Hello. any help with finding this book would really be appreciated! i've been looking for years with no luck.
In 2005, i went on a study abroad trip in Italy. One of our stops was to see The Last Supper by Leonardo in Milan. In the gift shop, there was a book of Disney characters put into classic paintings and sculptures, like this one of Minnie as Mona Lisa as many will be familiar with. It was towards the end of my trip, and being a student, I didn't have a lot of money anyway, so I was forced to just right down the ISBN, and hope I could find it when I got home. I searched and searched, but only found 2 websites that sold the book, and they were both in Italian (which I don't speak) and they were out of stock. I don't have the ISBN anymore since this was back in 2005, but I was wondering if anyone has ever seen or heard of this book, and knows where I can find it. It had every Disney character that I can think of in these brilliant reenactments of some of my favorite works of art. Again, any help would be amazing. Thanks!
In 2005, i went on a study abroad trip in Italy. One of our stops was to see The Last Supper by Leonardo in Milan. In the gift shop, there was a book of Disney characters put into classic paintings and sculptures, like this one of Minnie as Mona Lisa as many will be familiar with. It was towards the end of my trip, and being a student, I didn't have a lot of money anyway, so I was forced to just right down the ISBN, and hope I could find it when I got home. I searched and searched, but only found 2 websites that sold the book, and they were both in Italian (which I don't speak) and they were out of stock. I don't have the ISBN anymore since this was back in 2005, but I was wondering if anyone has ever seen or heard of this book, and knows where I can find it. It had every Disney character that I can think of in these brilliant reenactments of some of my favorite works of art. Again, any help would be amazing. Thanks!