- In the Parks
- No
Hey, I'm Meg and I am 18 years old. I love Disney and have been to WDW four times in my life. I am soon to be a High School Graduate and well it has been kinda messed upped because of this Covid-19 virus, I guess I am trying to make the most of it. It has been hard realizing all the hard work I am my classmates have put in and now we have lost our class trip, Senior Prom, Graduation(or what it really was suppose to be), and most likely the chance of any Senior week. Also the fact of losing my chance for Spring Cheer(my last season) as well as my classmates and their sports that they play. It is also not being around my friends everyday, so here I am hoping that Disney will cheer me up. I hope to not only meet people here who also love Disney like I do, but also learn things about Disney as well.