How do you stay cool?


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Original Poster
Hey every one if any one has ever read my posts I am a september October November December disney kinda girl. for the first time i am going in august my work decided they are only letting people take vacations over the summer. I need some tips on how to stay cool. I am a big baby and any tips would be wonderful thank you! I am goin August 10-19th!


Well-Known Member
Cover up with light colored, loose fitting clothing, and don't forget a hat. Drink plenty of water, and if you do drink alcohol, drink extra, non-alcoholic beverages (as well). Go out early in the morning, maybe take a lunch/pool break in the middle of the day, and trek out again in the later afternoon. And remember some of the longer attractions (that are air conditioned), i.e. Universe of Energy, American Pavilion, Hall of Presidents, SSE, etc.


Well-Known Member
As a Florida native trust me when I say....there is nothing you can do.

The heat and humidity will smack you in the face as soon as you leave your room.

Just have to man up and deal with it.


Active Member
Definitely get one of those spray bottle fans, they were a lifesaver for me when we went in last June. If you dont want to pay the $17 for the disney ones I am pretty sure they have the cheap ones at walmart..

Get one of them and fill em up with ice whenever you can, they really do work.


Well-Known Member
Alternate indoor & outdoor attractions. It was 97 degrees in May and I was pregnant. So we looked over the map and loosely planned out the day to make sure we'd not be outside for long periods of time.

We took an afternoon break too by taking the monorail to the resorts to lounge, shop, have lunch, etc. At the hottest time of the day this was a must. I also brought changes of clothing. Nothing will make hot weather worse than sweaty clothes.

Bring your own water bottle and fill up at the fountains. I used a Brita filtered bottle and kept well hydrated.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Wear light colored (no blacks, dark blue, etc), loose fitting clothing with open shoes and no socks if possible. If you wear athletic shoes go with no show socks (I was surprised at what a difference no show socks makes) Hats are a big plus as well. Do your best to spend as much time indoors as possible during mid day.


Active Member
As an Orlando resident, as others have stated, you can't beat the heat, you just have to go at it head on and take what it throws at you.

I suggest Dry Fit clothing. This will help wick the sweat away from the body. I prefer Nike, but everyone has their own preference.

You will be soaked in sweat by 9AM. Just hit things first thing in the morning and then after the afternoon thunderstorm (though that's when the humidity really kicks in) and stay till close. If the storms are harsh and linger, the parks will empty out and the waits will be less than 20-25 after 8PM. If no rain, it will stay packed.

I like to hit the pool and the pool bar around 1. Lunch at the hotel helps too. Studios has pretty much everything inside as well, so at least you're not waiting outside for everything in the heat.

Chug water! 8 oz an hour!

Bring a dry shirt to change into if you sweat like crazy. You'll be more comfortable.

Just realize it's hot and try to not let it get the best of you.


Well-Known Member
So I found a great little thing the last time I went in the summer. You know those stick on gel packs they sell to help fevers in children? You buy those and instead of sticking it to your head you stick it either to the back of your neck right under your hairline of between your shoulder blades. I also thought maybe the small of your back would be a good spot as well. The exact brand I used were the BeKoool. The come in a 4 pack for about 3 to 4 dollars. You can pick them up at Wal-Mart, Target, and almost every drug store.

I used them in our last July trip and never once broke a sweat. At one point everyone else was complaining about the heat and I was like what it isn't that hot. I had forgotten I had the patch on because they work for up to 8 hours. Once I took it off because the sticky was wearing out I got hot and sweaty and decided to put on the back up one I packed for later that day. When you first put it on you can tell how chilly it is.


Active Member
Bring water bottles, stay hydrated! Be sure to enjoy the indoor attractions as your down time, or just take a breather inside a QS restaurant or shop. Have a great trip!!
I have not been during the summer yet....I am sure it is coming though as our daughters get older. It may be harder for them to miss school so we may have to look at a summer trip down the road. My question to you seasoned summer visitors....are the pools really cool? I find it hard to believe that in August the pool water would be refreshing. When my grandparents lived in Florida my grandfather used to say how much he enjoyed the pool in the summer, it was like bath water....not my idea of refreshing. Everyone suggests taking a pool break midday but I really wonder if it is refreshing. Thanks! :)


Well-Known Member
We always bring the spray bottles and just refill it with ice water from the quick service restaurants. Take the shade when you can and most of all drink water and stay away from the pop/soda. Every so often the powerade is good, but water is best.

Our family are sandal wearers and can't understand how anyone can wear socks and gym shoes in the summer. Doesn't seem like that would be cool at all.

We avoid any t-shirt type shirts. I generally wear button down "Hawaiian" shirts in either cotton or rayon. Loose fitting shorts also. Wife and kids are in tank tops most of the time. Just make sure to use lots of sunscreen.

Honestly, the best way to deal with the hot weather is to expect it. You can't go in summer and then complain about the heat. It's gonna be hot, so go in with that expectation and it sounds like you are doing that.


I get my sunglasses, sag my pants, get some "bling bling", put my hat on backwards, and walk with a limp. I'm the coolest one in the parks. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Spend a lot of time in the A/C.

Most queues are covered so it's not so much a problem there, and I just duck into stores whenever I can to soak up some cool. There are lots of shortcuts through stores with multiple exits - I get to know and use them all.
The aircon inside is always excellent--not like in the UK. So you can always coo ldown in a store/food place. In Epcot Inoventions is good for that and there are loads of things for kids as well as adults to do.

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Cool Bandanas.

Ok here's the most amazing thing I've come across. Cooling Bandanas.My wife's sister lives in Los Angeles and sent us eight of these in different designs,stars and stripes,various guitars,statue of liberty,etc,etc.The middle part of the bandanas are filled with polymer crystals,you soak them in water overnight,place them in a fridge,and when your about to hit tha parks in the morning,just put the bandana around your neck and it will keep you cool for up to six hours.Now she and her family tried them out in a town called Barstow,on a trip to Vegas.The outside temp was 110 degrees and it worked fine.I think the company who makes them are in Texas,anyway the web site is WWW.

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