy to be as helpful as I possibly can .... unless I'm busy doing something else that is.


Active Member
half way through! (im going for two days next week!) Just one thing - your pics dont work :( *goes back to reading* excellent so far :)

Finished reading :) excellent trip report! I have flp's for next week (probably wont need them mind you!), glad you had a nice time!


New Member
Original Poster
half way through! (im going for two days next week!) Just one thing - your pics dont work :( *goes back to reading* excellent so far :)

Finished reading :) excellent trip report! I have flp's for next week (probably wont need them mind you!), glad you had a nice time!

Thanks for the heads up on the pics ... i fixed 'em! They should work now.

Have a great time next week!

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