helped dd set up her fp's, and mine "magically" changed,, help???

Minnesota disney fan

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I had all my fp's set up 60 days out along with adr's set up at earlier. I was all set. THEN, my daughter wanted help setting up her fp's for 5 people in her party. We got times close to ours which were already set up for my husband and me. Then, when I checked on my fp's, some of mine (for 2) now read for one guest!!!! Me!!! Where did my hubby go??? I tried going into modify but it was not helpful. Tried cancelling but couldn't do it. What should I do.??? I had them all set up before this and now have 3 days messed up with only me having fp's.?? Please help me. This is soooo frustrating; I hate this new fp system. thanks in advance:)


Well-Known Member
A couple possibilities:

If you and your daughter are linked as Friends in MDE, if she clicked "Select All" when making her choices she would have also included you in that selection. (There would have been a confirmation pop up asking to confirm the overwriting of your original, but if you're not paying attention and just keep clicking "Confirm" you could miss it).

If you're trying to add new people in to existing FP+ choices, it's best to start with the "Copy" feature rather than trying to schedule new ones and mess with the times to try and get close to the originals. If any of the original timeslots aren't available anymore it'll give you an alternative choice.

On my upcoming trip not everyone bought their tickets at the same time. Some of us had tickets soon after our 60-day window, but two members of the group just got their tickets last week. I was able to copy over about 90% of our FP+ choices, though I couldn't get TSMM or the Mine Train at the same times as us. I'll keep trying to adjust their times, but worst case scenario is that we'll have to work around it on those days.


Minnesota disney fan

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
A couple possibilities:

If you and your daughter are linked as Friends in MDE, if she clicked "Select All" when making her choices she would have also included you in that selection. (There would have been a confirmation pop up asking to confirm the overwriting of your original, but if you're not paying attention and just keep clicking "Confirm" you could miss it).

If you're trying to add new people in to existing FP+ choices, it's best to start with the "Copy" feature rather than trying to schedule new ones and mess with the times to try and get close to the originals. If any of the original timeslots aren't available anymore it'll give you an alternative choice.

On my upcoming trip not everyone bought their tickets at the same time. Some of us had tickets soon after our 60-day window, but two members of the group just got their tickets last week. I was able to copy over about 90% of our FP+ choices, though I couldn't get TSMM or the Mine Train at the same times as us. I'll keep trying to adjust their times, but worst case scenario is that we'll have to work around it on those days.


Minnesota disney fan

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thank you both. I think that my daughter put select all down and confirmed. You are right,that would override my original fp. Now what to do????? Have her cancel me out of her fp?? & then try to start over? It's so confusing and frustrating (for me). I will call IT and see if they can correct it for me. Thanks so much for your help:)


Well-Known Member
If your husband still has the original ones, just copy his over to you. On the webpage it's listed as "Add Friends and Family to existing FastPass+". You simply select the "copy from" person followed by the "copy to" person. Copying them over will replace the erroneous ones you were given by your daughter.


Minnesota disney fan

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks, Rob, for all your help. I feel like a dummy for not doing that:) I did call Disney tech for help this am, and Wow, were they helpful! The lady fixed all of my problems and gave me better times. She assisted in fixing some that had us running all over Epcot without time to do it!!!! What was I thinking? She also co-ordinated my daughters times with ours. So, it was very encouraging to have Disney work with me like this. I wasn't expecting that much help. No resistance at all. She was very cheerful and helpful. I know I wouldn't be able to do her job and Stay happy:):) thanks again for all the help. This site is awesome. I love the positive remarks that most people give. There are other sites where it seems everyone is negative.

Minnesota disney fan

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I just wanted to update everyone on what happened, per the IT person at Disney! She said that when my daughter and I linked accounts, we did it wrong. Somehow we only linked partial lists! don't know how we did that. We both thought we had set up all of us under the accounts. Oh well, it all ended well with a lot of help from the IT's at Disney. They were terrific! All is well............except......When I went to print my newly correctly updated itinerary, my printer chose that time to eat the paper and get tangled up in a ball. I had to start over and fix the tangle, but my printer now only prints in reds......... What the?????? Anyway, I now have bright red corrected fp's.:):) keep smiling:)

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