Hello and welcome everyone! My fiance Nick and I were engaged in 2009 in front of Cinderella's castle during the fireworks. It truly was magical in every way possible including my engagement ring that holds the diamond from my late grandmother's wedding ring. Nick and I are busy. We have a 3 year old daughter Ava and a 2 year old daughter Addie. They are 11 months to the day apart and are the true highlights in our life. I am a full time student, mother and daycare provider. On the weekends I waitress just to get out of the house and to help me with my need to gab with other women, not just my cute little toddlers running around my house. Nick works for a phone technology company and works a lot of long hours. The girls are involved with dance, swimming, preschool and sunday school. Nick and I have been saving for awhile to have our wedding. But, with paying for school and saving to buy a house that better suits our family it has really been hard to put money away for a wedding. We are huge disney fans and would love to have a disney wedding, that would be our dream. But paying for a trip to Disney World to have the wedding and then paying for the wedding itself it just isn't going to happen for awhile. One day while checking my email I had an email from one of my disney websites that introduced us to the AOL Travel "How Would You Tell Them Contest" for a chance to win a disney vacation. All you had to do was upload a video showing how you would tell your family you were going on vacation. We came up with our idea for the girls, taped the video and Nick was supposed to send it in. Little did I know he added in a little surprise for me. He sent in the video. There were over 190 entries, the top 10 were chosen by AOL. We were one of them. Now the 3 entries with the most votes will win their dream disney vacation. If we win this all we would have to pay for would be the wedding. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO VOTE! You can vote by simply clicking the link below. You can either register with an email address or click on the connect with facebook and vote with your facebook account! ALSO EVERYONE WHO VOTES IS AUTOMATICALLY PUT INTO A VOTERS DRAWING FOR YOUR OWN CHANCE OF WINNING A DREAM DISNEY VACATION! PLEASE help us make our fairytale dream wedding come true. We would love to be able to gather enough people to support us and help us get 200 votes today! Please spread the word. Please pass the link along to any friends or family or put it on your facebook page. If anyone has any other ideas on how we could get more votes Please let me know!