Originally posted by crazygirley
I once saw a smelly old guy drinking a beer on a bench by the bathrooms across from "Starlight Cafe" at Magic Kingdom. You could smell the guy a mile away, he was just sipping the beer. It was in one of those foam thingys, to keep it cool, but you could see the gold rim on the can. There wasn't a cast member in sight, but some big sweaty lady with a stroller made a scene about it, so some CM's came over, along with a security guard, and they escorted him out. It turns out the big sweaty lady was his wife, and he was a recovering alcoholic. She went ahead screaming about "I don't know how he got it in here..." and "He's not supposed to be drinking in this heat with his heart condition..." They eventually escorted her, as well. It was strange, but it all happened in like, 2 minutes.