Help With Wdw Annual Passholder Website!


New Member
Hey everyone! :(

I really hope someone can help me because I have just about had it with Disney's website team. I became an annual passholder this past August. When I got home I was able to get into the passholder website from However, now when me and my partner enter our passes we keep getting this error message: You have entered an invalid ID number. Please re-enter a valid Pass or exchange certificate ID number in the designated spaces below. We were told when we called up the passholder phone number that they can't help with anything about the site, and we would have to use the contact link to send an e-mail message to the passholder website. I have been going back and forth with e-mails for over a month, and the situation has become overly fustrating and absolutely ridiculous that Disney choses to have e-mail disputes back and forth instead of calling a annual passholder. The only message I was told by them was that they checked my annual passes, and it worked for them. They told me to clear my cookies, and make sure my security standard on my browser is set to medium or under. All those things are set to those standards. I then tried to enter the site again and still no luck. Then I thought maybe it's my computer, but I tried 5 different people's computers at 5 different houses. It still won't let me log in, and I get that error message that I bolded above. Disney has been no help in this situation, and I am kind of hoping someone on here has already had to deal with this situation and figured out how to fix it. Please someone respond with how to fix this situation if you have any idea. I have been unable to log into the passholder website for about 2 months, and I can't get any information from Disney on why I can't or what to do about it. They have been no help. I am very upset. I hope someone could help. :shrug:



Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I've had similar problems recently. I tried again this morning and it worked, so the best advice I can give is try again every few days. :shrug:

I have found everything web-related at WDWC to be mediocre at best. Their websites are often out of date and much of their software antiquated [I remember at one point their Flash animation on a page was so old a current Macromedia plugin wouldn't run it! :lol:].

And yes, they try to make it sound like it's your fault... :rolleyes:

My information pre-loads into the form, but sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't without me intervening at all... I can guarantee you that's a problem at their end!
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New Member
It is definitely Disney's fault. When we had our APs we would try to check for AP info. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. Recently I couldn't get my log-in to work (just a username and password). Also couldn't just check FL resident info after entering a zip code. Always an error, re-enter information.

Just the other week, after checking out their site, I got a pop-up to take a survey. It asked the usual questions about the WDW website (ease of use, relevance of info, etc). In the comments section I let them know how awful the site is and ALL the issues I've ever had with it (more than listed here :eek:). I am sure nothing will be done about it.

Good luck!
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Active Member
I've had problems with their site, it's god awful. One thing I generally do is use the low band width, sometimes that helps, that option is at the top of the screen.
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Active Member
It's been working off and on for me this week.

I called and asked about it last night and the very nice CM told me the computers were down and asked me to call back in an hour.

I felt like trying online again later last night and it worked.

Luck of the draw I guess!
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Oh Meyla Weyla
I too have had this happen. I usually wait and the next time I try it works. I've never had it not work for 2 months though!

This is going to sound very silly, but I have to ask... you're entering the whole number correctly right? First the little drop down that lets you pick the prefix and then all the numbers they want? Mine has a 3 letter prefix followed by 3 numbers, then the date (6 numbers), then another 2 numbers. You probably are, but I just wanted to check because one of the times mine wouldn't work I had forgotten to change the drop down for the 3 letters :brick:
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New Member
Type 1 Pass - Solution!

I had this issue with a Type 1 pass -- pick your three letter code, enter the three digit number that comes after that, the date, and then SKIP the number after Tran and just enter the number after Tkt.

(Duh... that's why it's called the "Ticket" number.):brick:
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