How do they keep cool?

Raj Morganberg

New Member
Original Poster
Again - with amazement and awe - last week I just stared at Chip, Dale, Darth, Pluto (and others) - and just wondered "How do these characters keep cool when its 94 degrees with 80+ % humidity?" Internal fans? Internal A/C? How do they do it? God bless them and I hope they make more than minimum wage pay.


Well-Known Member
i always imagined the ice packed suits, kind of like a race car driver or a flight suit. hee hee. imagination

Thats what I was thinking...there must be something like ice packs or ac in those things...


Well-Known Member
In all my trips (mostly August due to kids' schedules), never have seen a character faint.
No cooling systems in the regular ones. I think the heads with animation have some cooling but that is mostly for the electronics. I've only seen one character in a parade get sick and was escorted off to one of the many side doors. There are a lot of hand signals between handler and character that can be used to communicate if the character is distressed or not.


Well-Known Member
I was the Easter Bunny once (not at Disney).

I feel SO badly for the kids in those costumes. Whatever they're making, standing outside in that heat, it isn't enough.


Active Member
Hey here is something I can finally chime in on after not posting for a long time.

I have done a costume character for a park here in Myrtle Beach and we had a battery operated cooling fan in the head and Ice jacket that we had to wear and even with all of that we could only be in it for 20 min at a time. so I would think that would be basically the same way at Disney


Well-Known Member
Me and a Famous Grey Haired Rabbit were good friends out here in Chicago and let me say that 90 degree temps and humidity were bareable if you focused on one thing..Greet the guests and have a great time..I loved every minute of it.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
There are no fans, no ice jackets and no A/C in any of the Disney costumes. The Cast Members who wear them do so for short periods. Probably the longest any CM is in costume outdoors is the 30-32 minutes of the MK parade.

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