How the lines work

Disney Newbie

New Member
If you are in a long line, can one of your party leave to go to the restroom and rejoin the party? Or is that either "against the rules" or just "not done"? :veryconfu

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
It technically is not allowed. Once you leave the line you are supposed to return to the back. However, if the rest of the party is staying in line and one person must go to the bathroom then I suppose it is ok. Just don't bother the people in line getting back to your group.
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Le Meh
Premium Member
I have never really seen anyone have a problem with someone getting out of line to relieve themselves, then getting back in. The problem is when one person is waiting in line and then a group of twent try to get in. Have seen some international tour groups (well, not official groups, just groups of people) jump in front of one person that was waiting in line.
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New Member
I used to work in T-Land and never had a problem with letting someone back in line after they had a "Call of Nature" long as a member of their party stayed on line. If they were alone, it was a different story, they'd have to go in the back of the line, unless they were nice :lol:

But I agree with the groups, that is so rude to just expect your friends to jump in when others have been waiting a long time. Those people used to get an earful from me....polite, yet still an earful.

So back to the potty question, just run it by a Cast Member, most won't have a problem with it, just keep someone from your party in line to hold your spot.
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Well-Known Member
I aways ask the people behind me in line if they mind if I ran to the bathroom and then came back to my space.
I've never had anyone say that they minded.
I don't come back with cold drinks and/or ice cream.
IMO that's just rude.
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New Member
While this is not technically allowed, it is suggested by the unofficial guide so we tried it this past trip (Apr 2006).

We have a 2 year old who does not cooperate well with standing in long lines. DH would get in line and I and DS would wait until the very last minute to get in line. Everyone around him knew that we would be joining the line, becuase in most cases I just followed along the outside of the line with DS in the stroller.

Obviously on some cases you can't do this (GBS, BTM, BLSRS, Speedway, etc), but we didn't have any problems with the rides that it was possible for. I reality, if the ride seats more that one person, me & DS joining DH doesn't change anyones wait time.

I totally agree that large groups should not get infront of one person who has been waiting in line.
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Well-Known Member
1) With some rides / attractions / shows its very difficult to rejoin your party without pushing past the entire queue thats formed behind the spot that you've just vacated - discretion is required here.
2) You could visit the restrooms BEFORE your party joins the back of the line
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Well-Known Member
How long of a line are you planning on waiting in? I've never had a problem with visiting the restrooms beforehand--if wait times are greater than an hour, I get a Fastpass. However...I will mention Space Mountain at Disneyland. I waited in line for 3 hours for it (this was last summer, when it had just reopened, so I decided to wait), and that line is in the sun...and it was early August. It may be rude, but I simply had to leave and get bottled waters for my family or we would have had heat stroke (and I was not the only one who did this--there was a constant stream of people leaving to get bottled waters). If you have to leave, you have to leave. Most people don't have a problem with it, especially if they see you in a group and you leave and come back a few minutes later. The groups who try to push their way to the front of the line where someone was saving their place, however, drive me mad. There is no reason 20 15 year olds can't wait in line with their buddy...I can understand little kids or elderly folks or someone with a different issue, but when people do it so they can go on other rides or whatever it is they do, I get pretty irritated.
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New Member
I don't have a problem with a parent and child leaving for the potty.(been there, done that, got the T-shirt) But, there are 4 of us, and I'm a people watcher in lines. :lookaroun When I notice a group or even a couple of people cutting there way through the lines, like in Soarin, I work it so that our entire party takes up available space across the line.:D However, there are times when a CM insists that 'all available space be filled' and the line pushes forward regardless of who was where in the line. Personally, I always like the 'look' you get when cruising up the fastpass lane past all these people that decided not to get one. Some of those 'looks' are downright scary!:eek:
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Well-Known Member
TAC said:
What if you brought back something for the people behind you ?

Then the people behind THEM would be angry.:lol:

Seriously though...

...I am seeing line cutting a lot in the Airports these days.
The lines for security seem to be growing longer and longer and I see people who pretend to be looking for their party and move up in the line so they won't miss their flights.

I see a problem in the future with people and "Line Rage" :lookaroun
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ISTCNavigator57 said:
How long of a line are you planning on waiting in? I've never had a problem with visiting the restrooms beforehand--if wait times are greater than an hour, I get a Fastpass. However...I will mention Space Mountain at Disneyland. I waited in line for 3 hours for it (this was last summer, when it had just reopened, so I decided to wait), and that line is in the sun...and it was early August. It may be rude, but I simply had to leave and get bottled waters for my family or we would have had heat stroke (and I was not the only one who did this--there was a constant stream of people leaving to get bottled waters).

Sounds like wdw missed out on a perfect location for a temporary snack cart!!!! :p chaching! chaching! :lol:
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Well-Known Member
cls4016 said:
Sounds like wdw missed out on a perfect location for a temporary snack cart!!!! :p chaching! chaching! :lol:
It was actually Disneyland (90% of their Space queue is outside, unlike WDW's beautiful, air-conditioned queue, and I was thinking the same thing. They could make thousands of dollars a day putting an ice cream and water cart on the upper floor of the Space queue, but there's something about that floor being built on top of Honey, I Shrunk the Audience and not being able to support too much weight (which is why the queue avoids that part of the roof completely), so a line of people trying to get to a food cart might not be safe.
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