How big a part is Disney or Disney World in your life?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Now I realise that most of us that spend our time registering and posting on a Disney forum are probably fans by default, but how big a part is Disney or Disney World in your life? Do you think about going to the parks often, are some of your favourite memories the times you spent there or are you more the type who enjoys visiting but doesn't think much about it when not there?

I discovered the 'magic' of Disney World as a kid back in the 70's and have to say it was a life changing experience. I can think of very few things I've done in life that have touched me quite like those days of pure unadulterated escapism I first felt as a child being in the Magic Kingdom. I've had a great life and it's not as though everything in life other than Disney was bad making my Disney experience seem good, it just stood head and shoulders above pretty much all the other good things.

I still enjoy visiting every year and I can't imagine a future where I don't go again and I'd love to get that feeling I got as a child again during my visits though I know that's probably unlikely. So for me I'd say Disney World has been a major part of my life and hopefully when I'm old and in a Hooters rest home (I so hope they start that franchise), I'll look back and smile to myself recalling the memories I've made visiting it :cool:


Le Meh
Premium Member
Although our frequency of trips have slowed, simply due to having to focus income and resources in other areas, we stay interested in what is going on in the parks and look forward to our trips. We are going to do a cruise in a few years, so we will start gearing up for that. We enjoy the Disney media (Marvel, Pixar, Lucasfilms, etc) so we get excited about those things. For the most part, WDWMagic has become a daily part of my daytime. Lots of good peeps here.


Well-Known Member
I basically grew up going to WDW every weekend and my parents only felt that Disney movies were safe for a kid to watch. People laugh, but WDW is really a second home to me. Outside of home and school there's no place on earth I've spent more time in or feel more of a connection to. I recently had to move away from Orlando for work and not a week goes by that I kinda wish I was back. The only place on earth I feel more at ease and happy at would be Disneyland, but WDW will always be home. And there's really only a handful of people out there that really, fully, understand that.


Well-Known Member
I grew up watching Disney on TV, went to all the Disney films that played at our local movie theater (Saturday matinees) that had only one screen. The first drive in movie I ever went to was Pinocchio. My dream was to visit WDW one day and experience the things I heard Walt talk about and feature on his shows. I finally made it there for the first time when I was an adult. The best vacations we've had as a family have been when we were at WDW. Lots of great memories spent with DW & DS to remember. I've enjoyed collecting Disney items, my house and business are filled with Disney things. My friends and family know I love to talk about Disney.
The hope/dream and goal of returning for future trips to WDW keeps me going. The constant stress of life, the ups and downs of work, responsibilities of providing for my family can be brutal but theres always the next trip to WDW waiting on the horizon. Viewing various Disney sites, watching Disney clips, keeping up with changes to the parks, provides me with an enjoyment in my life. I certainly havent gone to WDW as often as I would like to but I've been fortunate to go as many times as I have, and will try returning as many times as life allows me. Disney will remain a part of me and it has been a piece of me that I have passed onto my DS.


Well-Known Member
My mom says that they should have never taken me to the park in 1972...I think it's 'tongue in cheek'. I have been a fan since my early memories ... books, TV programs, and lp albums on my personal record player (still have those albums). My kids were Disney kids and now the next generation, grandkids are being treated to the mouse. Our 2 year old DGS will be making his third trip to WDW and his first to Disneyland in the next few months.


Premium Member
Been hooked since my first trip to WDW back in 1985. I have so many fond memories, and look forward to visiting again, if my budget permits. (I try to plan a trip each year.)

And, I always look forward to reading the WDW Magic forums to keep updated about any new developments. Actually, I'll add here that the forums provide a nice escape hatch for me, from the "real" world every day! ;)


Well-Known Member
I've been a fan since my first visit when I was 5 years old, I was so excited I swear I saw Snow White greeting me when I got off the plane...(well, I always had a lot of imagination). My best childhood memories are WDW vacations, and it's still the only place I can truly put all the stress behind me and become a child again!

I corrupted my husband as soon as I met him, and we went together to DLP to work for a summer in 2001. I got to work at La Boutique du Château inside Sleeping Beauty's Castle, I was so happy!

Disney and WDW are still a huge part in my life. I'm introducing my son to Disney movies, and while I've always been a princess fan, I'm starting to enjoy Cars, Tarzan and Monsters inc (ok, after the 10th time maybe...!). We'll be taking him for his second WDW trip next September, and we're looking forward to many more!


Well-Known Member
Since my first trip in 1994 when I was 12...went there for a week with my mom. My uncle lived in Miami and we went to visit them from Brazil and went to Orlando for the week. We bought a package that took us by bus to Orlando. We stayed at a Days Inn on International Drive and we would ride that bus and be on our own at the parks. For whatever reason, they always left early and we missed the fireworks.
Anyway, it was lots of fun and I remember walking around the International Drive with my mom and seeing all things Disney and thinking...this is magical. Truly is.
Next year I came back for my uncle's graduation and we went to Orlando for the weekend and ended up going to MK...had my grandparents with us and have very fond memories of my grandad all excited about the turkey legs.
Then in 97 I was part of one of the dreaded Brazilian Tour Groups...yes I sang...yes we were loud. But that trip was so cool because I was by myself...didn't know any of the other kids because my cousin bailed on the trip. I almost chose not to go, but went for it. It was cool to experience the magic with some kids that had never been there and it was kind of the first time I came out of my shell. Loved it and while folks, including myself, dread those tour groups, I have great memories. Disney is HUGE with Brazilian folks.
Then in 2000 after driving from Miami to Virginia to Ohio to Indiana to Iowa to Tennessee to Tallahassee visiting some schools to attend, my dad and I stopped in Orlando and went to a couple of parks. I know we did MK but don't remember the others...but it really doesn't matter because my dad grew up having what to eat and clothes to wear but it was not a luxurious life. He as his 6 siblings used to watch TV and when a Disney cartoon would come on, some times they would have the Castle with Tinkerbell on the screen.
When I saw my dad's eyes about to burst into tears because he was seeing that castle, I thought to myself that was real magic right there.
Then, 2012 (12 years!!!) came and we took our son there for the first time and it was great seeing him and my wife for their first times loving every minute of it and I got to relax, let loose and not worry about a darn thing.


Well-Known Member
Disney World (and not so much all things Disney in itself) has been a part of my life since my first remembered trip there as a kid back in 1985. Though it would be another 8 years before I'd go again, at that time I knew - without hesitation - that it was the best vacation place for me and I wouldn't want to go anywhere else. Then again, it was another 8 years from there that I got to go (although it was never out of mind), and I've gone a bunch more times since I got married. THIS website (along with several others I have bookmarked) are checked daily for news on WDW, I have a nice collection of MP3s of sounds from WDW rides, areas, and monorails, and I frequently watch WDW-related videos on YouTube. I truly wish that my circumstances were different so my wife and I could live close enough to go there whenever the urge hit us......and perhaps someday they will be.


Well-Known Member
Been to WDW 33 times in my 24-year old life, and not as a local. My mom says she created a monster, and my dad says I was "born for Disney" (we recently watched old videos of us at Chef Mickey's where my mom, dad, and brother slumped exhaustedly at the table while I pulled my autograph book and pen out of my Mickey backpack, which I still take with me today, and shoved it eagerly under Mickey's nose.) Disney is my life.

I definitely turned my fiancé into another Disney fanatic and we'll be going on our 6th trip (our Disney Land & Sea Honeymoon) next year! And we're already imagining all the trips we'll take and traditions we'll create or uphold when we take our own little family there! :inlove:


Well-Known Member
I've been a fan since the early 60's as a kid and saw Walt and the Sunday evening show as a part of growing up. During HS and college, Disney pretty much disappeared from my life until I got married and we honeymooned there. I don't even know why we picked going there, looking back on the decision. We started going to WDW regularly once we had kids and they were old enough to appreciate it. At that point (during the Disney resurgence in the mid-90's) I got hooked. Now, 8 cruises, a DVC membership, a house full of Disney art and collectibles, 3 ABD trips, 2 D23 conventions and a granddaughter to expose to all things Disney; I can't really envision life without it.
I guess the reason for my love of it is that for me it gives hope that there is still a 'happy place' where things make sense, aren't cynical and happiness reigns. This is probably why I hesitate to jump on the bandwagon of displeasure and nitpicking that I see so much of here. Disney is part of my DNA in some ways and if/when that goes away, I'll have to grow up. I refuse to do that.


Well-Known Member
Disney has been a huge part of my life the last 10 years. I still visit this site often even though our trips to WDW are done now. It's weird not to be constantly looking and pricing trips and looking for airfare. I'm not spending much time on the computer these days as a result. I've deleted most disney related stuff from my bookmarks, (but not this site). Can't go completely cold turkey.
Anyway, we had many great vacations at WDW and will enjoy reading of your trips here....

Gig 'Em Mickey

Well-Known Member
Not very. I enjoy staying updated on changes and new stuff happening. And it's where we prefer to vacation every 2 or 3 years. But beyond that, not much. I definitely wouldn't say it's an important part of my life or anything. My kids enjoy the TV shows and movie. We vacation there. I consider myself pretty knowledgable about the parks and processes.

Badger Brent

Active Member
The trips are slowing and we don't feel the urge to go as often. Almost a year since our last trip and don't have one planned. Still enjoy the Disney company but other trips to other places are in the works.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
My parents didn't make it a part of my life as a child other than a one time visit at age 8 so I never thought about WDW - until I was 38 and we took our first family trip with my own children, and now I am obsessed with it, and it is a huge part of my life and my husband and children's lives.


Well-Known Member
Oh I love this this thread.

I've loved Disney since I was a kid and we would vacation there often. There was a sense of freedom and fun and safety like the world was not so scary when you were there. I remember riding the boats on the lake, camping in Fort Wilderness, and enjoying the epic rides. Pluto stole my brother's hat and we chased him around. I felt like all the world was okay when I was there.

I managed to find an amazing woman who shares my love of Disney. Together, we've taken even more trips to WDW together and even two to DL (also love). We own Disney movies, have a Disney Christmas tree, and even have a Disney office.

Now we have a baby girl who sleeps in a Disney nursery. "When you wish upon a Star" is decorated on her wall. And we cannot wait to take her on her first Disney trip (we leave on Saturday!!!!!!).

I cannot wait to see the look on her face as we stroll down Main Street. I love Disney and the ideals it represents and cannot wait to begins sharing these experiences with my daughter and family. Disney is home!


Well-Known Member
Its huge to me. I've been going since I was only 10 years old. Not only me but my whole family view Disney as a huge part of our lives. Its where we vacationed and have spent good times with friends for over 15 years now. Now we live in Florida and it is still a huge part of our lives.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Disney's been a part of my life as far back as I can remember. Seeing the latest Disney animated film was a family event - dinner at a nice restaurant and all of us kids dressed up and were on our best behavior. I felt so grown up when my mom let me order a Shirley Temple. Those family times are some of my best childhood memories. Watching Disney on Sunday evenings. Watching Disney nature & educational films in grade school. Going to Disneyland to celebrate my birthday and proudly wearing my ears to school. And then passing all of that on to my daughter. Luckily, her BF is as much a Disney nut as we are. Including him in our trips has made them even better! Can hardly wait for our trip in January - and we just got back yesterday! And he's planning his costume for our Halloween trip next year that isn't even booked. And I thought I planned..... :)

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