HELP me show her the "magic"


New Member
Hey guys. I’m new here, so I guess I’ll introduce myself first. I’m Todd. I’m 28 and from TX. I’m going to Disney World for the first time in 20 years in June. It’s my honeymoon :)
I was hoping to get a little info from you guys on making the trip special for my soon-to-be wife. She went to Disney World when she sas 12 but didn’t really enjoy it. She was there with her grandfather as a part of a convention and only spent an hour or two in the park. She didn’t see any of the patented “Disney Magic.”
So here’s what I’m wondering: What tips would you give me on showing her that magic? I’m looking for things like little secret surprises hidden around the park (like talking fountains, etc.), things that cast members can provide, unique and “magical” atmospheres (restaurants, etc.) or just memorable and unique experiences.
Tell me some of the secrets you’ve found, special treatments you’ve received from CMs and other experiences that I can work off of to make this a dream honeymoon for her - a true “fairy tale” experience. We’ll be there for a week :) THANKS!


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I would suggest maybe having lunch or dinner in Cinderella's Castle (priority seating highly suggested). Also go to Epcot at closing (9:00 pm) and catch Illuminations. Find a nice place to sit together and enjoy the show. If you don't plan on going to Epcot that day, they open the turnstiles at 9:00 to let people in to see Illuminations.

Since I always go alone, that's all I can think of. Plus I just woke up, I know I'm not thinking of alot. :lookaroun
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New Member
You can't hunt down the magic. You have to be waiting and let it find you. That means if you're moving too fast or too keyed up about "will-she-see-the-magic-gotta-show-her-the-magic" she'll probably miss it. It'll be there for her to see and she'll probably see it if you give her time.

Be cool.:cool: <------- (This should be you.)

Take your time.

Maybe you'll get lucky and get caught in the rain and run for cover and miss a dinner reservation just to find that special moment and place at DW that belongs to only the two of you.

Enjoy her and she'll enjoy wherever she is, and that will make it a special place for her.

Remember some people don't actually realize it's hit them till later. Then as they're leaving they get that feeling they didn't expect: "When can we come back?"
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New Member
Okay, I am going to tell you my suggestions with no regard to money....

I would stay at the Grand Floridian concierge. This alone makes you feel special and pampered. I would schedule the couples spa treatment at the hotel. When the concierge staff contacts you before the trip...emphasize it's your honeymoon and how you want to show her Disney Magic. I am sure they will have ideas.

I would consider renting a boat for a tour to see the fireworks.

I would definitely have a dinner at Victoria and Alberts.

I would take a stroll on the beach and maybe walk over to the Poly.

Maybe that's not what you are looking for but that would be my fantasy anyway.
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My perspective

I took my wife last month (Dec 2002). She'd been once for one day and only to MK. I'd been 5 times previously. She wanted to go, but I don't think she understood my excitement. :brick: I bought the guidebooks and she and I would spend evenings reading them and talking about it. This helped to build her anticipation. When we got there, we had a loose itinerary, but I really sort of let her decide where we'd go and what we'd do. She had a blast. She loves it as much as I do now. :sohappy:

For your (soon-to-be) wife, the place will have extra-special meaning because of it being the site of your honeymoon. I think that will give you a leg-up in getting her to love WDW. And I believe she'll be a WDW fan from then on...unless she's a psycho.

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Frontierland CM

New Member
As a cast member, here's one tip I can suggest. Make sure you're not shy about letting people know you're on your honeymoon. More often than not cast members will go that extra mile to make your stay memorable. get the bride and groom Mickey ears, the everyone will know! Also, make priority seating arrangement at Chef Mickey's in the comtemporary, and when you get there, tell the host or hostess you're on your honeymoon! You'll get great attention from the characters, especially if you've got the ears!

By the way, congratulations and have a wonderful time! :sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
Hi Todd! :wave:

...and WELCOME!

There are certainly some things you can do to make your trip more enjoyable (nice hotel, great dinners, etc.), but, like DREAMER said, it's impossible to "make somebody else feel the magic".

Sadly, some people "just don't get it" like the rest of us do!
While you can spend some great quality time to together at the Parks and Resorts, you could actually wind up feeling worse if it turns out your wife just doesn't care for WDW as much as you do.

Hey -- I actually have friends who would rather go to Daytona Beach than Disney World every year! :brick:
Just like some people don't like going to sporting events, others will not like going to DisneyWorld.
Never fear: You will still have plenty of other things in common if that happens!

My advice: Go and have a fantastic time with your new bride and do all you can to make it the most special time together you've ever had. But don't over do it. Relax and take a leisurely pace so as not to get yourselves exhausted and cranky, and if you feel she is not "getting the magic" as much as you would like, don't let it worry you -- You just turn your yearly trip to WDW into an every OTHER year thing!


But I'm sure you'll have nothing to worry about!

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My husband and I spent our honeymoon at WDW 7 years ago. I had been before, but my husband had not. We stayed at the Grand Floridian, and loved every minute of it. We just let the magic find us, and it DID! We are now DVC members.

Since this will be your first time to go together, I would not try to pre-plan to much. You may want to go with a few ideas but let things just flow.

You and your wife will have a magical time:) .
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Well-Known Member
I think the most magical thing you could do is stand in to be right in front of the castle during the Fireworks and just stand there in eachothers arms then catch the ferry over to the Contemporary for a romantic dinner at the California grill and watch the water pagent.
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New Member
It looks like it is a first time for both of you, so no matter what you do, it will be magical! If you want to get that extra attention, make sure you tell everybody you are on honeymoon -in case they don´t figure out themselves and ask you before :D - and just take it easy to enjoy every minute of it.

There is really no point in us telling you what to do. The most spontaneous things a guy does, are the ones that women cherish the most. :animwink: (at least it works for me... hehe).

Congratulations and have a wonderful trip!
:) :wave:
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