Haunted Mansion style attraction open brain storming...

Crazy Harry

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I have bits and pieces of a Haunted Mansion style concept I have been developing for sometime, and was hoping for some help piecing it together.

The attraction is called Doom Buggies. Oddly enough, despite having this idea years ago, it seems to be in a simular vein to the proposed Mystic Manor for Hong Kong, in spirit more than story. This attraction would be more thrilling physically than the traditional mansion while maintaining the dark ride aspects. The technology would probally be simular to a Indiana Jones or Spider Man. It would be located in a Liberty Square style land, and thus have a very colonial appearance on the exterior.

The only scene I have really decided upon is a hall of enchanted suits of armor from around the world. The narrator would say something to the effect of "...the knight life here is incredible..." and then your vehicle would whip around while the suits of armor are dropping their respective weapons at you.

I also had a thought for a library scene with books flying about, and 3-d images being project from some of the open books somehow. The narrator would say something to the effect of, "This is the library. You can usually catch a good read in here. But be careful, these books tend to... come alive!"

I had also developed some preshow/queue line narration:

"Welcome foolish mortals. I presume you intend to traverse this haunted manor, in the pursuit of supernatural phenomonon. In doing so, you will require the proper transportation. Dr. William Hartley, a prominent ghost hunter and long time resident here had the right idea, he jumped off the balcony!! (diabolical laugh) Of course, if this is not your prefered method, might I recommend a Doom Buggie. Designed by Dr. Hartley, these devices will allow for efficient transport through the spirit realm without interfering with our residents'...electric personalities (more laughter)."

So, that's it so far. I definetley indend to incorporate many traditional aspects of the haunted mansion experience, such as the ballroom and graveyard scenes. Beyond that, I am very open to suggestions and input. Thanks.

Crazy Harry

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Even any feed back good or bad would be appreciated on what I currently have. I am still developing the overall story. I am thinking that the preshow will be about the research of Dr. William Hartly and include diagrams of lay lines and journal entries on individual entities, and various devices used for detecting paranormal phenomenon. The attraction does not take place in modern times, so it will be a period piece so to speak.


Well-Known Member

The "haunted mansion" genre is rife with possibilities beyond the classic attraction. Over the years, I believe such franchises as the Addams Family, Clue, Jumanji, Spiderwick and Casper have had large-scale attractions designed for them at Universal, Paramount, etc., but none have yet been built.

I think it would be fantastic to see another incarnation of the HM - employing a more thrilling ride system - with nods to the original, but taking the rider to new places/experiences/characters.

Your script is well done - with dark puns, like the original. I can hear Paul Frees' Ghost Host speaking them. I also like the idea of projections of books in the library

You have Pre-Show, Armory & Library... how about Dr. Hartley's Secret Laboratory, a Prison Tower (for unfortunate mistresses of Hartley), a Swamp (in place of Graveyard), a Kitchen, a Greenhouse, a Billiard Room, Kennels (for hell hounds), a Grand Parlor, etc.

Can you sketch a rough layout of the ride scenes so we can get a better idea of how the ride would unfold?

Crazy Harry

Active Member
Original Poster

The "haunted mansion" genre is rife with possibilities beyond the classic attraction. Over the years, I believe such franchises as the Addams Family, Clue, Jumanji, Spiderwick and Casper have had large-scale attractions designed for them at Universal, Paramount, etc., but none have yet been built.

I think it would be fantastic to see another incarnation of the HM - employing a more thrilling ride system - with nods to the original, but taking the rider to new places/experiences/characters.

Your script is well done - with dark puns, like the original. I can hear Paul Frees' Ghost Host speaking them. I also like the idea of projections of books in the library

You have Pre-Show, Armory & Library... how about Dr. Hartley's Secret Laboratory, a Prison Tower (for unfortunate mistresses of Hartley), a Swamp (in place of Graveyard), a Kitchen, a Greenhouse, a Billiard Room, Kennels (for hell hounds), a Grand Parlor, etc.

Can you sketch a rough layout of the ride scenes so we can get a better idea of how the ride would unfold?

Actually, what I am currently working on is the queue and facade which, believe it or not, I am building in RCT 2. I can post a picture when I am done with that. In terms of a layout of ride scenes, this would be impossible until I have more of the story and can string various scenes together. That is where everyone else comes in. The more I have to work with, the closer I am likely to get, then a rough scetch may be possible. And thanks for all of the suggestions.

Also, the only "lab" Hartley would likely have would be a part of the queue/preshow, but could include anything pertaining to paranormal research.


Well-Known Member
I'm really lovin this idea so far. The one thing I don't like so much about it is the name actually...Idk why. I just feel like it doesn't really let you know what the attraction is...though maybe that's not what it is...idk. It's probably me being really picky bc your idea is actually amazing and there's nothing really bad about it at all.

I do love the thrill ride aspect about it, and that knight scene is just wonderful! I also believe the lab scene should be included in the ride rather than the preshow, with the preshow really being very similar to a traditional HM preshow, just centered around Hartley. Idk. As for the ballroom scene, have you ever seen this... http://www.theneverlandfiles.com/tnf/other/3dhauntedmansion.php . It was a bluesky idea designed by Eddie Sotto for a 3-D HM, which would allow for ghosts to litterally get right in your face. I imagine it would be a whole lot more chilling, and seems very comparable to your idea. I think something like the rendering shown on that page ould be wonderful for the ballroom scene in your attraction (if you'd still like to include one).
As for the graveyard scene, I imagine something much more terrifying located in a Mausoleum, with skeleton and zombie hands reaching out after you...idk. Something like that. Then you exit out into the graveyard for a little comic relief maybe? Idk.

The 3-D glasses could be explained by saying that in order to see into the spirit world, Hartley designed these special glasses. Fantastic idea though! There's really nothing to criticize at all!

Crazy Harry

Active Member
Original Poster
I'm really lovin this idea so far. The one thing I don't like so much about it is the name actually...Idk why. I just feel like it doesn't really let you know what the attraction is...though maybe that's not what it is...idk. It's probably me being really picky bc your idea is actually amazing and there's nothing really bad about it at all.

I do love the thrill ride aspect about it, and that knight scene is just wonderful! I also believe the lab scene should be included in the ride rather than the preshow, with the preshow really being very similar to a traditional HM preshow, just centered around Hartley. Idk. As for the ballroom scene, have you ever seen this... http://www.theneverlandfiles.com/tnf/other/3dhauntedmansion.php . It was a bluesky idea designed by Eddie Sotto for a 3-D HM, which would allow for ghosts to litterally get right in your face. I imagine it would be a whole lot more chilling, and seems very comparable to your idea. I think something like the rendering shown on that page ould be wonderful for the ballroom scene in your attraction (if you'd still like to include one).
As for the graveyard scene, I imagine something much more terrifying located in a Mausoleum, with skeleton and zombie hands reaching out after you...idk. Something like that. Then you exit out into the graveyard for a little comic relief maybe? Idk.

The 3-D glasses could be explained by saying that in order to see into the spirit world, Hartley designed these special glasses. Fantastic idea though! There's really nothing to criticize at all!

In terms of the name, and I won't make you like it, but this is my reasoning:

  • I wanted a name that was different from the other haunted mansion rides to make the distinction so guests aren't expecting a slow ride yet getting a thrilling one. Also, by focusing on the ride vehicles in the title, I am also suggesting the expereince will be different from the original (ie fast versus slow).
  • 'Doom Buggies' is the name of the vehicles in the other mansion rides, maintaining a connection to the original
  • This invention by Dr. Hartley is in some ways the focus of the ride, and at the very least the conduit for the story.

I would also argue that while some attractions let you know exactly what you are getting from the name alone (ie the haunted mansion and the jungle cruise) other attraction names are not so obvious until additional context is added (ie it's a small world or spaceship earth).

And feel free to be picky, that's what I want.

I'm going to think about your suggestion with the stretching room, because until this point, I was not going to include it. But I like the idea of having it Hartley centric. At that point, I could have a whole crew with Hartley, and each one could have their own painting with a different demise.

However, let me give you additional info on my current preshow and see what you think. The interior queue would rap around his office. I hesistate to call it a lab because that makes him sound like a mad scientist which he is not :). Around this office would be scetches of designs, blue prints of the mansion, diagrams of lay lines, journal entries, newspaper articles, and illustrations and accounts of various apparitions encountered in the mansion. This would be an excellent primer for the ride providing a great deal of back story on the investigation as well as the history of the mansion and its inhabitants. But to include this 'office' in the ride would be quite boring and not allow for easy reading. Also, I had toyed with the idea of an AA hartley sitting at his desk writting while the preshow narration is playing, and once it is revealed that he jumped off the balcony, he would transform into a skeleton.

It's funny, because I was thinking of a very simular idea for the ballroom scene with the vehicle spinning around as you 'danced' with a spirit before I had heard of Sotto's idea. The reason I have not commited to this is two fold:

  • I'm not sure I like the idea of 3-d glasses although the explanation would be perfect.
  • I am not keen on using a lot of video screen tech in this attraction, and it fear it would be difficult to pull off without this

For the grand finale, I had thought about having a fast section through a creepy haunted forest while dodging creepy trees and animals and such until you arrive in the graveyard which I think would be slower so you could enjoy the scene. There would also be a masoleum, but I don't have any details on that yet.

One other idea I had was throughout the ride you could hear disembodied whispers coming from the ride vehicle to increase the creepiness.


Well-Known Member
I kinda figured that was the reason for the name, and I certainly understand not calling it Haunted Mansion as that could confuse some.
As for the queue/preshow, I'm actually kinda liking your ideas...Is there a way to maybe use both? Bc I still think the stretching room would be perfect with this theme, though I do love the AA Hartley idea as well...if done right, that effect would be amazing (though I think if you were to include it in the queue, perhaps it could be done similarly to TWWoHP).

Do you have a backstory of the mansion? Is it Hartley's Mansion, or was it a site for Hartley's research? I was thinkin of something like this...Hartley and his crew of parapsycologists have dedicated their lives to linking the human world with the spirit world, and have used this very Haunted Mansion as the base of their research. In order to do so, they invented the Doom Buggy (allowing them to move in and out of the spirit world) and possibly the special "Doom Glasses" or whatever you'd call the 3-D glasses if you decided to use them (something I'm in favor for. I say combine the 3-D film with AA's). Unfortunately, while during the researched the crew began disappearing one by one, with Hartley being the last, supposedly commiting suicide by jumping off of a balcony (something we'd learn isn't true later in the attraction, he was actually pushed off by the ghost host). In the deccades that followed the tragedies it has been rumored that Hartley and his crews spirits are now trapped in the mansion, and, using the doom buggy and glasses, it's now up to you to rescue them.

Love the forrest (I think it should be a swamp...idk why haha it just seems so much creepier to me) idea, and the whispers are fantastic!

Crazy Harry

Active Member
Original Poster
I kinda figured that was the reason for the name, and I certainly understand not calling it Haunted Mansion as that could confuse some.
As for the queue/preshow, I'm actually kinda liking your ideas...Is there a way to maybe use both? Bc I still think the stretching room would be perfect with this theme, though I do love the AA Hartley idea as well...if done right, that effect would be amazing (though I think if you were to include it in the queue, perhaps it could be done similarly to TWWoHP).

Do you have a backstory of the mansion? Is it Hartley's Mansion, or was it a site for Hartley's research? I was thinkin of something like this...Hartley and his crew of parapsycologists have dedicated their lives to linking the human world with the spirit world, and have used this very Haunted Mansion as the base of their research. In order to do so, they invented the Doom Buggy (allowing them to move in and out of the spirit world) and possibly the special "Doom Glasses" or whatever you'd call the 3-D glasses if you decided to use them (something I'm in favor for. I say combine the 3-D film with AA's). Unfortunately, while during the researched the crew began disappearing one by one, with Hartley being the last, supposedly commiting suicide by jumping off of a balcony (something we'd learn isn't true later in the attraction, he was actually pushed off by the ghost host). In the deccades that followed the tragedies it has been rumored that Hartley and his crews spirits are now trapped in the mansion, and, using the doom buggy and glasses, it's now up to you to rescue them.

Love the forrest (I think it should be a swamp...idk why haha it just seems so much creepier to me) idea, and the whispers are fantastic!

Well, I had been commited before to not doing the stretching room to be original, but I'm thinking about what I can do with that. I did want to have a scene or series of scenes where there is manipulation of the physical house such as endless hallway, endless stair cases, a spinning/upside down room ect, so the stretching room might fit somehow.

I'm still contemplating the back story, so it isn't clear yet. It is definetly not Hartley's mansion, just a site for research. Now, why he chose that site is a good question. I'm thinking there may be a good story point of Hartley having lost his fiance which caused him to research the paranormal to possibly connect with her. But this is not very original, but I want some motivation for Hartley to have started his investigations. Maybe his whole family died when he was a child, and loneliness led him to this field, either for contact or to prove to himself that the afterlife exists so he knows he'll see his family again someday. These points can also come out in the preshow. At some point, he realizes he has a stronger connection to the afterlife as opposed to this one, so why prolong the inevitable he reasons. I do how ever like your idea that he was pushed because they want him to join them. Maybe before jumping he has a change of heart, but then gets pushed.

And while having a crew would help with the stretching room, after thinking about it I prefer the idea that he was a loner. After loosing his family, he got so used to loning it that he couldn't connect emotional or socially with the living.

In terms of the mansion, I was thinking that it would be owned by a shipping tycoon since the land it is in resembles a harbor town. This would explain various international collections and artifacts. Beyond that, I do want a lot of characters like the other mansions, and the use of 'lay lines' would help explain why so many spirits are there.

Oh, I had a great idea. The ride vehicle would enter a room where items are floating and flying about, and then the ride vehicle would feel like it is levitating. Kind of like the spider man ride when your vehicle is flung around the city.


Well-Known Member
Well, I had been commited before to not doing the stretching room to be original, but I'm thinking about what I can do with that. I did want to have a scene or series of scenes where there is manipulation of the physical house such as endless hallway, endless stair cases, a spinning/upside down room ect, so the stretching room might fit somehow.

I'm still contemplating the back story, so it isn't clear yet. It is definetly not Hartley's mansion, just a site for research. Now, why he chose that site is a good question. I'm thinking there may be a good story point of Hartley having lost his fiance which caused him to research the paranormal to possibly connect with her. But this is not very original, but I want some motivation for Hartley to have started his investigations. Maybe his whole family died when he was a child, and loneliness led him to this field, either for contact or to prove to himself that the afterlife exists so he knows he'll see his family again someday. These points can also come out in the preshow. At some point, he realizes he has a stronger connection to the afterlife as opposed to this one, so why prolong the inevitable he reasons. I do how ever like your idea that he was pushed because they want him to join them. Maybe before jumping he has a change of heart, but then gets pushed.

And while having a crew would help with the stretching room, after thinking about it I prefer the idea that he was a loner. After loosing his family, he got so used to loning it that he couldn't connect emotional or socially with the living.

In terms of the mansion, I was thinking that it would be owned by a shipping tycoon since the land it is in resembles a harbor town. This would explain various international collections and artifacts. Beyond that, I do want a lot of characters like the other mansions, and the use of 'lay lines' would help explain why so many spirits are there.

Oh, I had a great idea. The ride vehicle would enter a room where items are floating and flying about, and then the ride vehicle would feel like it is levitating. Kind of like the spider man ride when your vehicle is flung around the city.

I do like the idea of his family...what if it was his childhood home, and his father was the shipping tycoon? One day, his father brought home an artifact which somehow captured his family's spirits? Idk. Something along those lines. That gives him motivation to do his research in that house. He develops the tech to find his family, and other spirits find out about it, and use it to connect with the human world to try and reach loved ones, etc, and he agrees to help them. Eventually Hartley is able to make a connection with his family, and decides he must join them in the spirit world, so he plans on jumping from the balcony, killing himself. Around the time he finds his family, an evil spirit (the ghost host) possesses the house, traping the souls of every spirit currently trying to connect with Hartley. While on the balcony ready to jump, Hartley is contacted from several spirits begging for help, and he realizes the evil spirit is going to take the souls of his family and the only way he can save them is if he remains living. Saddly, instead of being able to get out of the way, the spirit pushes Hartley off the edge, killing him. It's now up to us to save the souls of all of the spirits the Ghost Host has taken...

Idk, how's that sound?

And I love the idea of the levitation room! This project is really coming along nicely.

EDIT: I just wanna make sure I'm not intruding or you don't think I'm trying to take over your project or whatever hahaha. Anywho...yeah.

Crazy Harry

Active Member
Original Poster
I do like the idea of his family...what if it was his childhood home, and his father was the shipping tycoon? One day, his father brought home an artifact which somehow captured his family's spirits? Idk. Something along those lines. That gives him motivation to do his research in that house. He develops the tech to find his family, and other spirits find out about it, and use it to connect with the human world to try and reach loved ones, etc, and he agrees to help them. Eventually Hartley is able to make a connection with his family, and decides he must join them in the spirit world, so he plans on jumping from the balcony, killing himself. Around the time he finds his family, an evil spirit (the ghost host) possesses the house, traping the souls of every spirit currently trying to connect with Hartley. While on the balcony ready to jump, Hartley is contacted from several spirits begging for help, and he realizes the evil spirit is going to take the souls of his family and the only way he can save them is if he remains living. Saddly, instead of being able to get out of the way, the spirit pushes Hartley off the edge, killing him. It's now up to us to save the souls of all of the spirits the Ghost Host has taken...

Idk, how's that sound?

And I love the idea of the levitation room! This project is really coming along nicely.

EDIT: I just wanna make sure I'm not intruding or you don't think I'm trying to take over your project or whatever hahaha. Anywho...yeah.

You are not intruding at all. I love the feedback and brainstorming I am getting. Just don't get discouraged if I don't always agree with you ;) Even just talking about it and the different angles of the story is really helping. And feel free to tell me when you think I'm wrong and why, I'm open to that sort of thing.

I'll have to think about Hartley's connection to the house. I was thinking that he wouldn't have a direct connection, but it would make sense if he did. However, another angle I was thinking about was that he chose the location simply because of the high levels of activity experienced at the location. It would certainly make his research easier. Also, if the site attracts spirits from around the world (may or may not include this point, may have more to do with the spirits being attached to the artifacts rather than traveling to the mansion) then he might think his family will end up there.

I do like the idea of the spirits being trapped, so I'll have to think about that. However, if they are all trapped, none of them will be 'happy haunts' :cry: :ROFLOL:

However, I'm not so big on the idea of rescuing the trapped souls. No reason why, its a fine idea, just not for me.

Now, your idea about the 'ghost host' pushing Hartley to his death did inspire me. I have imagined a scene in the attic where he materializes and your vehicle is facing him. He then grabs hold of the vehicle, and pushes it out of the attic. This sends the vehicle down a drop and rolling through the haunted forest. If it can be acheived, I would like an AA used for the 'ghost host' using the pepper's ghost effect. Or even just a projection of an AA like in Nemo, but an AA projection instead of CG.

You're right, this is coming along. :sohappy: You are going to be useful :drevil::lol:


Well-Known Member
You are not intruding at all. I love the feedback and brainstorming I am getting. Just don't get discouraged if I don't always agree with you ;) Even just talking about it and the different angles of the story is really helping. And feel free to tell me when you think I'm wrong and why, I'm open to that sort of thing.

I'll have to think about Hartley's connection to the house. I was thinking that he wouldn't have a direct connection, but it would make sense if he did. However, another angle I was thinking about was that he chose the location simply because of the high levels of activity experienced at the location. It would certainly make his research easier. Also, if the site attracts spirits from around the world (may or may not include this point, may have more to do with the spirits being attached to the artifacts rather than traveling to the mansion) then he might think his family will end up there.

I do like the idea of the spirits being trapped, so I'll have to think about that. However, if they are all trapped, none of them will be 'happy haunts' :cry: :ROFLOL:

However, I'm not so big on the idea of rescuing the trapped souls. No reason why, its a fine idea, just not for me.

Now, your idea about the 'ghost host' pushing Hartley to his death did inspire me. I have imagined a scene in the attic where he materializes and your vehicle is facing him. He then grabs hold of the vehicle, and pushes it out of the attic. This sends the vehicle down a drop and rolling through the haunted forest. If it can be acheived, I would like an AA used for the 'ghost host' using the pepper's ghost effect. Or even just a projection of an AA like in Nemo, but an AA projection instead of CG.

You're right, this is coming along. :sohappy: You are going to be useful :drevil::lol:

I'm thinkin I'm likin the idea of the large amounts of activity better...idk, I'm starting to wonder if my backstory was a little too much for 5-8 min attraction, maybe simple is better, and that does the job wonderfully, whether the spirits are attached to the objects (which I think works wonderfully as well) or not. As for the "Happy Haunts", I assumed since this was more of a thrill ride, the haunts wouldn't be nearly as happy...at least not until the end during the grave yard scene, which is when they'd be "set free". I do understand not liking that concept however, as I can see how it may feel a little forced if that makes any sense.
At some point in the attraction I think a meeting with his family should take place (maybe Hartley's spirit will be reunited with them?) and so I think an object connecting him to his family should be included (perhaps he brought it to the mansion himself). I'm also wondering if perhaps somewhere along the line Hartley went insane trying to find his family, and in the begining of the attraction, perhaps it shouldn't be, "LOOK! Ghosts", but rather things that could be ghostly but also could be doubted...does that make sense? That way guests would question whether Hartley actually commited suicide or whether he was pushed off (they'd discover the truth, that he was pushed by the Ghost Host, in the attic when confronted by Hartley's ghost...I love that idea btw).

ps. I'm happy to be used (does that sound weirder than I intended it to?? :lol:) Seriously though I'm extremly happy to help. I'm really enjoying this project alot!

Crazy Harry

Active Member
Original Poster
I'm thinkin I'm likin the idea of the large amounts of activity better...idk, I'm starting to wonder if my backstory was a little too much for 5-8 min attraction, maybe simple is better, and that does the job wonderfully, whether the spirits are attached to the objects (which I think works wonderfully as well) or not. As for the "Happy Haunts", I assumed since this was more of a thrill ride, the haunts wouldn't be nearly as happy...at least not until the end during the grave yard scene, which is when they'd be "set free". I do understand not liking that concept however, as I can see how it may feel a little forced if that makes any sense.
At some point in the attraction I think a meeting with his family should take place (maybe Hartley's spirit will be reunited with them?) and so I think an object connecting him to his family should be included (perhaps he brought it to the mansion himself). I'm also wondering if perhaps somewhere along the line Hartley went insane trying to find his family, and in the begining of the attraction, perhaps it shouldn't be, "LOOK! Ghosts", but rather things that could be ghostly but also could be doubted...does that make sense? That way guests would question whether Hartley actually commited suicide or whether he was pushed off (they'd discover the truth, that he was pushed by the Ghost Host, in the attic when confronted by Hartley's ghost...I love that idea btw).

ps. I'm happy to be used (does that sound weirder than I intended it to?? :lol:) Seriously though I'm extremly happy to help. I'm really enjoying this project alot!

Well, it is good to have the back story fleshed out. It was never my intension to include this many details, but that the details that are included would elude to points of the back story and that having these details figured out will help make sure the attraction makes sense. I think that is what they did for the original Mansion. And less is more to some degree. I think too many explicitly expressed story points would bog the attraction down.

You do bring up a great point though about the tone being different because of the thrill aspects. Because you should feel as though you are being attacked. I'll have to sleep on this because I did not think of it this way. I guess I think of it like the spirits would love for you to join them which would bring them to attack you. And since you were thrown out of the attic, they thought you had died and started celebrating prematurely...maybe that last part is reaching.

I really like the idea of Hartley and his family being reunited. They could be in the graveyard scene. In terms of him going insane, I still like the idea of him becoming so attached to the spirit realm that he questions living any further, which is also eluded to in the beginning narration. Of course, it is arguably insane to kill yourself no matter the reason. In terms of his suicide, I don't think it should ever stated that he didn't do it, but the fact that the ghost host pushes the riders out of the attic might give them suspicions. I'm definetly going for subtle/implied over explicit. In that vein, Hartley would not come out and say that 'ghost host' did it.

And as for activity that could be debunked, I think that idea would go out the window (no pun intended :lol:) with narration by the 'ghost host' and Hartley turning into a skeleton.

I'm enjoying this too. The feedback is awesome, and I don't think I've made this much progress in a long time.


Well-Known Member
And as for activity that could be debunked, I think that idea would go out the window (no pun intended :lol:) with narration by the 'ghost host' and Hartley turning into a skeleton.

Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking...:lol: It musta just been reeeeally late when I posted that...mmhmm, that's it! It was late :animwink:. Aaaaaanywho, I agree I was getting caught up in details, though I do think it's important to have the story fleshed out simply because this attraction relies on the story in a way even the original mansion doesn't. The motive of Hartley and the Ghost Host is what's going to tie the entire attraction together in the end, where as the original HM is nothing more than a tour, and motive isn't really important (though this has changed a little with the inclusion of the new bride I suppose...sorta anyways).

As for the Graveyard scene, what you said does work, though I feel like it is stretchin it just a smidge hahaha. Idk. I think it'd be good to have the majority of ghosts good guys, with only the host as the main villian, and then Hartley as the hero, meaning at the end, where that freaky mini-bride is, I figured Hartley could be thanking you for reuniting him and his family. Of course, then the problem is, why is Hartley, who's supposedly the hero, pushing you out of the balcony? Oh boy here I go again...:hammer:

Crazy Harry

Active Member
Original Poster
Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking...:lol: It musta just been reeeeally late when I posted that...mmhmm, that's it! It was late :animwink:. Aaaaaanywho, I agree I was getting caught up in details, though I do think it's important to have the story fleshed out simply because this attraction relies on the story in a way even the original mansion doesn't. The motive of Hartley and the Ghost Host is what's going to tie the entire attraction together in the end, where as the original HM is nothing more than a tour, and motive isn't really important (though this has changed a little with the inclusion of the new bride I suppose...sorta anyways).

As for the Graveyard scene, what you said does work, though I feel like it is stretchin it just a smidge hahaha. Idk. I think it'd be good to have the majority of ghosts good guys, with only the host as the main villian, and then Hartley as the hero, meaning at the end, where that freaky mini-bride is, I figured Hartley could be thanking you for reuniting him and his family. Of course, then the problem is, why is Hartley, who's supposedly the hero, pushing you out of the balcony? Oh boy here I go again...:hammer:

I guess the way I think about this is this haunted mansion variation should be thought of in a simular light as the others. The others all have stories, and it is obvious in many ways that they have rich stories, but it is up to the rider to fill in many of the pieces. Very little of the story is explicitly explained. Like with the guy hanging in the stretching room and the bride, they were always part of the story even if the rider did not know why. So I still think of this ride as a tour, but maybe a little more of a self guided tour ala Indiana Jones or Dinosaur. But I suppose you are right that there is greater explaination of the story, primarily in the queue where the rider can learn about Hartley if they so choose.

Now, Hartley is not the one pushing you out of the attic, it is the ghost host, just like he did to Hartley, although that will not be stated, that is up to the guest to figure out. And I really don't think of ghost host as a villian, and I don't think I want him chasing people around the mansion, that sounds too much like Darkcaste. After all, he is welcoming the 'foolish mortals' into the mansion in the first place. That doesn't mean he won't push you out a window so you will join their undead party. And just like with the suits of armour, there are likely a few entities in the mansion other than the ghost host that will take a swipe at you or mess with you to amplify the thrill factor.

As far as Hartly being reunited with his family, that will have nothing to do with the actions of the riders, I think that will just happen from him crossing over. But I like the idea at the end of the graveyard scene of Hartley sitting with his family and waving at you. And as for the bride, I haven't decided if she will be in there, but that will likely be part of the story concerning ghost host.


Well-Known Member
I didn't mean to make it sound like the host is chasing you so much, he is certainly welcoming you in, but unlike in other mansions, this host isn't so willing to let you leave. He wants the guests souls as well as the others he's trapped. And as for other spirits that may take a swipe at you, they're simply in on the host's plans and are working with him. Is it just me, or am I getting to into the backstory? :hammer::lol: I don't even know if you wanna take the attraction into this direction.

Anywho, getting back to the attraction itself, have you decided if you wanted the ride to include 3-D technology or not?

EDIT: I'm getting hooked on backstory again, but what if the Ghost Host was somehow associated with Hartley before his death (either through friendship or employment or something along those lines). Perhaps the bride was Hartley's and the Ghost Host (being in love with Hartley's bride) became blinded by his jealousy and in rage killed both Hartley and his wife-to-be. Ok, I'm done now hahaha. I'll try and start coming up with some useful things for tomorrow lol

Crazy Harry

Active Member
Original Poster
I didn't mean to make it sound like the host is chasing you so much, he is certainly welcoming you in, but unlike in other mansions, this host isn't so willing to let you leave. He wants the guests souls as well as the others he's trapped. And as for other spirits that may take a swipe at you, they're simply in on the host's plans and are working with him. Is it just me, or am I getting to into the backstory? :hammer::lol: I don't even know if you wanna take the attraction into this direction.

Anywho, getting back to the attraction itself, have you decided if you wanted the ride to include 3-D technology or not?

EDIT: I'm getting hooked on backstory again, but what if the Ghost Host was somehow associated with Hartley before his death (either through friendship or employment or something along those lines). Perhaps the bride was Hartley's and the Ghost Host (being in love with Hartley's bride) became blinded by his jealousy and in rage killed both Hartley and his wife-to-be. Ok, I'm done now hahaha. I'll try and start coming up with some useful things for tomorrow lol

I'm not sure I really like the idea of the ghost host trapping the souls because this would make him a villian which I really don't see, its more about ghosts being attracted to the area because of the lay lines/electromagnetic energy. And if you look at the other mansions, there is a theme of wanting you to join with lines like "there's room for a thousand, any volunteers?" or "be sure to bring your death certificate if you design to join us". In this one, they just try a little harder.

And I admire your enthusiasim. You are very rapped up in the story. I think I will include a mummy in the attraction in honor of your contributions :lol:. But as far as connecting Hartley to the ghost host and bride...um...no. In honor of The Price is Right, "that's too much" :lol:

I think we're pretty good on story at this point, at least where Hartley is concern, but if you have any epiphanies feel free to throw down. I thik what I'm really looking for now is story for the mansion pre Hartley and show scenes.

And as far as 3-d I'm still not sure. I guess I would like to do it without 3-d but may not acheive what I want without it. I think I'm still leaning no. I want to go for more tangible effects rather than video screen stuff and 3-d. Also, I'm really trying to avoid parelells to Darkcastle if you could not tell.

EDIT: SO, the more I think about ghost host holding the other ghosts captive, the more I am intrigued by it. Spirits have been known to do that, although I think it is usually more demonic, and we don't want that for DB. Maybe he just doesn't want to let go of ones who don't want to stay while most spirits flock to this location. You could also tie in ghost host's lonliness having to do with his wife leaving him or dying. I guess it is just about balancing all of the details so it flows and doesn't feel clunky, but I do like where all this is going. And as to a connection between ghost host and Hartley, maybe a minor connection, but they will be from different eras, so direct connection is out of the picture.

Crazy Harry

Active Member
Original Poster
Hey comics 101, I was thinking about your trapped souls idea. It could be like a gym; some people want to be there and others regret joining but can't get out of their membership :lol: .

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