If you haven't read the PTR it's here: http://forums.wdwmagic.com/threads/home-sweet-home-in-wdw-my-first-ptr.866861/
A bit of a change in plans though, my aunt got sick so she stayed home in New York.
Sorry but I don't have any pictures from days 1 and 2... I had to get an SD card for my camera and I jut got it today....
Day 1- The Autotrain!
My mom and I got up around 7:00 to get all the little last minute details taken care of before we left. We headed to Target, to get my mom a swimsuit since she lost hers, at around 11:00 then went to Chik-Fil-A for lunch before finally burning rubber at about 12:30 to get to the train station in Lorton around 1:00. We grabbed our carry-ons and sat inside while they loaded our car on. They finally let passengers board a little after 2:30
We chilled out in our little roomette thing and arranged our stuff in the very small space we had. At about 4:00 we went down to the lounge car for cheese and crackers and trail mix. We went to our room to kill time for an hour until our dining group had dinner. We played rummy, Uno, and tried to figure out tangram puzzles, as well as colored in a dinosaur coloring book, because what's the point of growing up if you can't still be a kid at times.
So 5:00 rolled around and we went to the dining car for our complementary dinner/desert. The salad was okay... not sure how fresh it was, but the rolls were AMAZING! I could have just eaten those all night. But I didn't, I got the salmon, it was pretty good; it had like a spicy BBQ sauce so that was pretty good. Mom had the steak in a wine and beer sauce, she loved it! For desert I had the cheesecake and mom had vanilla ice cream. Mmmmmmm..... I love me my cheesecake!
After dinner I sat and read my book, "Insurgent," while momma took a nap. At 7:00 they made our beds magically appear from the seats and ceiling! I know it was a bit early, but neither of us can sleep the night before travel, and that's in addition to my sleep disorder. So I jumped(literally, there's no ladder) onto the top bunk and tried to sleep. Keyword there: TRIED. I slept maybe a half hour. Mom helped me down and we walked around a bit. Then we went back to bed, this was at about 9:00. Mom fell right back to sleep, but I was reading my book and listening to the little in-car radio thing. It was on a station that played all Sinatra, all the time. Now I like old music, but it just kept playing the same songs over and over, it was driving me nuts!
At 9:30 they made an announcement that the one stop they were making that people were aloud to get off and smoke or whatever, originally scheduled for 12:00 AM, would be at 11 instead since we were making great time. So, at 11 I went down with my mom so she could have her cigarette. After that we went back to our room and I actually got some sleep, not much, but some.
Now, I should have mentioned this earlier, but, we've been on the autotrain several times and it's always bouncy and throws you all over creation, especially on the top bunk, but this trip it was especially bad. The worst I've ever seen it. I do experience motion sickness, but normally I'm okay if I eat, but the train doesn't usually bother me. However, I woke up at about 2 AM with a TERRIBLE stomach ache. So mom woke up when she heard me complaining and- I'm not going to go into detail, but let's just say that I spent a lot of time in the bathroom. When I wasn't in there we were in the lounge car so we'd be near the bathrooms. We finally went back to the room at about 4:20.
We didn't want to take the chance of having to maneuver my way back up to the top bunk, just to have to wake my mom up to come down again if I had to, so my mom laid down in her bunk on the bottom and I kind of curled up in a tiny little ball at her feet like a cat. It was really uncomfortable for me, but it was better than going up and down all night. I finally fell asleep at like 5:30.
Day 2- Daytona
After last night's events, we were up at 7 for breakfast. My stomach was feeling a bit better but was still bothering me, so I didn't do much eating. I picked at a mini muffin and had two sips of orange juice.
When breakfast was over we went back to our room to gather up all of our stuff since we would be pulling into the Sanford station soon. While at the train station waiting for the car to be unloaded, I discovered that it wasn't just motion sickness this time; I had an actual stomach bug. Ugh!!! What a way to ruin the trip! I've been sick in WDW once before, and it was not fun; I don't want a repeat of that.
So we got our car and drove over to Debary to see my brother-in-law's sister who we're pretty good friends with. We didn't stay long until we drove over to Daytona to my grandma's house. I fell asleep at some point in the car. After we got there I went right back to sleep for about 20 minutes, until my stomach started acting up again, and it wasn't pretty.
I took a shower and sat in bed reading for a while until I fell asleep again. Then we went to Publix to get dinner. We got sandwiches; my mom, a turkey sandwich like always, and I got a chicken sandwich. We also got a can of chicken noodle soup for me and peach iced tea. By this point I was actually feeling much better, and I hadn't really eaten all day. Since dinner my mom and I have been sitting here listening to Disney music to get in the spirit for tomorrow. I'm probably going to turn in early tonight since we're getting up at 6:00 or earliear tomorrow.
----------------------------> Tomorrow: Day 3- Finally Home in Pop!
After breakfast we went back to our roomette for we were about to pull into the station at Sanford. When we got to the train station and were waiting for our car to be called, I figured out that it wasn't just
A bit of a change in plans though, my aunt got sick so she stayed home in New York.
Sorry but I don't have any pictures from days 1 and 2... I had to get an SD card for my camera and I jut got it today....
Day 1- The Autotrain!
My mom and I got up around 7:00 to get all the little last minute details taken care of before we left. We headed to Target, to get my mom a swimsuit since she lost hers, at around 11:00 then went to Chik-Fil-A for lunch before finally burning rubber at about 12:30 to get to the train station in Lorton around 1:00. We grabbed our carry-ons and sat inside while they loaded our car on. They finally let passengers board a little after 2:30
We chilled out in our little roomette thing and arranged our stuff in the very small space we had. At about 4:00 we went down to the lounge car for cheese and crackers and trail mix. We went to our room to kill time for an hour until our dining group had dinner. We played rummy, Uno, and tried to figure out tangram puzzles, as well as colored in a dinosaur coloring book, because what's the point of growing up if you can't still be a kid at times.
So 5:00 rolled around and we went to the dining car for our complementary dinner/desert. The salad was okay... not sure how fresh it was, but the rolls were AMAZING! I could have just eaten those all night. But I didn't, I got the salmon, it was pretty good; it had like a spicy BBQ sauce so that was pretty good. Mom had the steak in a wine and beer sauce, she loved it! For desert I had the cheesecake and mom had vanilla ice cream. Mmmmmmm..... I love me my cheesecake!
After dinner I sat and read my book, "Insurgent," while momma took a nap. At 7:00 they made our beds magically appear from the seats and ceiling! I know it was a bit early, but neither of us can sleep the night before travel, and that's in addition to my sleep disorder. So I jumped(literally, there's no ladder) onto the top bunk and tried to sleep. Keyword there: TRIED. I slept maybe a half hour. Mom helped me down and we walked around a bit. Then we went back to bed, this was at about 9:00. Mom fell right back to sleep, but I was reading my book and listening to the little in-car radio thing. It was on a station that played all Sinatra, all the time. Now I like old music, but it just kept playing the same songs over and over, it was driving me nuts!
At 9:30 they made an announcement that the one stop they were making that people were aloud to get off and smoke or whatever, originally scheduled for 12:00 AM, would be at 11 instead since we were making great time. So, at 11 I went down with my mom so she could have her cigarette. After that we went back to our room and I actually got some sleep, not much, but some.
Now, I should have mentioned this earlier, but, we've been on the autotrain several times and it's always bouncy and throws you all over creation, especially on the top bunk, but this trip it was especially bad. The worst I've ever seen it. I do experience motion sickness, but normally I'm okay if I eat, but the train doesn't usually bother me. However, I woke up at about 2 AM with a TERRIBLE stomach ache. So mom woke up when she heard me complaining and- I'm not going to go into detail, but let's just say that I spent a lot of time in the bathroom. When I wasn't in there we were in the lounge car so we'd be near the bathrooms. We finally went back to the room at about 4:20.
We didn't want to take the chance of having to maneuver my way back up to the top bunk, just to have to wake my mom up to come down again if I had to, so my mom laid down in her bunk on the bottom and I kind of curled up in a tiny little ball at her feet like a cat. It was really uncomfortable for me, but it was better than going up and down all night. I finally fell asleep at like 5:30.
Day 2- Daytona
After last night's events, we were up at 7 for breakfast. My stomach was feeling a bit better but was still bothering me, so I didn't do much eating. I picked at a mini muffin and had two sips of orange juice.
When breakfast was over we went back to our room to gather up all of our stuff since we would be pulling into the Sanford station soon. While at the train station waiting for the car to be unloaded, I discovered that it wasn't just motion sickness this time; I had an actual stomach bug. Ugh!!! What a way to ruin the trip! I've been sick in WDW once before, and it was not fun; I don't want a repeat of that.
So we got our car and drove over to Debary to see my brother-in-law's sister who we're pretty good friends with. We didn't stay long until we drove over to Daytona to my grandma's house. I fell asleep at some point in the car. After we got there I went right back to sleep for about 20 minutes, until my stomach started acting up again, and it wasn't pretty.
I took a shower and sat in bed reading for a while until I fell asleep again. Then we went to Publix to get dinner. We got sandwiches; my mom, a turkey sandwich like always, and I got a chicken sandwich. We also got a can of chicken noodle soup for me and peach iced tea. By this point I was actually feeling much better, and I hadn't really eaten all day. Since dinner my mom and I have been sitting here listening to Disney music to get in the spirit for tomorrow. I'm probably going to turn in early tonight since we're getting up at 6:00 or earliear tomorrow.
----------------------------> Tomorrow: Day 3- Finally Home in Pop!
After breakfast we went back to our roomette for we were about to pull into the station at Sanford. When we got to the train station and were waiting for our car to be called, I figured out that it wasn't just