Hidden Memories


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Alright so last summer I read a story about how someone left a little coin or something in one of the queues in kind of a really obscure place. I want to say it was like on top of a beam they could reach or something. Anyone else ever heard of this or done it? Kind of neat, they marked it up I think and were like "There is always a piece of us there now!" and they were kind of hoping it would be an experiment just to see if it was still there on the next trip.

Anyone ever heard of something like that?


Well-Known Member
I left a dollar coin in EE about 2 weeks ago, and hope to pick it back up next week. We had gone to the park on a morning it opened at 8, so we had a small crowd and the ride was a walk on for almost an hour. It gave me a few trips to decide to do it. My body decided that four rides in a row was my limit, my daughter did 12 that day, then 17 more rides a few days later.

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member

Well i left my finger prints on the bar of our shuttle when i came off space mountain coaster,that was seven years ago,bet there still there.:(


Well-Known Member
I left a dollar coin in EE about 2 weeks ago, and hope to pick it back up next week. We had gone to the park on a morning it opened at 8, so we had a small crowd and the ride was a walk on for almost an hour. It gave me a few trips to decide to do it. My body decided that four rides in a row was my limit, my daughter did 12 that day, then 17 more rides a few days later.

Where is it exactly? I will go tomorrow and see if it still there and let you know.

ON another subject; Does anyone know if there are any $1 snacks you can buy at WDW.


Well-Known Member
I love this idea! I haven't done it or heard of it, but I like it. I'll give it a try next time I'm there, which will be at least a year with having a new baby.


Well-Known Member
I did 2 and both were notes...
First one is a returned date for me when I come back to the parks..It's under a piece of sod right across from WoL in a shaded bench area.

The second one is a wish I wrote and buried it in the Sand at Typhoon Lagoon....


Well-Known Member
I left a small suitcase containing one million dollars buried in the planter to the right side at the entrance of EPCOT. Please don't tell anyone, as I fear that an unsavory character might try to dig it up before I arrive in a few days.


New Member
I have done something like this. I coach a baseball team that plays at the ESPN WWoS every year. One year during a rain delay the kids decided to hide a bunch of our team pins around. At least one of them survived and was still there a year later. I'll know in a couple weeks if its lasted another year. Its a great reminder of a really fun team, tournament, and vacation. It isn't bothering anyone else or is noticeable if you dont know where to look.


I left a small suitcase containing one million dollars buried in the planter to the right side at the entrance of EPCOT. Please don't tell anyone, as I fear that an unsavory character might try to dig it up before I arrive in a few days.

lollolo :ROFLOL:


Active Member
I left a small suitcase containing one million dollars buried in the planter to the right side at the entrance of EPCOT. Please don't tell anyone, as I fear that an unsavory character might try to dig it up before I arrive in a few days.

Yeah, I dug that up and donated it to the maintenance department to fix all the burned out bulbs.


Well-Known Member
This type of thing was one of the reasons that guests enjoyed the Kongfrontation queue at Universal Studios. There were massive amounts of graffiti (themed) on the walls and some guests would take it upon themselves to add their own "tags." Because the walls contained original graffiti art, they were never refurbished and so guests' tags remained present. This was a lot more interesting to locate on repeat visits than Leave A Legacy. :cry:

Lots of guests would write on the yellow handrails in the queue (probably so that they would be easier to see), but those were continually cleaned and repainted, and not part of the graffiti theme.


Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
I left a small suitcase containing one million dollars buried in the planter to the right side at the entrance of EPCOT. Please don't tell anyone, as I fear that an unsavory character might try to dig it up before I arrive in a few days.


TTA Announcer

New Member
Added a penny to the growing collection on TM. Although, instead of dropping it on the aluminum roof(s) from the queue,
I waited to drop it on the first lift hill in the cavern. Look in the big pool off to the right near the exit.
It's interesting to think how much money in dropped coins Disney could make if they decided to take the time and collect all of them.
I wouldn't count on anything still being there when you get back. They're meticulous about that.

Last week we were there (and I wonder if this was a Pop Warner thing), and there were hundreds of hair bands at the top of EE by the broken track..hundreds! The very next morning they were gone!

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