Horizons the 22nd century.
Starts out with dreamers of the past like the old one
moves on to the computer boom and internet connecting people (skype-ish video monitors formerly in the futuristic scenes)
Move on to Updated visions of the future including
-Martian Colonies, with terraforming in progress
-Holographic video games and computer displays
-nanotech in a medical facility
-Robotics from the old 50s robot ideas to surgical robots, robot pets, digital robots, and possibly robots in the workplace/home maybe even a silly robot for kids that organizes games to play
-Mesa Verde 2.0 with envro conscious recycling of resources and helping to minimize pollution, even growing plants to aid terraforming.
-Weather control??
It could have the descendants of the original family or just a whole new one with one being a doctor/surgeon one being a terraforming engineer on Mars, one farmer, one computer technician etc.
The end would be a multisensory expirience where you yourself can fly a ship with a joystick like a videogame. Or maybe something more advanced that I just cant think of. It can culminate with the family getting together for a high tech vacation to a destination of your choice.