Ah, fantasyland. It’s by far the most recognizable land at Disney parks, and for good reason. It’s full of some of the best rides at a Disney park. however, it always seems to only focus on one side of fantasy, and not the others. It’s always just fairytales, but it’s called fantasyland, not fairytaleland! Sure there’s toontown, but that’s toontown. what I would do is incorporate not just the fairytale/ medieval themes, but also some modern fiction too. Stuff like toy story, or wreck it Ralph, shows like phineas and ferb or gravity falls. Basically I would make it to celebrate fictional works as a whole rather than just fairytales. This would also have a lot more appeal to boys, as well as not leaving out the girls, though both can enjoy the rides that the opposite gender typically enjoys. What do you think? I will expand on this concept very soon!