Help Me Plan My Solo Trip?

Hi Everyone,

I'm thinking of taking a solo trip very soon, and wanted to see if anyone had advice, ideas, etc. Here's a little background that might help: I've been to WDW hundreds of times, and have stayed at both Port Orleans hotels, Boardwalk, Yacht and Beach Club, Contemporary, Wilderness Lodge, and AK Lodge. I'm sort of introverted, and not really a person that starts up random conversations. With that said, I'm not really the "loner" type that would prefer to be alone either.

So here's where I would greatly appreciate help:
-I'll most likely stay at a value or moderate resort. Room size isn't really important, nor is transportation (since I'll have a car). I want a clean, somewhat quiet room. What do you think?

-What about dining? Should I stick to quick serve, or do I dare do a sit-down place alone?

-Should I come up with a touring plan or just go and figure it out when I get there?

-What are some things I'm not thinking about or should be aware of? Any advice, ideas, comments, etc. would be REALLY appreciated. Thanks in advance!!!


New Member
My Solo Trip Last Year

I stayed at All-Star Music in the Country building and it was great, tward the back and not near the pool where I could hear the noise.

Do the sit down! I went when they were doing free dining and sat down where the best. Artist Point, and in France also had great conversations with the waitestaff had great dinner to boot. Last night I made a reservation for Spoodles at Boardwalk around 6ish and watched the sunset over the board walk and the lights come up. Was one of my best memories.

I had a lose idea of what I wanted to do but went with the flow and had a good time.

Explore the other hotels, I loved doing this. I also did the first time did the wave racer thing and had a blast. Just enjoy yourself. Have a good time.
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Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
I'd definitely stay at a value resort to save some money. My choice would be Pop Century it's newer, better food court, and there doesn't seem to be as many kids there as there are at the All Star resorts.

I would DEFINITELY do sit down meals. When I did my solo trip in February, I was on the dining plan, so I ate at all my favorite restaurants- Le Cellier, Boma, Spoodles, and I tried The Wave for the first time. You get some strange looks from other people, but I just smile at them really broadly and wave.

One of the things I noticed in February was that there are a LOT more people on solo trips than I had ever thought. I guess I just hadn't noticed it before, and the CM's don't bat an eyelash when you tell them you're a group of one.

Definitely do it and enjoy yourself.
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Well-Known Member
I go solo quite a but (Ill be there next week for 3 nights as luck would have it)

Here is what works for me (you may be different)

I like nicer resorts. However most of the time I am using DVC points, so thats a different story. The reason for this is partly because of my "last solo day routine"

I eat sit down. The only places where I feel a little strange alone is family style all you care to eat - Like Ohana' I still eat there, but it does take some getting used to (at least for me)

I make minimal plans. I am there by myself. The only person who I have to worry about is --- ME. I do what I want on the day I want to do it.

On the last day, I schedule a later flight - 7 to 8 PM or so. I check my luggage at the resort in the morning and put a bag with my swimsuit and some stuff in bell services. I then go to the parks until around noon. I come back to my resort, change (in the health club locker room) and hang out at the pool, have a few drinks at the pool bar, swim, sun, read, etc. Then I go back to the locker room, shower, change, and head over to the resort restaruant. Have a final meal, and board the DME in a relaxed and rested mode.

Thats why I like the nicer resorts. Relaxing by a well themed pool, and eating in a good restaruant is much more satisfying then sitting by a hole in the gound filled with water, and eating in the food court on paper plates.

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New Member
Explore other hotels

Although I prefer not to go solo, it does have its advantages. For one thing, if you do decide to go the sit down route there is pretty much always availability. I tend to go the cheaper route on hotel and then spend on the nicer places to eat.
I love exploring the other hotels; scouting for my next stay.
Spending the last day at the pool is the way to go.
My last tip would be to try to do something you've never done before... in my case it will be the rental boats in the lagoon. I'll be flying solo next week too!
Hope this helped, and enjoy!
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I just got back from a 2 week solo trip, and it was one of the best things I've ever done.

DEFINITELY do the sit down meals. I had several scheduled, and it was nice to sit down, take a break, and have a nice meal - it helped me relax. The wait staff was always super friendly as well - and a lot of them go out of their way to talk to you if you are alone. I had the SWEETEST and most adorable British waiter at Rose and Crown who stopped several times to talk to me. I didn't notice any weird looks from other people (I'm sure I got them, I just didn't pay any attention) - I just enjoyed the ambience of the restaurants, and a few times I brought a book with me.

I had set up a bit of a touring plan - I had tried to schedule out what days I wanted to be at what parks, but I found that I didn't stick to it too rigorously. I always started at the park I'd planned, but found that, being solo, I could just decide to go wherever and do whatever I wanted. I rode my favorite rides multiple times in a row; I saw Festival of the Lion King (my favorite show out of any of the parks) six (yes, six) times in the two week time span; if the park I planned on for the day was too crowded, I'd decide on a whim to go to another (this happened mainly at the Magic Kingdom); and if I felt tired or worn out, I left for a nap or a swim at my resort. Long story short, I did everything that I probably wouldn't do if I had other people with me.

Enjoy yourself! Like I said, solo tripping was one of the best decisions I've made for myself. :wave:
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Silver Britches

Original Poster
The thing I'm most undecided about now is the hotel. I was set to book a value resort, but I've read such mixed reviews...specifically the noise. I'm like some quiet when I return from a long day, and I'm afraid there will be large groups of cheerleaders, pop warner players, etc. running around. (All that's available for the days I want to go is AS Movies.) Or I can pay quite a bit more and go with POR or CBR. So I guess what I want to know is whether any of you are sensitive to a lot of noise, and if so, what the values are like.

Thanks again, I've really enjoyed reading all your posts! :)
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