Helping the World Trade Center


Original Poster
Hello people-

I have been feverishly working this weekend on something. I made donations to the disaster in New York but when I get home at the end of my workday, I sit and ponder, What Can I Do?" Well, I have created a design for the rebuilding and an addition of a memorial for the World Trade Center area. In this pic, you see 4 towers with a elevated sculptural American flag in the center. On top of the flag structure is a series of statues, police, firefighters, and employee of the Trade Center, together holding up a huge dish of fire. This dish will house and ever burning flame representing how we have come together and grown stronger. Each building is specific; the one in the fore-ground is 11 storeis high, Flight 11 which crashed into one of the towers, the building to the back is 45 stories, representing 8:45 when the first plane hit. The other two towers are twin, representing the original structures. What you cannot see is the fountain at the base of the structure which has an american coin embossed in the bottom of the fountain, stating "In God We Trust". I have sent this, plus a series of AutoCad drawings to the mayor of New York and the president as a suggestion.....asking for no payment of compensation for the idea, but giving my expertise as a suggestion of how we might rebuild. Tell me what you think and I will post up the computer rendering shortly.


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Original Poster
Thank you

Thanx for the is just so sad what is a 3-d model I did on the computer of iy...kinda basic, but it is getting there!


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New Member
Nice...but I don't think any thing like that will be built in that spot besides from basically copies of the old centers. The guy that owned them, has a 99 year lease on the buildings, and stated in the contract that he signed, if anything happens to the buildings within 99 yrs., exact copies of the original buildings must be rebuilt...I don't know, that might change because of how terrible and tragic this disaster was.


Original Poster

That could be true....buuuuuuttttt...there always is a clause.....first I see the city having more to do with this than just the guys that owns it.....the city suffered, so I am sure they will involve themselves in what is rebuilt. Second, my design could house the totally same memorial, even if the same towers are built. The dimensions are the same size, and the additional buildings will comprise the area used by surrounding trade center plazas. Lastly, I am not really into the architecture of the buidlings, as I said on the letter I sent to the mayor and the developer, I think the buildings should be the same. However, an article came out saying it may be divided into 4 buidlings, because people are scared of such a tall building and it may be better to divide it up. What they do, I may not know, but I am suggesting how the memorial should be a part of the overall site and merge with the buildings that go up, whatever they mybe...there is without a doubt a memorial to be built...100%. What I proposed is very feasible and can be under the constaints of the area and the logistics of the site. Also, a bit of history I put in the letter, the Vietnam Memorial was designed by a normal American, who was proud of their country...I see myself in the same shoes, wanting to do more than the donations I have made monetarily. Well, there is my speech, hope it clears up some things. :cool: :cool:

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